Gotsis targeting


The ever vigilant Referee threw the flag. He just happened to be in perfect position to see the hold on Gotsis but his vision apparetly wasn't sharp enough to see THAT penalty. The Referee then proceeded to participate in the review. Conflict of interest if you ask me. What do you think he's going to say with the headset on "Yeah, I don't think I saw targeting but I called it anyway so it could be reviewed?"

This same Referee was again in perfect position to see the ball that bounced off the ground which he deemed a catch for UNC. Despite the fact it was a questionable call, the replay group was asleep at the wheel and let play continue.

The Referee is the head of the officiating crew and you'd think would be the most qualified of the group. That weasel of a Referee should be banned from officiating any NCAA games & should go back to HS where he belongs. Sorry this was clearly a bogus call. You have to use the most extreme, expansive, liberal interpretation of the rules even to consider throwing a roughing the passer flag there, much less a penalty which you've deemed malicious intent on the part of a player. He was out of line and needs to be punished severely beccause he had the benefit of review to correct his wrong and chose not to.

Northeast Stinger

Helluva Engineer
Talked to Adam after the game and he felt like it was a clean hit. I told him next time lower your shoulder and crush the QB's chest in and they won't call targeting.
And that is the point. His target was too high. I don't fault Gotsis for all the reasons already mentioned. But if you your helmet hits the other guy in the neck/face mask area when he is standing completely upright it it going to get called.

I believe the refs called this in the heat of the moment because it looked bad. Perhaps after watching the replay they might have thought it was not as bad as it looked in live action but they did not have enough evidence to overturn their call because the hit did in fact involve helmet to helmet contact on a player that was "defenseless."

Keeping your head up and wrapping up is the correct form and taught from pee wee football on up. But you still have to avoid going straight at the head area when you tackle or you will get called more times than not.


And that is the point. His target was too high. I don't fault Gotsis for all the reasons already mentioned. But if you your helmet hits the other guy in the neck/face mask area when he is standing completely upright it it going to get called.

I believe the refs called this in the heat of the moment because it looked bad. Perhaps after watching the replay they might have thought it was not as bad as it looked in live action but they did not have enough evidence to overturn their call because the hit did in fact involve helmet to helmet contact on a player that was "defenseless."

Keeping your head up and wrapping up is the correct form and taught from pee wee football on up. But you still have to avoid going straight at the head area when you tackle or you will get called more times than not.

The replay confirmed the call on the field smh


Excepting bad rules in sports, like politics, without expressing descent is condoning those bad rules regardless of how little effect one may believe they have in changing them.


Helluva Engineer
Based on the way the rule is written it's a penalty and he's supposed to be ejected...but the rule is stupid.

I don't know what defensive players are supposed to do anymore and I'm sure they don't either. Can't go high, can't go low...can't hit him too hard, can't hit him even a split second late. Gotta slow down and think...QB then scrambles for 15 yards.

I for one have never liked 15 yard penalties for what is essentially a tackle within the field of play. They change the outcomes of games for some ticky tacky BS. Now if they want to boast this player safety crap and throw people out of games, fine...but then just eject the player and let the play stand.

Adam made that tackle exactly how I was trained to tackle from 5th grade through high school and he gets ejected...ridiculous