GT @ VT prediction thread


Helluva Engineer
GT 23

Sorry, but right now I have no faith in our D. I seriously hope I am wrong. Also, JT is only starting his 4th game. Ever. He will be a great one, but I expect some poor games from him this year while he learns and matures. I hope I am wrong again. But this is what my brain is telling me.


Helluva Engineer
Somehow I picture us going ahead with less than two minutes to go, then VT gets the ball back and I'm literally shaking thinking not again......
that could happen Cheesie and I hope it does not.........hard to tackle and block from my recliner ! VT starts off quick we are in trouble but if we start off .........well then its a ball game.


Helluva Engineer
that could happen Cheesie and I hope it does not.........hard to tackle and block from my recliner ! VT starts off quick we are in trouble but if we start off .........well then its a ball game.
I'm afraid of the opposite of how we came out for the second half of Ga So. I'm afraid we'll be too amped up and make a bunch of nervous mistakes.

AE 87

Helluva Engineer
I have no idea. Usually by Friday, I've talked myself into reasons for optimism. The bottom line for this year seems to be that we just haven't put together an impressive game yet. It's hard to be optimistic that we'll do it against VPI when we haven't done it against lesser competition.

That being said, our strength is O and weakness is D, and the opposite is true for VPI. I'm hopeful that our O breaks thru more often than theirs. 28-20, GT


Helluva Engineer
North Shore, Chicago
I think we're a young team in many ways this year, and that's shown itself in that we've played to the level of our competition. With the exception of a 4-minute period in the 4th quarter of the GSU game, the first three games never seemed in question to me. Yes, teams we should have pulled away from kept it close, but the outcome was never really in doubt (I got a little scared when we had to punt after going down by 3 to GSU and they started to drive).

All that being said, I think we will play to the level of VPI and it will be a close game. That's probably going to be almost all the games this year, which is good and bad. It's good that we'll be in most every game we play, but bad for my heart and stress level. Good thing I live in Chicago and can easily isolate myself from any discussion or reminder of poor performances if I want to. I feel for all of you that have to go to church on Sunday or work on Monday and deal with the abuse.


Helluva Engineer
Fernandina Beach, Florida
I typically have a feel (right or wrong) one way or the other before games, I don't on this one.

I'm hoping, CPJ and CTR are very smart and have purposely held back these first three games, may be a stretch, not sure.

Anyway, my heart says (and BTW that's why I don't gamble) ...

GT 31
VT 21


Helluva Engineer
33-27 GT

We'll be in fear of them taking a 1 point victory for most of the 4th quarter but the defense holds


Helluva Engineer
Columbia, SC
I share the concerns about the defense, young team, young QB, nerves for the conference opener etc, all of which resonate as a probable loss, but that last drive against GSU makes me think this one may be different. I am going to focus on that last under pressure drive against GSU. Tech wins!


Jolly Good Fellow
38-10 good guys. Defense steps up and the o line is much more composed on varying snap counts (which killed us last year).


Helluva Engineer
Featured Member
Williamsburg Virginia
So that's 7 TDs unless you're a weenie ;p

I was drinking Bud Lights back in 2009 when we beat FSU with 7 TDs. I arranged the bottles with a vertical football in the middle to look like an ACC Champ trophy after the game. Today it's 6.0% ABV Octoberfest, so I don't think I want to go there ..... but I'll have help at our game watching.


Fwiw....both defenses have shown some troubling vulnerabilities, both teams have young QBs who have made some mistakes. Many of our concerns today should be shared by our opposition. Our QB > their QB...we win today.