Fatal shooting on GT campus?


Get-Bak! Coach
Featured Member
Yahoo story has quotes from his mother suggesting the deceased was suffering from depression and had been suicidal. Sad stuff.
The young man had issues. Anyone that is unable to identify themselves as a man or woman is definitely confused. He is like all the other shootings that have occurred. Don't comply with the police and you have a deadly weapon in your hand, you are going to get shot. I have no sympathy for fools. Pray for his parents.


Helluva Engineer
The young man had issues. Anyone that is unable to identify themselves as a man or woman is definitely confused. He is like all the other shootings that have occurred. Don't comply with the police and you have a deadly weapon in your hand, you are going to get shot. I have no sympathy for fools. Pray for his parents.

So I am going into bds and the secruity KID wands the stuff in my hands and says " is that a weapon when he finds my flask hidden in my hat.
U are near me and have your arm in a sling.
Yelling occurs.
Some one repeats the word weapon.
More yelling.
Someone says there is something metal in your sling .

What's next.
Open fire or courageous restraint as they find your flask.
Baylor -Too little action
Gt - seems like too little restraint


So I am going into bds and the secruity KID wands the stuff in my hands and says " is that a weapon when he finds my flask hidden in my hat.
U are near me and have your arm in a sling.
Yelling occurs.
Some one repeats the word weapon.
More yelling.
Someone says there is something metal in your sling .

What's next.
Open fire or courageous restraint as they find your flask.
Baylor -Too little action
Gt - seems like too little restraint

Wow. Not quite sure what to make of this post in its entirety. What actions would you have preferred the police at GT take other than what they did?

I touched on this incident in the cops thread and listed two links to ajc articles.


Helluva Engineer
Very unfortunate situation but if you watch the video, the police repeatedly asked him to drop the knive. The police don't fully know what they are dealing with when the show up on this kind of situation. The original call stated he had a gun too. Based on his mom's comments he fought with depression and had tried twice to commit suicide. It almost sounds like he had a death wish telling the cops to shoot him and maybe didn't want to do it his self. I've read that the GT police don't have tasers. If true then maybe they should invest in them. Based on the information, though, I feel the cop did what he was trained to do. Also, cops are trained to shoot for the chest area. I pray for his parents, the cop, and everyone else affected by this situation.


Helluva Engineer
Wow. Not quite sure what to make of this post in its entirety. What actions would you have preferred the police at GT take other than what they did?

I touched on this incident in the cops thread and listed two links to ajc articles.

I read articles and
Watched the video of the clear view shooting and the distant view.

I am sure there will be lots of reviews of procedures etc. The guy caused most all of the situation.

Was there some one in charge to give an order to fire. Seems ad hoc. . Not a lot of talking or visible sudden movement and about 8 + feet off when shot fired. Tech person seemed to focus and head towards the officer w the light. Cant tell what kept them from backing up - may have been blocked. When did light come On? Blah blah.

It's pretty clear that the tech person was verbally asking and moving so as to be shot. Sad for all.

Deleted member 2897

Yep, so sad. Apparently the guy was a genius (well, he was at Tech after all, right), but also a tortured soul. Tried to commit suicide a couple years ago and had battled mental illness for a long time. I feel sad for his family but for the officers involved too. Seems like a valid shoot from everything I could see. Sure, it didn't have to happen, but the entire series of events was caused by the kid. From interviews I've read with his friends and his Mom, they enabled at least part of his mental illness. His Mom said he wanted to be referred to as "they", so in her statements she says things like "they seemed to be doing fine" and so on. What in the name of Sam Hill?! To be at one of the premier science schools in the nation and to deny science is a toxic mix. Enabling this type of behavior may seem irrelevant, tangential, and inconsequential, but I believe it is a small window into the larger issue - that he was not getting the help and treatment that he needed.


