Dukes & Bell


Helluva Engineer
It is not about the radio recruiting players....it is about the radio ( and other mass media) creating a "buzz" that gets people interested and coming to games....that creates revenue and game day atmosphere which are two of the big things that end up recruiting players to a program.

We have little to no "buzz" even in the good years because the vehicle for unaffiliated fans to learn about us instead treats us worse than second class citizen. We have the misfortune of being the archrival to a bigger, richer, more popular program that is the darling of the same media we need to spread our message.
Game over.

Not just “buzz” but perception as well. The local media market considers GT a just short of a laughing stock but that has NO effect on recruiting, right.


Helluva Engineer
the traditional media isn't needed for brand or perception, not now. GT Recruiting gets to follow prospects and others on social media. Those posts and retweets and likes and favorites will have more impact with a recruit, because it pops up on his phone or in his feed.
we get to create our own brand and perception now through facebook, twitter, instagram, snapchat, etc. and if you follow those recruits, prospects, etc, you get to send them your message and not wait on another outlet.
we can talk about what some talking head in print, radio or tv says but really it doesn't matter as much anymore, not when you can create and shape your own brand and message in ways you couldn't before. kids aren't sitting around listening to sports talk or reading the paper in print or online. they might watch espn or a friday nights highlights show but they're doing that on their phones.
They have, and we have, the ability to get the program's messages right in their hands.
and high school coaches still have a huge influence on their players. thats where having strong relationships with them comes into play. and high school coaches talk - they know which college coaches they can trust and can trust they'll do right by their players.
so if dukes and bell and others want to dismiss or disparage the program or belittle Tech's program, we can get around that in other and more effective ways.
It is not about the radio recruiting players....it is about the radio ( and other mass media) creating a "buzz" that gets people interested and coming to games....that creates revenue and game day atmosphere which are two of the big things that end up recruiting players to a program.

We have little to no "buzz" even in the good years because the vehicle for unaffiliated fans to learn about us instead treats us worse than second class citizen. We have the misfortune of being the archrival to a bigger, richer, more popular program that is the darling of the same media we need to spread our message.
Game over.

The fact that people are so short sighted to think that recruits directly listening to or not listening to sports talk radio is the issue is troublesome. There are direct and indirect repercussions for being in the doghouse of the major media outlets in Atlanta. I'll give Todd credit for being engaging with the afternoon show on 680 the fan. Bobinski even tried it, although I thought he did a piss poor job at selling the programs. Pastner gets it as well, and has even spent time in studio at 680 to have lengthy discussions. Johnson does one or two interviews a year, it seems like, and sounds like he couldn't care less about being in a conversation with them. People like to say things like "why should he give them the time of day when they do nothing but bad mouth the program", and I say....because it's his damn job. They are doing their job to "report" on sports in a controversial way in order to increase traffic for the station, and it's his job to sell his program.
the traditional media isn't needed for brand or perception, not now. GT Recruiting gets to follow prospects and others on social media. Those posts and retweets and likes and favorites will have more impact with a recruit, because it pops up on his phone or in his feed.
we get to create our own brand and perception now through facebook, twitter, instagram, snapchat, etc. and if you follow those recruits, prospects, etc, you get to send them your message and not wait on another outlet.
we can talk about what some talking head in print, radio or tv says but really it doesn't matter as much anymore, not when you can create and shape your own brand and message in ways you couldn't before. kids aren't sitting around listening to sports talk or reading the paper in print or online. they might watch espn or a friday nights highlights show but they're doing that on their phones.
They have, and we have, the ability to get the program's messages right in their hands.
and high school coaches still have a huge influence on their players. thats where having strong relationships with them comes into play. and high school coaches talk - they know which college coaches they can trust and can trust they'll do right by their players.
so if dukes and bell and others want to dismiss or disparage the program or belittle Tech's program, we can get around that in other and more effective ways.

it's not about recruiting. It's about growing your fanbase. The sidewalk fans of today don't want to follow a program that is a laughingstock (whether that is legitimately earned or not is another matter). Paul, Todd, Josh, etc need to be working overtime to improve that relationship and get those folks talking about Tech in a more positive light. Todd and Josh are doing that. Paul is not.


Ramblin' Wreck
Uh, the biggest news coverage over the past year for Basketball has not been positive between the strippers, the impermissible benefits, and the whole Ron Bell ordeal. Pastner really isn't helping the image of the program.


Helluva Engineer
How is this thread still going?

Would it be better if CPJ had better relationships with the local media? Sure.

Is the local media likely to spend more time talking about Georgia Tech if CPJ is nicer to them? Maybe marginally, but probably not unless we are not also winning big. And, even then, Tech is given short shrift compared to UGA, the Falcons, and the Braves, even in our best seasons.

