Duke @ GT


Retired Co-Founder
We have no offense at all....no one moving around or anything. It really is painful to watch.


Im a 3*
You don't think Bos gets him or are you saying Wiggins goes there? The Bird-Magic thing like when Stern took office.

The NBA will make sure Kobe's heir apparent is in place. I haven't been impressed with Wiggins. Not even sure he will go top 3


Jolly Good Fellow
atlanta ga
I like all our SAs but Heyward is having a tough night. He's just not ACC talent at the moment. I hope he grows into a great backup in the future..


Helluva Engineer
Featured Member
I like all our SAs but Heyward is having a tough night. He's just not ACC talent at the moment. I hope he grows into a great backup in the future..

Agreed. Corey has done a great job being steady during ACC play, but in a game like this, most players would get overwhelmed by Duke's backcourt waves. I think he'll be a great role player for us for several years, but he's drowning tonight.

Unfortunately, this gives more miserable forums ammunition to bag on him, despite he's done yeoman's work this season.


Helluva Engineer
I understand they are better but the refs are helping them in the craziest way. There's no way an impartial person could watch this game and think it was officiated well


Georgia Tech Fan
I am excited to see how we finish these last five games with TG and bob progressing each day. we win both home games against clemson and vt. obviously cuse is a tough one along with the other two road trips. finish 4-1 and win a game or maybe two in ACC tourney.


Helluva Engineer
I was at the game, and there were at least 5 questionable calls against us. ACC refs might be the worst in all of sports, and it makes it worse when they always give Duke calls. Didn't think it would be this bad at home though.

And yeah Heyward had a terrible game, but remember he literally was our 4th string PG coming into this season. Jorgenson will hopefully start next year but it sucks that GT will probably have to go through more growing pains next year at the PG position. It will be hard to expect Jorgenson, coming off this injury, to just light up the ACC right away.
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Jolly Good Fellow
Was at the game and I can say that Jabari Parker looks even more intimidating in person. He's listed at 6'8" but he looks 2 inches bigger and he moves a lot better than advertised. NBA ready for sure. We looked completely lost out there and the talent gap definitely showed. What upset me the most though was guys not getting open when their teammate was in trouble, which was happening a lot. Refs were ridiculous but they really didn't make much of a difference in the outcome.


We don't quite suck as much anymore.
Mt Juliet, TN
Was at the game and I can say that Jabari Parker looks even more intimidating in person. He's listed at 6'8" but he looks 2 inches bigger and he moves a lot better than advertised. NBA ready for sure. We looked completely lost out there and the talent gap definitely showed. What upset me the most though was guys not getting open when their teammate was in trouble, which was happening a lot. Refs were ridiculous but they really didn't make much of a difference in the outcome.
Yea I thought it was more fairly reffed than most Duke games. We have huge problems on offense though. Nobody on this team can drive and we can't shoot. Duke was never worried about getting beat off the dribble and having to play a step off the ball. They were body checking like crazy but we'll never get that call if we're out of control trying to get off it. This is definitely the most athletic Duke team I've ever seen and it makes it worse when they're just lights out from three.


Jolly Good Fellow
Yea, he looked like Carmelo Anthony out there and we tried that dumb chant. At least he missed his free throws during it.

For real. I think he's actually looking like a more complete player than Melo now though. I don't know when he got a post game, but he did, and it's terrifying.


Ramblin' Wreck
I like BG As a person a lot, he's a good guy who brings positive influences to our SAs and represents our school well.

Now with that being said, his Xs And Os as a coach is horrific, offensively we look the same as under blewitt just with less ISO plays because we don't really have a go to scorer. We do a lot of standing around after the initial screens or down picks are set and then look lost after the first 10 secs of the play clock.

Defensively we pretty much play man to man 90% of the time and our perimeter defense and guarding the 3 pt line is bad. Teams always get open looks from outside way too easy. One of our perimeter guys gets beat off the dribble then their guy drives and kicks to the open guy since we have to bail to help the guy who is beat and Bam 3pts from a wide open guy in the corner.

It's the same ol song n dance over and over, we really need to hire a Great coach not just a great spokesman for our program. Need to find a good mid-major coach who we could afford and is looking to jump to the big boy leagues. Sure he might not stay if he's really successful but at least he would get the program back to relevance before he bolted.