Family vs. Factory vs. GATech?


Georgia Tech Fan
Today several times I heard analysts describe Alabama's football program atmosphere as factory like with both players and assistant coaches knowing full well that is what they are signing up for before with the understanding that they will come out much better at football the other side. Hence the high turnover rate of assistant coaches and player leaving early for the NFL.

Meanwhile Clemson's football atmosphere was described as a family with loyalty from both coaches and players to the Clemson tigers. Assistant coaches rarely leave and players even completing multiple degrees to forgo entering the NFL draft and extending their playing days at Clemson.

Anyway this got me thinking, how would one describe Tech's football program atmosphere? Family, Factory, Something else?

I did not play sports or pledge at Tech, but as a former student, under the old quarter system, "Family" is not the adjective that come to my mind to describe Tech, but words like "Interesting, Professional, Cooperative Students, Grind, Monotonous and Urban," come to mind. Although I did, and still do, love Tech's campus and location I wanted to get out and move on as quickly as possible. Thus, my own experience at Tech was much closer to a work, i.e. factory, than to a family environment. Moreover, CGC comments, about recruiting and preparing player for the NFL and life after, strike me as a more factory than a family atmosphere.

Also It would be interesting to hear from former and current players and recruits on Tech's football program atmosphere.


Helluva Engineer
Beautiful Ducktown Tennessee
Today several times I heard analysts describe Alabama's football program atmosphere as factory like with both players and assistant coaches knowing full well that is what they are signing up for before with the understanding that they will come out much better at football the other side. Hence the high turnover rate of assistant coaches and player leaving early for the NFL.

Meanwhile Clemson's football atmosphere was described as a family with loyalty from both coaches and players to the Clemson tigers. Assistant coaches rarely leave and players even completing multiple degrees to forgo entering the NFL draft and extending their playing days at Clemson.

Anyway this got me thinking, how would one describe Tech's football program atmosphere? Family, Factory, Something else?

I did not play sports or pledge at Tech, but as a former student, under the old quarter system, "Family" is not the adjective that come to my mind to describe Tech, but words like "Interesting, Professional, Cooperative Students, Grind, Monotonous and Urban," come to mind. Although I did, and still do, love Tech's campus and location I wanted to get out and move on as quickly as possible. Thus, my own experience at Tech was much closer to a work, i.e. factory, than to a family environment. Moreover, CGC comments, about recruiting and preparing player for the NFL and life after, strike me as a more factory than a family atmosphere.

Also It would be interesting to hear from former and current players and recruits on Tech's football program atmosphere.
GT could combine a few things and have a family/factory program;)


Helluva Engineer
Being an outsider looking in (sidewalk fan), judging from some of the comments made by players who played for CPJ and players who will be playing for CGC, I would call the football team a family. However, it reminds me of a family of stepchildren where the father (in this case The Hill) doesn’t want to support them like he does his own children, considering the stepkids a nuisance that keep hanging around and won’t go away.


Jolly Good Fellow
Kennesaw, GA
Today several times I heard analysts describe Alabama's football program atmosphere as factory like with both players and assistant coaches knowing full well that is what they are signing up for before with the understanding that they will come out much better at football the other side. Hence the high turnover rate of assistant coaches and player leaving early for the NFL.

Meanwhile Clemson's football atmosphere was described as a family with loyalty from both coaches and players to the Clemson tigers. Assistant coaches rarely leave and players even completing multiple degrees to forgo entering the NFL draft and extending their playing days at Clemson.

Anyway this got me thinking, how would one describe Tech's football program atmosphere? Family, Factory, Something else?

I did not play sports or pledge at Tech, but as a former student, under the old quarter system, "Family" is not the adjective that come to my mind to describe Tech, but words like "Interesting, Professional, Cooperative Students, Grind, Monotonous and Urban," come to mind. Although I did, and still do, love Tech's campus and location I wanted to get out and move on as quickly as possible. Thus, my own experience at Tech was much closer to a work, i.e. factory, than to a family environment. Moreover, CGC comments, about recruiting and preparing player for the NFL and life after, strike me as a more factory than a family atmosphere.

Also It would be interesting to hear from former and current players and recruits on Tech's football program atmosphere.
Your take is really interesting. I hadn't really thought of it like a work environment before, but that makes sense. I would definitely not say factory if it were me. I would say TEAM - or at least that's what I have loved in the past few years - to win, all of them had to pull their weight and work together. No stars. No prima donnas.

I have hated Clemson since I was at Tech, but I gotta admit, I love the atmosphere that Dabo has created. When you see Wilkins come out to the end zone and wait to lift up players when they score or hear the story of him taking the freshmen to dinner on his dime to make sure they know they are important, and see how they players interact with Dabo and each other...and hear them talk, well, I just can't help but root for them.

This year when everyone was trying to stir up drama with TQM and TO...I thought "family" and "team" for sure - especially my favorite pic of TO on TQM's back after Miami


Helluva Engineer
Retired Staff
I have hated Clemson since I was at Tech, but I gotta admit, I love the atmosphere that Dabo has created. When you see Wilkins come out to the end zone and wait to lift up players when they score or hear the story of him taking the freshmen to dinner on his dime to make sure they know they are important, and see how they players interact with Dabo and each other...and hear them talk, well, I just can't help but root for them.

I have always liked Clemson and our rivalry with them. I respect what Dabo has done there. I think it is authentic and genuine. When I was back in the corporate gig, I saw people (extremely few) who could rally others like that. And I also saw people who tried to emulate and copy their methods. It doesn't work via emulation. This is a leadership skill that one either has or doesn't. I noticed that the more the word "morale" was used by a manager or company, the less of it there actually was.


Helluva Engineer
The family atmosphere would get a big boost by finding a scholarship for our very deserving kicker, Wells. CGC really needs to do that.