Is a marginal amount of more coverage likely to make any meaningful difference in attendance figures or convert other sports fans to follow Georgia Tech? Probably not.

So, yes, it would be nice. But no, it would not make any real difference. As others have pointed out, sports talk radio is just not a big medium among anyone under 40 anymore. And I am guessing most adults over 40 who are listening to sports talk radio already have allegiances to teams, and are not looking to pick up a new team just because they get 5 more minutes of radio coverage a day.


Helluva Engineer
The fact that people are so short sighted to think that recruits directly listening to or not listening to sports talk radio is the issue is troublesome. There are direct and indirect repercussions for being in the doghouse of the major media outlets in Atlanta. I'll give Todd credit for being engaging with the afternoon show on 680 the fan. Bobinski even tried it, although I thought he did a piss poor job at selling the programs. Pastner gets it as well, and has even spent time in studio at 680 to have lengthy discussions. Johnson does one or two interviews a year, it seems like, and sounds like he couldn't care less about being in a conversation with them. People like to say things like "why should he give them the time of day when they do nothing but bad mouth the program", and I say....because it's his damn job. They are doing their job to "report" on sports in a controversial way in order to increase traffic for the station, and it's his job to sell his program.
Have you listened to any of the interviews CPJ has done with the Chattanooga sports radio guys?


Ramblin' Wreck
To those that think the media doesn't matter, you could not be more wrong. To us, the fans, meh... You're right, it doesn't , to a point. To the student, choosing schools , it does. To the coaches, trying to get those recruits, it matters. In order to remain competitive , it matters. But, again, for you , personally , it may not matter. Yet . until the program slips further into mediocrity .
This is pretty much the truth!


Ramblin' Wreck
They have talked a lot this year about how they want us to win because its better for everyone in our state for GT to have a respectable football program. In other seasons radio folks have purposefully not talked about us when we were good out of spite...honestly this time they are right with their comments and they come from a different place IMO. By comparison UGA is much easier to cover for them...we are essentially killing the mood with Tech segments.

We have very few reasons for a causal fan to be interested in GT currently....that has to change for many reasons including what is happening outside of our program. The offense is an easy thing to harp on right now...they have given it credit at other times when it was deserved (ie when it works...they will never say it is fun to watch tho).

The truth hurts guys. Your average fan wants a different product than the one we currently offer. They will accept any offense if you win with it.
Ahhh,but stingem103 , don't you know that paul johnson is the best Tech can get? He's an offensive genius!


Helluva Engineer
Hey Dukes & Bell. We are 6-4 now. Are we relevant enough to talk about on your irrelevant show or will you fill your time talking about the banged up Falcons who just lost to the formerly 2-win Brownies?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Man we are still 6-4 that's honestly not that great


Helluva Engineer
I was in high school before twitter/instagram and I didn't read or interact with traditional media at all. With twitter/fb/ig, why do you think high school kids are even paying attention to what hot heads at the AJC or on the radio think? Kids are going to care most about what their coaches and families are telling them. Elementary school PE coaches who went to UGA are going to be worse for our recruiting than some radio talkshow persona.


Jolly Good Fellow
What is a Dukes and Bell? I live in Atlanta and I have never heard of them. It sounds like a gastropub.

Also, sports radio is an anachronism. It's almost completely gone. Who the hell cares what some Georgia fans with a radio show think? Why are you listening? I'd rather listen to Miley Cyrus or some ****.


Helluva Engineer
Funny how y’all complain about not having a footprint locally and a lack of overall media coverage then chime the most popular sports talk show with the largest signal reach is not relevant.

Carry on


Funny how y’all complain about not having a footprint locally and a lack of overall media coverage then chime the most popular sports talk show with the largest signal reach is not relevant.

Carry on

Dukes and Bell are morons. Their show sucks no matter what / who they are talking about.

Tech has been irrelevant to the local media for 40 years not just the last 10. The only time they cover Tech is when we make a run at a ACC championship, into the tournament, etc. Basically when we are making national headlines.

Carry on with your whinie rant now.


Jolly Good Fellow
I don't whine about GT not being on radio... I do think it's funny that you believe that radio is a relevant medium that recruits care a great deal about. It's hilarious to imagine a group of five star recruits hanging out around a radio and listening to commercials punctuated with short spells of some random dudes spouting vaguely sportish nonsense tinted by their homerism. Sports radio is for people who are stuck in their cars while they are commuting.

Also, if you think we are ever destined for more than backhanded compliments like "We really like GT... we want GT to win because it's good for our state (aka UGA)" from these rubes, then I have some oceanfront property in Nevada to sell you.