#GTvsDUKE - Not all heroes wear capes


Get-Bak! Coach
Featured Member
Watching the replay. Unsung hero alert. Anybody notice the #get-bak! coach feverishly holding back the cresting tide of players, coaches, and other personnel spilling onto the field after the GWTD?

While our collective gazes were affixed to what can only be described as the finnest air-banjo solo since the ACC ball title game, the ref was reaching, ever so subtly, at his lonesome flag. The gb coach knew it was his time to shine.

Clad in a hotpink polo. 'GT' boldly emblazoned across the right of his barrel chest. Legs outstretched, stressing the limits of his shimmery chinos, his arms agape.

With every ounce of his being, that young man kept the Jackets from drawing that flag that would've, could've, should've given the devils just a few. more. yards to aid their comeback attempt.

I see you, gbc. Through teary eyes .... I see you, brother. You da real mvp .... :cry:


Staff member
Watching the replay. Unsung hero alert. Anybody notice the #get-bak! coach feverishly holding back the cresting tide of players, coaches, and other personnel spilling onto the field after the GWTD?

While our collective gazes were affixed to what can only be described as the finnest air-banjo solo since the ACC ball title game, the ref was reaching, ever so subtly, at his lonesome flag. The gb coach knew it was his time to shine.

Clad in a hotpink polo. 'GT' boldly emblazoned across the right of his barrel chest. Legs outstretched, stressing the limits of his shimmery chinos, his arms agape.

With every ounce of his being, that young man kept the Jackets from drawing that flag that would've, could've, should've given the devils just a few. more. yards to aid their comeback attempt.

I see you, gbc. Through teary eyes .... I see you, brother. You da real mvp .... :cry:
In the Lore of GT Sports, this page (tear drop stained as it may be) has been written. Bless you GBCs everywhere!


Staff member
Augusta, Georgia
Watching the replay. Unsung hero alert. Anybody notice the #get-bak! coach feverishly holding back the cresting tide of players, coaches, and other personnel spilling onto the field after the GWTD?

While our collective gazes were affixed to what can only be described as the finnest air-banjo solo since the ACC ball title game, the ref was reaching, ever so subtly, at his lonesome flag. The gb coach knew it was his time to shine.

Clad in a hotpink polo. 'GT' boldly emblazoned across the right of his barrel chest. Legs outstretched, stressing the limits of his shimmery chinos, his arms agape.

With every ounce of his being, that young man kept the Jackets from drawing that flag that would've, could've, should've given the devils just a few. more. yards to aid their comeback attempt.

I see you, gbc. Through teary eyes .... I see you, brother. You da real mvp .... :cry:

I have to say I am a bit disappointed in you. While your eye may have been drawn to the diligent soul in the hot pink polo preventing potential penalty peril, you completely missed the other hero to his left also working to get our guys back to the sideline. Since he was not as gaudily attired, he could have slipped into the backgrounds unnoticed. It is up to us to prevent such a travesty. I salute them both!



Helluva Engineer
Retired Staff
I have to say I am a bit disappointed in you. While your eye may have been drawn to the diligent soul in the hot pink polo preventing potential penalty peril, you completely missed the other hero to his left also working to get our guys back to the sideline. Since he was not as gaudily attired, he could have slipped into the backgrounds unnoticed. It is up to us to prevent such a travesty. I salute them both!

View attachment 11421
I'm with you....give me the guy who does his job without drawing attention to himself vs. the prima donna, show boat-y types any day of the week. Notice the difference in form? The yeoman is perfectly squared up with arms parallel to the sidelines and fully extended. Weight evenly distributed. Head's on a swivel. Nobody is getting around our unsung hero. The hot dog on the right? Off balance, eyes and vision are off center and both feet not planted with weight on his heels. Even his arms are not fully extended, thus reducing his effective reach radius. Yes he is visible...and gaudy and getting attention. I ask you, which of the two would be easier to evade if you were intent on getting onto the field and drawing a penalty? Even for get bak coaches, film don't lie.


