Football game in Dublin


Helluva Engineer
I know this is a hoop board, but I post here more often that football boards, so thought I would post this here as well. Apologies in advance is this is too off topic. Just hoping I can find a Jacket fan who would like to go to Ireland for the game.

I was psyched about going to the game in Dublin, but it looks like life has other plans for me. Don't think I'll be able to make it to Ireland now.

I have two tickets in great location (Block 308, row M). They're sideline seats in the Premium zone. (Based on the seating charts available online, they are about goal line or 10 yard line.) I don't want to make any money on them, but would like to get back face value. I paid $250 each ($500 for the pair) and would let the tix go to a Jacket fan for that same amount. (I'll eat the TicketBastard charges.) I also have a hotel room reserved and can change that to your name if you need a hotel room (Dublin is pretty booked up for the weekend)

Really wish I could go but I'm SOL on this one