Great read


Helluva Engineer
Interesting and a good look.

However, can not help but remember GP building from the D up.

Yes but that' not the pount. As mad as I was yesterday and still am today. There are very few schools who will win 10 games every year. Not a competitor if you don' expect to win every game. But I'd also like to hit the lottery every week. Neither will ever happen.
So being that old time Tech fan and thinking CPJ is a great coach. I am going to hit this from a different perspective. I am reading all the naysayers to either get rid of CPJ or have him adapt his offense.
In 2013 he adapted. We ran shotgun, diamond, and every other non CPJ thing. And our offense sucked. I wrote CPJ an email, he does read them, and told him quit selling out to stupid fans. Go back to your pure offense and quit throwing and all that other garbage. I felt he read it because in 2014, gone were diamonds, shotgun etc and we were back to CPJ, Rocket toss, TO, counter option etc. We won 11 games, with a first time QB.

For the last four games, I don't recognize this offense. I did not see a single TO, counter option, 2 rocket tosses. We sort of look like Louisville right now. The A backs are gone because we are not pitching the ball to them or running A back counters. Our passes are all 4o yards down field. Yea when it worked great, but Marshall had a lot of negative yards yesterday. Did we score points sure, but how many time killing bone crunching drives did we have. At Wake it worked but not at Clemson. We need to get back to his offense.

Also yesterday our punting was terrible and kick coverage was awful. That helped in our loss yesterday.
Let's get back to CPJ and the Flex Bone attack.
Ummmmmmm doesn’t CPJ fall the plays so who is at fault then
Yes, but like all coaches and play callers, and people for that ,matter, sometimes they lose sight of who they are and what they should be doing.
By the way to add to my comment. Each team had 17 drives yesterday. That isn't CPJ Football and with that many drives, looking back our Defense was no the problem.


Helluva Engineer
Yes, but like all coaches and play callers, and people for that ,matter, sometimes they lose sight of who they are and what they should be doing.
By the way to add to my comment. Each team had 17 drives yesterday. That isn't CPJ Football and with that many drives, looking back our Defense was no the problem.
Gotta disagree. The offense isn’t the usual offense because we don’t have a QB who can effectively execute CPJ’s offense.

I don’t understand why that’s the case, but clearly CPJ does not believe this team can execute his offense. So, the reads are gone, the options are gone, and CPJ has tried to simplify it all for his QB. Hasn’t worked. At all.


Helluva Engineer
Gotta disagree. The offense isn’t the usual offense because we don’t have a QB who can effectively execute CPJ’s offense.

I don’t understand why that’s the case, but clearly CPJ does not believe this team can execute his offense. So, the reads are gone, the options are gone, and CPJ has tried to simplify it all for his QB. Hasn’t worked. At all.

he may not be calling certain plays because we can't block em. And some of the ones he is calling also aren't getting blocked. That's not just a line thing. A backs gotta block too. I think right now the most consistent and effective blocking is coming from the wide receivers.
We have been keeping a B back and an A back in for pass protection a lot too. Taquon is looking downfield, probably too much, but he has them as outlets. I rewatched some of yesterday's game and we did run some intermediate and short routes but they got covered, it appears.
We're a read, a tipped pass and then a tackle away from being 7-1. We have a small margin of error and we've crossed that line a few too many times. Meanwhile, teams with supposedly larger margins for error are even in worse shape. I'm looking at you, FSU and Florida. And Tennessee.
This year's team has to find a way to win a close one. A play, a play call ... a gork, a ground ball, a ground ball "with eyes" ... something.

All this handwringing over the state of the program is just an invite to a circular firing squad. The program is fine. The team, though, needs to find that edge to finish strong. We lost three straight last year and that season ended up OK.


I think you guys are way over-reacting! Georgia Tech Football & CPJ, CTR are all doing well! We only have 15 RS SR & True SR on the roster.... Let me say that again... we only have 15 Srs on this team.... How many of the seniors actually start... 10... so what I am trying to say is that despite losing our OB QB, and losing our two main BBs via transfer and dismissal.... a lot of folks had us losing all our games when Mills was dismissed...We have a pretty young team in key spots.. (QB, BB, Center) ...Oh and add AJ Gray, Brant Mitchell, Andrew Marshall injuries and we have been dealing with depth issues..