Staff member
Guys like you @4shotB and @Augusta_Jacket are why the Gods gave us mortals the notion of buying a round of bourbon for someone else.

You have done the Institute, and this board, an immeasurable service. To highlight the form, the grace, the understated elegance of our mystery GBC in Gold is the highest calling for a true Internet Keyboard Assassin.

The poetic prose shown here: " diligent soul in the hot pink polo preventing potential penalty peril" smacks of an appointment as a National Poet Laureate. The way our guys broke down the tape, and showed the eye discipline and body control of the Golden Tornado protecting the flats from the blemish of that most putrid share of gold, the mustard flag of dismay, was an act of true, and measured, valor.

I salute you both. Huzzah and BullyBully and all that jazz my jolly good fellow HelluvaEngineers!


Get-Bak! Coach
Featured Member
I have to say I am a bit disappointed in you. While your eye may have been drawn to the diligent soul in the hot pink polo preventing potential penalty peril, you completely missed the other hero to his left also working to get our guys back to the sideline. Since he was not as gaudily attired, he could have slipped into the backgrounds unnoticed. It is up to us to prevent such a travesty. I salute them both!

View attachment 11421

Listen, I know you gentlemen aren't versed in the arts of 'get-bak-ery', so you know not what you see. You are forgiven, verily.

It's clear to those in "the business" that the nattily clad warrior only donned such visible attire to ensure his charges would show no hesitation in heeding his sideline warnings.

To enshroud himself in the white or gold could cost him even a scintilla of a second whilst some wayward young soul ponders the question, "Who dis?" before realizing he's strayed too far past the point of no return. LivesYards were saved that day due, in no small part, to GBC shirt selection.

Chide his wardrobe selection if you will but know, real GBC's know wassup. In the immortal words of renowned philosopher, JT the Bigga Figga .... "game recognize game".

the Bigga Figga, JT. "Game Recognize Game". Playaz N the Game - Get Low Recordz, 1993

+10 points for proper MLA song reference?

I'm with you....give me the guy who does his job without drawing attention to himself vs. the prima donna, show boat-y types any day of the week. Notice the difference in form? The yeoman is perfectly squared up with arms parallel to the sidelines and fully extended. Weight evenly distributed. Head's on a swivel. Nobody is getting around our unsung hero. The hot dog on the right? Off balance, eyes and vision are off center and both feet not planted with weight on his heels. Even his arms are not fully extended, thus reducing his effective reach radius. Yes he is visible...and gaudy and getting attention. I ask you, which of the two would be easier to evade if you were intent on getting onto the field and drawing a penalty? Even for get bak coaches, film don't lie.

I ask that you not sully the man's reputation based on a snapshot in time. Review the tape, in it's entirety, and re-consider.

I suspect a fuller recounting shall shed new light and embiggen your conception of our colorful compartiot.

Perchance, as the first responder, proper technique gave way to the severity of the situation in that split second captured by AugJ's candid.


Get-Bak! Coach
Featured Member
Guys like you @4shotB and @Augusta_Jacket are why the Gods gave us mortals the notion of buying a round of bourbon for someone else.

You have done the Institute, and this board, an immeasurable service. To highlight the form, the grace, the understated elegance of our mystery GBC in Gold is the highest calling for a true Internet Keyboard Assassin.

The poetic prose shown here: " diligent soul in the hot pink polo preventing potential penalty peril" smacks of an appointment as a National Poet Laureate. The way our guys broke down the tape, and showed the eye discipline and body control of the Golden Tornado protecting the flats from the blemish of that most putrid share of gold, the mustard flag of dismay, was an act of true, and measured, valor.

I salute you both. Huzzah and BullyBully and all that jazz my jolly good fellow HelluvaEngineers!

Mods faces after these past few posts ...