Helluva Engineer
BFE , south carolina
Yep, so sad. Apparently the guy was a genius (well, he was at Tech after all, right), but also a tortured soul. Tried to commit suicide a couple years ago and had battled mental illness for a long time. I feel sad for his family but for the officers involved too. Seems like a valid shoot from everything I could see. Sure, it didn't have to happen, but the entire series of events was caused by the kid. From interviews I've read with his friends and his Mom, they enabled at least part of his mental illness. His Mom said he wanted to be referred to as "they", so in her statements she says things like "they seemed to be doing fine" and so on. What in the name of Sam Hill?! To be at one of the premier science schools in the nation and to deny science is a toxic mix. Enabling this type of behavior may seem irrelevant, tangential, and inconsequential, but I believe it is a small window into the larger issue - that he was not getting the help and treatment that he needed.

i have a transgendered bro/sis and its not as easy as you make it sound. my bro/sis and i do not get along at all.

he/she ended up working for nasa until they asked him to retire early. he had many awards for his work with computers and even had his name sent in space on a plaque.

to put the blame on the kid and the parents is an awful stance to take imo. you spent your entire post blaming the parents and saying little to nothing about the cops.

and before you go off on me about police having a dangerous job.... the stats say that their are 15 other occupations that are far more dangerous. logging and deep sea fishing being the top two. even garbage men die more often than cops. police deaths have been falling for years.

the police had many options available and one of them took the easy way out. AGAIN.


Deleted member 2897

i have a transgendered bro/sis and its not as easy as you make it sound. my bro/sis and i do not get along at all.

he/she ended up working for nasa until they asked him to retire early. he had many awards for his work with computers and even had his name sent in space on a plaque.

to put the blame on the kid and the parents is an awful stance to take imo. you spent your entire post blaming the parents and saying little to nothing about the cops.

and before you go off on me about police having a dangerous job.... the stats say that their are 15 other occupations that are far more dangerous. logging and deep sea fishing being the top two. even garbage men die more often than cops. police deaths have been falling for years.

the police had many options available and one of them took the easy way out. AGAIN.


I didn't say anything about the cops, because I have nothing to say about the cops. If you're going to brandish a weapon or act like you are, ignore repeated warnings to drop the weapon, and yell 'SHOOT ME!', you're taking a very big risk.

In terms of my blaming the parents, I'm sorry I made it come off that way. I meant to say I PARTLY blame the parents, because based on the interviews I've read, they clearly enabled at least part of his mental problems. That type of behavior can only make me wonder if they took too hands off an approach with the rest of it. That's Monday morning quarterbacking and not fair, and I have no proof of that, which is why I never explicitly said it. But I can't help but wonder based on the enablement that we do have evidence of.


Helluva Engineer
Atlanta, Georgia
Let's be respectful to the deceased and family, everyone. Regardless of how you feel about the concept of gender identity, the person was still a fairly significant leader on campus and a helluva GT student. This was suicide by cop and it appears they got their desired outcome (at least what they thought they wanted in that moment). It's sad and unfortunate for all parties involved.


i have a transgendered bro/sis and its not as easy as you make it sound. my bro/sis and i do not get along at all.

he/she ended up working for nasa until they asked him to retire early. he had many awards for his work with computers and even had his name sent in space on a plaque.

to put the blame on the kid and the parents is an awful stance to take imo. you spent your entire post blaming the parents and saying little to nothing about the cops.

and before you go off on me about police having a dangerous job.... the stats say that their are 15 other occupations that are far more dangerous. logging and deep sea fishing being the top two. even garbage men die more often than cops. police deaths have been falling for years.

the police had many options available and one of them took the easy way out. AGAIN.


I'm interested in hearing what you think the officers should have done instead.

There may be other jobs that have higher incidents of on the job mortality rates. Does that mean however that police should risk their lives at all costs to prevent the loss of life to all others?


Helluva Engineer
So sad.
Rewatched the clear view video.
Tech student was a good 3 body lengths from officer shooter who was shining a bright light in his face.

Deleted member 2897

So sad.
Rewatched the clear view video.
Tech student was a good 3 body lengths from officer shooter who was shining a bright light in his face.

I could send you dozens of videos of cops getting attacked and even killed by letting someone with a knife get within 15 feet of them.
Here is one who killed a cop and stabbed several:

Here is another:

You never let a guy get within a few body lengths of you. If they do, you shoot. Its procedure, exactly because of instances like these that have happened over and over and over and over and over again. Its being ignorant of all these other incidents which leads to responses like Scout's Mom's. I get it, and I don't blame her, its human nature to think and react that way. But its not reality.


Staff member
GBI: Georgia Tech student called 911 before shooting
Schultz called 911 alerting them “of a suspicious person on campus. In the call, Shultz describes the person as a white male, with long blonde hair, white T-shirt and blue jeans who is possibly intoxicated, holding a knife and possibly armed with a gun on his hip,” the GBI said in a statement.
Three suicide notes were located in Schultz’s dorm room.