GT - ND postgame thread


Jolly Good Fellow
Learn something about FB strategy (depending on who you are frustrated with)

ND's secondary was squatting looking at the QB the entire time waiting to break on passes for INTs or big hits on our WRs

The reason:

Out OLine was so overmatched ND's secondary had no fear of getting beat deep because the time it takes for a deep pass route to develop would take more time than our overmatched OLine can give to our QB, guess what else, our TE is so slow and so outmanned athletically that ND could man up in him and fly like hell to the flats to cover Gibbs out of the backfield and get to him almost at the same time as Sims' passes

For those that don't understand Big Boy CFB, ND never had to "play us honestly on Defense" because we were so outmanned on the OLine

For those that need a primer on Pwr5 CFB strategy, here is rule #1 - Recruiting is responsible for 80% of a HC's success, #2 - Blocking & Tackling is the only runner up to rule #1

All you guys talking about what Sims missed or what miracle play the HC & OC didn't call, just don't understand what Brent Key calls " Big Boy FB"

What happens in both Trenches is what determines how your opponent plays you, right now Teams don't have to play us honestly because we are woefully overmatched at the most critical position Groups on the Field
Well stated. I have said on several occasions, that we are overmatched and undersized on not OL and DL. It will take a couple of recruiting classes to get the size and talent we need. This is the crux of the argument about the transition from the TO which alot fail to grasp or flatout deny.


Helluva Engineer
I think some of you guys are a little harsh on Patenaude's playcalling. What play calls in particular upset you? The 4th and 2 stands out but it was a nice misdirection play that would work if you didn't have 11 5* All-ACC defensive players crashing the backfield. I didn't particularly like that we came out of the timeout in the same formation (same playcall?) after giving them a look but iiwii. Maybe a streak was the right call but I think we can all agree that'd be a big balls call for 4th and 2 that would have opened him up to even more criticism if it failed. If that's what you're looking for out of him, fair, but you need to accept the plays when they work and accept them when they don't work. At least he didn't pound the ball right up the middle out of that tight singleback formation.

I also think Patenaude called the game too afraid of another Clemson. He didn't let Jeff unleash his arm until the 2nd half and then Sims instantly completed a 40 yarder when he did. We needed to be more aggressive to give us a chance to win - that's why you play the game (and it would be nice to get Sims more reps to learn from).

Ultimately I do like Patenaude, didn't think that was his best game but every game can't and won't be your best. I look forward to him calling a better game against a more winnable Pitt in a couple weeks. I feel poorly called games from Patenaude are more the exception than the rule after a season and a half.


Helluva Engineer
OK, I'll play along:

Tell me what you see when you watch our Team?

Cause if you plan on saying generic BS like "bad coaching", that won't work

I watch a tons of CFB on Saturdays and from what I see, Clemson-Bama-Ohio State don't run different plays than the rest of us with horrible W-L Records, in fact they run the same friggin ' plays, they just run them with much better Players with much strong Lines on both sides of the Ball

To quote former NY Giants HC Jim Fassell, "there are no geniuses in the Coaching business, you have a bunch of P.E. Majors coaching other P.E. Majors"

Too many GT Fans like you act as if " genius coaching" is some magic elixir that can be sprinkled on outmanned Talent and then miracles will happen on Game Day

You might as well hope for the GT version of "Angels in the Outfield" if that's what you believe

How is “bad coaching” any more generic than “our players don’t care about football enough!!”?

Your take is no more enlightened than anyone else on this board, buddy.


Helluva Engineer
Then stop watching and commenting on here if that’s the case. Go enjoy your life.

How you feel is how 95% of the fan base felt the last 2 years of Johnson. Honestly the last 4. 2016 was great because we beat the dwags, but myself and most others knew that meant we were stuck with him for a few more years knowing what that meant.

I don’t enjoy watching us lose every week, but I’m smart enough to set realistic expectations. You obviously didn’t and now you’re so bothered by it that you don’t care so much you complain about it constantly on here and oline for the TO like it’s some magic bullet. It’s not anymore. It can help us beat average teams and lose by less to good teams.

It’s not coming back. My suggestion is take a year and a half off and come back when Sims is a junior and we have a legit OL and DL. We will be better next year, but my guess is 6-7 wins max. 2022 is the year we will be competitive within the ACC and have a chance to pick off somebody like ND.

Are you smarter than Coach Collins? You say you’re smart enough to have realistic expectations. He said we were going bowling this year. That’s what I was expecting because he said so. I’m holding him to his own damn word.


