#GTvsDUKE Postgame


Helluva Engineer
What’s to stop me from just muffing a punt through the back of the end zone on every punt within the 5? I’ll throw that sucker through the uprights instead of fair catching it.

If you throw it, you have possession. Then it’s a safety. Also if you “muff it” on purpose to try and get a touchback, there’s always the chance the opposing player could get back to the ball before you do and then you give up a TD.


Ramblin' Wreck
Nothing wrong with passion either way. I’d rather have passion either way than many that just mentally check out, bury their head, or “forget”they are playing.


Ramblin' Wreck
Seattle, WA
They explained the rule on the radio. Apparently a muff does not establish possession on a punt.
I need to see a replay to analyze it, but here’s what I’ve pieced together from looking up the rules:

If the returner called a fair catch before muffing it, it’s a fumble by the receiving team. Possession was established via fair catch followed by contact with the ball. In that case, the result of the play in would be a safety if it’s recovered in the end zone by the receiving team after the muffed fair catch.

If there was no fair catch signaled, then possession has not been established by the muff, and it’s simply treated as a kick that can be recovered by either team but not advanced. So if it crosses the receiving goal line after the muff (and neither team has established possession), it’s treated like a punt that happened to bounce really strangely. And that’s why it’s a touchback.


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Helluva Engineer
Retired Staff
I was thinking after our next to last possession when JS missed the wide open TE by throwing off of his back foot that I was ready to turn the reigns over to JY. I am hopeful that that last drive helps Sims to really turn the corner.

When our Irish kid hit the 22 yard punt I was tearing my hair out and lamenting the loss of Percy Harvin. Then that kid hits a 70+ yarder and a 50+ yarder back to back and I am singing his praises from the rooftop of my home.

Is there anything crazier or wosres for one's health than watching 18-20 year old boys play football?


Ramblin' Wreck
Seattle, WA
What’s to stop me from just muffing a punt through the back of the end zone on every punt within the 5? I’ll throw that sucker through the uprights instead of fair catching it.
In order to throw it, you have to catch it first, which establishes possession. So throwing it out the back of the end zone would be equivalent to catching it and fumbling it there. Thus a safety.

If you “accidentally” knock it out the back of the end zone without catching it, it would be a touchback as long as you sell the “accidental” part convincingly enough, which probably gets harder the more you do it because it. At a certain point, the ref is gonna have a hard time believing you just so happened to muff the ball out of the back of the end zone 5 times in a row unintentionally.

If you don’t catch the punt, and you very clearly knock the ball into your own end zone intentionally without catching it, you would incur an Illegal Batting penalty.


Helluva Engineer
The game day chat is ridiculous. We all, I'm sure, see some of the same issues, and would like to see them fixed.

That chat is toxic.
To be fair, you’re getting knee jerk reactions from everyone in real time. I myself admit to being dramatic as hell in there but hey, I’m passionate and kinda crazy.

I’m toxic on game days as well. Ask my wife.


Helluva Engineer
Literally anyone can spot our flaws. Our coaching does nothing to mask the flaws or take advantage of what talent we have. Yes, we won but it was genuinely brutal to watch. I love GT and the kids fight like hell, but seeing the same plays beat us in the red zone and the same play calls on offense that don’t work is frustrating. Can we win more games this year.... maybe, but it will be an uphill battle.