So are we back to 2015, nope this team does not quit. I have not seen a game that we just quite this year, was Clemson ugly... Yes, ...but the other games we were all in, the ball just didn't bounce our way....

We have three games left and maybe a bowl game... We have a brutal schedule ( I like the schedule), we have a new Center, QB, BB on offense.... While we have not won three close...winnable games, our team did not quit!!! Does anyone find it interesting that we are 4-0 at home and 0-4 away??? That tells me we are learning how to finish games...

Lets see how we finish.... and lets remember everyone was giving up on the team when Mills was dismissed... The team has been in every game except the Clemson Game...

I for one think we can compete with all three teams left on the schedule, starts with VPI saturday! Go Jackets!!


Helluva Engineer
I think you guys are way over-reacting! Georgia Tech Football & CPJ, CTR are all doing well! We only have 15 RS SR & True SR on the roster....

Take a look at the starters man. Our defense is going to turn over next year...especially the secondary. I don’t see any way that unit improves or even holds to the level they’re at now with how many new faces we will see.

I’m not saying we aren’t overreacting, but saying that we are young ain’t exactly the best argument.


Take a look at the starters man. Our defense is going to turn over next year...especially the secondary. I don’t see any way that unit improves or even holds to the level they’re at now with how many new faces we will see.

I’m not saying we aren’t overreacting, but saying that we are young ain’t exactly the best argument.
Really... maybe breaking in a new QB, BB and center doesn't matter... we have depth in the DB.... AJ Gray, Christian Campbell, jalen johnso. and Lamont Simmons all come back...along with the others...but somehow we are doomed...hmm interesting..


Helluva Engineer
Columbia, SC
Lost star Bback and backup Bback and two experienced O linemen before the year started, have a brutal schedule, replaced starting QB, lost several games by a hair, only clearly beaten by one of the best teams in the country (and last years national champ), fewer resources/funding than most competitors, relatively small fan base, difficulty recruiting, limited majors, tough academics etc. etc.

Yep it’s obviously the coaches. Fire them and all will be well.


Jolly Good Fellow
Just venting, so please feel free to ignore. And BTW, I'm a fan of CPJ, I appreciate his offense when executed well, and I believe it's a far better for Tech than others, given Tech's recruiting limitations.

That said, the loss this past weekend was about the most painful one I've witnessed since that monstrosity of a loss in 2012 against MTSU. Ugh.

Frankly, I expected better from the o-line this season (and yes, I realize preseason attrition and injuries during the season are factors), and also expected better from the secondary in general.

When it's 4th-and-forever, and a long pass completion or Hail Mary is needed, and your QB has been running for his life all game and getting caught way too often -- I just do not understand why, in that specific scenario, that having the QB in the pistol or shotgun isn't done. (I believe that once this year CPJ brought in one of the co-3rd string QBs in just a situation to sling the ball out of the shotgun, right before halftime, but that's it. Once.)

So, after Tech had that nice TD drive to go ahead with three minutes left on Saturday, anyone get that same feeling as against NC in 2014 after Smelter had that beautiful WR reverse TD run-- "Oh no, too much time is left on the clock" -- like I did?

It really wouldn't bother me if CPJ perused the CFL coaching staffs for guys with some coaching roots in America football, yet accustomed to dealing against the wide-open offenses of Canada, and brought someone in -- no, not to replace Roof, but in some "assistant coordinator" capacity. (When Jeff Tedford came back to the college ranks to take over a genuinely pathetic Fresno State team this year, he brought in as DC a guy he went up against in the CFL. Sure, Fresno State's situation is unlike Tech is so many ways, but at least Tedford has turned things around in his first season, and his imported DC appears to be doing a good job.) BTW, most American FBS-level coordinators make far more $$$ than even head coaches in the CFL. and

OK, just had to get the whining :banghead: out of my system. If you just lost two minutes of your life which you'll never get back, blah blah blah, apologies. You may now return to your regularly scheduled anarchy.


Helluva Engineer
I felt he read it because in 2014, gone were diamonds, shotgun etc and we were back to CPJ, Rocket toss, TO, counter option etc. We won 11 games, with a first time QB.

I think the change in 2014 had a lot more to do with -- gone was the QB who refused to run CPJ's offense. BTW, that was the same QB who many people in 2012 were calling to be the starter over TW.