Staff member
What “issues”? He missed one FG and never saw the field again.
It was discussed to death and back last year. Even in warmups he was inaccurate. Search the board—you’ll find the observations. I don’t know what happened, but something seems to have happened.
If there was anything automatic or safe, with everything this coaching staff has been dealing with the last two years, don’t you think they’d just let that safe part ride and spend their time on the other stuff?
This is one of my heartaches with this staff. Gibbs is a good player and he’s likely to have an outstanding career on the Flats, but he’s not even our best RB. If I was Mason, I’d be pissed. We don’t even use him in situations it’s clear to damn near everyone he’s the best option. In fact sometimes Gibbs is the 3rd best option and we still leave him

Mason is a good player, but Gibbs is a clearly notch or 2 above him in terms of pure Talent and game-breaking ability

Gibbs is an Alvin Kamara level Talent, Mason is just a guy that might make an NFL Roster, in fact if they both make an NFL roster Mason will be the guy that has to cover KOs & Punts to make the Team, Gibbs won't have to do any of that

I like both but they're at different levels Talent wise


Ramblin' Wreck
Ehh... I think 2022 is im perfect conditions. Barring injuries transfers and coaches leaving like Choice or Key. This can very easily be a 6-7 win program under Collins as it has been for all coaches. We may land 20-30 ranked classes and still max out at 8 wins. My expectations are that the hype is cool, branding is cool, but what sells a brand better than anything actually winning national championships. I do not see that with Collins. The idea that all good coordinators make good coaches just because they care and try really hard is completely idiotic. Collins will eventually end up at Bama, or Clemson or Ohio state as a d coordinator where he honestly belongs. Can he be a Dabo? If we had the funding. To be a Dabo he has to get clemson, bama, ohio state, ND, fsu, Florida type money. Money matters. More than people think.

The whole little engine that could crap is annoying. Either they need to start brainwashing these foreign kids that come to GT for academics that football is their only way to a degree and donating is a must to being a good American or we are screwed. Most alumni are "smart" with their money and penny pinch. We don't have the fanbase of people who make 20-40k a year but buy 3-5k worth of GT merchandise/tickets/donations. Uga is swimming in that glory pot. Every trailer park in ga has uga gear loaded up. Their checks go to cigarettes, cheap piss beer, and a new uga hat or polo so they can look "fAnCy" for their date with Betty Sue at the local waffle house. Then once they get serious they SAVE UP to go to a uga game and sit 2 rows from the top of the stadium.

We don't have dedication like that. There is a reason why Clemson, bama, and uga have what they have, they have convinced thousands or hundreds of thousands to buy into their program and to live for their programs.

I see it all the time. Local gas stations where the guy will be about 5'10 130lbs soaking wet, 45 years old but looks 70. Buying a case of cigarettes, and natty light, yelling go dwags. He has uga stickers all over his 94 olds mobile that wreaks of smoke, and drives off saying THIS IS THE YEAR!

Coming from working at a sporting goods store in college I have seen several parents come in and put uga merchandise on a layaway type program and then come in the week of Christmas to pick and choose what they can afford of the $75 dollars worth of uga stuff. I eventually asked a couple if they go to the games, and they said yes they try to when they can save up to take the family (which is understandable having 2-3 kids. 5 tickets is expensive for anyone for 3 hours of possible entertainment). I then asked were they alumni? They said no. So I asked do they donate to the program? Or are they just big sidewalk fans.

The guy mentioned they send a $500 dollar check to the uga football program every Christmas as a gift to his kids and the family in hopes it helps them win next year. He mentioned that uga football is their entire life, and he wants uga the dog sketched on his tombstone when he dies.

This man NEVER ATTENDED uga.

We DO NOT have that type of dedication in this fanbase. The blindly giving away of money.

Thats what it takes. Thousands of people buying into a program and the program being what they base their life around.
I agree with a lot of what you said about the Bama’s, OSU’s, and dwags of the world. We won’t ever have that type of following.

What I think we can have is support from transports to Atlanta (which is frequent). How do you do that? By making Bobby Dodd a fun place to go see a game, bringing in good to great players that are fun to watch, and running a style of offense that is attractive to non GT fans.

It takes time to build this and the wins will come. if they don’t, whoever replaces Collins will be walking into a much better situation personal wise than he walked into and the GT brand will have some cachè too.

The issue I have with you post is the bolder part. We haven’t won a national a championship since 1990. That was never going to happen running the TO. We had a chance when Paul first got here, but the game changed a lot during his time and he couldn’t keep up (not bashing his coaching acumen, his lack of care for recruiting did him in).

That being said, who do you think can take us to the national championship? You have to have great players to do that. The only reason 14 and 16 were so good is because of JT. If Paul didn’t bring him in (and kudos to him for doing so), our record under him would’ve been potentially below .500 in ACC play.


Helluva Engineer
Mason is a good player, but Gibbs is a clearly notch or 2 above him in terms of pure Talent and game-breaking ability

Gibbs is an Alvin Kamara level Talent, Mason is just a guy that might make an NFL Roster, in fact if they both make an NFL roster Mason will be the guy that has to cover KOs & Punts to make the Team, Gibbs won't have to do any of that

I like both but they're at different levels Talent wise

Gibbs upside is definitely higher, but Mason averaged almost a whole extra yard per carry last year with a much worse OL. Don’t sleep on Mason. It really isn’t that crazy to claim Mason is the better player right now, but he’s a junior versus a true freshman.


Ramblin' Wreck
Or instead of moving to this vanilla offense, which will never succeed, you run something like Georgia Southern or Coastal Carolina a few years to transition. Or stay with that. I think the Coastal staff looks pretty good, maybe after next year we can get them here.
Sure thing! Right after next season is over. Then we pay GC salary for the next 4 years as well as paying a new coaching staff. In case you haven't been paying attention to Stansbury , Tech is going to take a big hit on sports revenues this year as well as next year. Tech might flat line if covid restrictions continue.