Staff member
Augusta, Georgia
Ahh, but my post did not denigrate the neon wardrobe choices of the GBC you refer to, nor did I say he was not a hero in his own right, I merely pointed out that you had overlooked the hero to his left, and his omission of ostentatious outerwear was likely the reason you did so.

However, in reviewing the entire film, you will see that the man on the left showed much more poise and technique in his duties.


Above we see him assessing the situation while the pink clad coach has his back to the action.
Above the pink clad GBC is turned away from the crowd and merely yelling, while our hero to the left is actively preventing an overeager player from costing us 15 yards.

Note how our hero to the left is placed to observe the entire scene, while the other GBC is looking off into the stands.

Finally, after all the hard work by the GBC on the left, our guy in pink turns around just in time to get noticed.


Ahh, but my post did not denigrate the neon wardrobe choices of the GBC you refer to, nor did I say he was not a hero in his own right, I merely pointed out that you had overlooked the hero to his left, and his omission of ostentatious outerwear was likely the reason you did so.

However, in reviewing the entire film, you will see that the man on the left showed much more poise and technique in his duties.

View attachment 11422
Above we see him assessing the situation while the pink clad coach has his back to the action. View attachment 11423 Above the pink clad GBC is turned away from the crowd and merely yelling, while our hero to the left is actively preventing an overeager player from costing us 15 yards.
View attachment 11424
Note how our hero to the left is placed to observe the entire scene, while the other GBC is looking off into the stands.
View attachment 11425
Finally, after all the hard work by the GBC on the left, our guy in pink turns around just in time to get noticed.
is that Coach Lew?


Get-Bak! Coach
Featured Member
@Augusta_Jacket your film study is impetuous. Your defense (of GBC-left) is impregnable. You are ferocious in stating your case**.

I concur with your original point, which is that both these fine professionals deserve salutations.

I shall take my pants size down 2 sizes from now on in tribute.

** 10 cool points if anyone knows the reference.


Helluva Engineer
Atlanta GA
@Augusta_Jacket your film study is impetuous. Your defense (of GBC-left) is impregnable. You are ferocious in stating your case**.

I concur with your original point, which is that both these fine professionals deserve salutations.

I shall take my pants size down 2 sizes from now on in tribute.

** 10 cool points if anyone knows the reference.
when you are done with your pants size, you might want to work on your head size, or else…


;);) of course…


Staff member
@Augusta_Jacket your film study is impetuous. Your defense (of GBC-left) is impregnable. You are ferocious in stating your case**.

I concur with your original point, which is that both these fine professionals deserve salutations.

I shall take my pants size down 2 sizes from now on in tribute.

** 10 cool points if anyone knows the reference.
I feel compelled to share a brief quotation, so oft remembered in the honored circle of the GBC, from the original rough riding man himself who also loved the value of a true GBC.

It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles (while wearing flamingo pink), or where the doer of deeds could have done them better (via well articulated points and gloriously yellow overlaid drawings on live footage). The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena (in pink or gold), whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms (but tells the boys to calm the Heck down), the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement (while missing the action on the field behind him to keep the boys in white and gold on the side), and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat (nor the joy of saying, “Get-Bak”).

He could have equally been talking about another noble sir who may have kept tigers and also may have caused the wolf pack some problems.

zach galifianakis GIF
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Helluva Engineer
Retired Staff
Oriental, NC
I feel compelled to share a brief quotation, so oft remembered in the honored circle of the GBC, from the original rough riding man himself who also loved the value of a true GBC.

It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles (while wearing flamingo pink), or where the doer of deeds could have done them better (via well articulated points and gloriously yellow overlaid drawings on live footage). The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena (in pink or gold), whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms (but tells the boys to calm the Heck down), the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement (while missing the action on the field behind him to keep the boys in white and gold on the side), and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat (nor the joy of saying, “Get-Bak”).

He could have equally been talking about another noble sir who may have kept tigers and also may have caused the wolf pack some problems.

zach galifianakis GIF
Teddy Roosevelt -> attribution is important.