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Helluva Engineer
4 out of 6 of “the sick” were vaccinated so obviously the opinion that having the team fully vaccinated would have kept them in the tournament is what the NCAA & others want us to believe. However, the odds were better of not getting “sick” if you weren’t vaccinated.

I still support vaccination & believe it’s a good thing, but it’s a personal choice. Unfortunately, the facts in this case don’t represent what a lot of people want to believe, it didn’t afford the level of protection desired, etc & acting like the facts don’t matter doesn’t change the facts. People are going to be more skeptical of the supposed experts if they see one thing happening & are told another.
Actually, from my understanding from D1Baseball's article

there were 8 NC State players that tested positive. The way I interpret it, the first 4 were unvaccinated, the last 4 vaccinated. Excerpts for those who don't have access:

Tuesday June 22: The player that Avent said had a ‘bug’ on Monday, June 21, tested positive in an antigen and PCR test on Tuesday, which deemed him ‘not clear to participate’, and thus was directed to isolate. The roommate of the individual, who was in direct contact, was then directed to quarantine, according to the NCAA. The NCAA later found out that the first individual was symptomatic prior to Monday’s game,

Friday June 25: Given the fact that NC State was scheduled to play Vanderbilt at 1 p.m. that day, it was not considered to be a testing day. However, the individual who was in close contact with the COVID positive player was tested in hopes that he would test negative and could come out of quarantine ‘sooner, and perhaps be able to play’. However, that player tested positive for COVID-19. He was then deemed out of action. That gave NC State two confirmed positive tests.

The same morning, NC State discovered two more players had shown symptoms consistent with COVID-19, so were proactive and sent them over to the Marriott for further testing. Those results arrived 90 minutes before the Vanderbilt game — both members of the traveling party were positive for COVID-19. That took NC State’s COVID-positive total to four. At that point, the NCAA took this matter up the chain to the Championship Medical Team to further evaluate the situation at hand, which is what created the 45-minute delay in the game’s start time. It’s worth noting the two players who tested positive that morning were unvaccinated players.

With NC State having four positive COVID-19 tests, the team reached ‘outbreak’ status, which then caused the NCAA to get all members of the team tested — including the vaccinated members who played in the Friday game against Vandy... the results began to trickle in for each player — four players, all vaccinated — had tested positive for COVID-19, with all other players testing negative. Eight total members of NC State’s traveling party had tested positive for COVID-19.

From my reading comprehension of this timeline, 8 players tested positive. The first 4 likely unvaccinated (they don't explicitly say the first two were not vaccinated, but that would be my most likely bet), the last 4 vaccinated players who played in the Friday game against Vandy. How many players would have eventually tested positive, no one knows. All players went back to Raleigh on Saturday (non COVID positive players) and Sunday (COVID positive players). I suspect NC State won't be doing much COVID testing and reporting of results from here, and will just let public opinion continue to abuse the NCAA for their decision.

By the way, was rooting for NC State, and hoped they'd bring it home for ACC Baseball. Just reporting what I've read.


Helluva Engineer
Part of the reason threads like this break down is when one side or the other passes judgement over decisions made by others. It becomes a “shaming” exercise, which can quickly rub folks the wrong way.

Neither you nor I know why these young men made their decisions the way they did. But some folks have genuine concern about possible long term issues with the vaccine, and they know COVID is almost never lethal for someone like them.

The NCAA rules are what they are, so it cost N C State. But there can be genuine arguments that the NCAA rules were too restrictive given the low health risk to young people and the fact that the stands are full of folks whom you have no idea about...
So you're saying that young men and women have concern about the long term effects of a vaccine (not yet fully approved by the FDA, but approved for Emergency Use Authorization), but "know COVID is almost never lethal for someone like them" in the short term? What are the long term impacts of COVID on people? You're noting that people have fears about the long term effects of a vaccine, but neglecting the fact that the long term consequences of getting COVID may be worse. None of us know what the long term effects of a vaccine versus getting COVID may be.


Actually, from my understanding from D1Baseball's article

there were 8 NC State players that tested positive. The way I interpret it, the first 4 were unvaccinated, the last 4 vaccinated. Excerpts for those who don't have access:

Tuesday June 22: The player that Avent said had a ‘bug’ on Monday, June 21, tested positive in an antigen and PCR test on Tuesday, which deemed him ‘not clear to participate’, and thus was directed to isolate. The roommate of the individual, who was in direct contact, was then directed to quarantine, according to the NCAA. The NCAA later found out that the first individual was symptomatic prior to Monday’s game,

Friday June 25: Given the fact that NC State was scheduled to play Vanderbilt at 1 p.m. that day, it was not considered to be a testing day. However, the individual who was in close contact with the COVID positive player was tested in hopes that he would test negative and could come out of quarantine ‘sooner, and perhaps be able to play’. However, that player tested positive for COVID-19. He was then deemed out of action. That gave NC State two confirmed positive tests.

The same morning, NC State discovered two more players had shown symptoms consistent with COVID-19, so were proactive and sent them over to the Marriott for further testing. Those results arrived 90 minutes before the Vanderbilt game — both members of the traveling party were positive for COVID-19. That took NC State’s COVID-positive total to four. At that point, the NCAA took this matter up the chain to the Championship Medical Team to further evaluate the situation at hand, which is what created the 45-minute delay in the game’s start time. It’s worth noting the two players who tested positive that morning were unvaccinated players.

With NC State having four positive COVID-19 tests, the team reached ‘outbreak’ status, which then caused the NCAA to get all members of the team tested — including the vaccinated members who played in the Friday game against Vandy... the results began to trickle in for each player — four players, all vaccinated — had tested positive for COVID-19, with all other players testing negative. Eight total members of NC State’s traveling party had tested positive for COVID-19.

From my reading comprehension of this timeline, 8 players tested positive. The first 4 likely unvaccinated (they don't explicitly say the first two were not vaccinated, but that would be my most likely bet), the last 4 vaccinated players who played in the Friday game against Vandy. How many players would have eventually tested positive, no one knows. All players went back to Raleigh on Saturday (non COVID positive players) and Sunday (COVID positive players). I suspect NC State won't be doing much COVID testing and reporting of results from here, and will just let public opinion continue to abuse the NCAA for their decision.

By the way, was rooting for NC State, and hoped they'd bring it home for ACC Baseball. Just reporting what I've read.
Not doubting your accounting of the events, but why did the NCAA not make a clear statement of those facts & instead allowed media reports to reflect a completely different sequence? I’m really trying to understand here because that is not what was widely reported in the news. You’d have thought there would have been a succinct press release much like you presented above instead of allowing so much abuse hurled their way.

Edit: If I was Vandy I would have came out and clearly stated “we did not ask the NCAA to perform any testing of ncst players”. Period, end of statement. Instead we got crickets.


But the data we do have obliterates all arguments against getting a vaccine and reinforces the fact that facing Covid without a vaccine is a dumb choice,

To conjecture beyond this is irrational at best.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
It's the data that we don't have that some have concerns about.
Long term safety test requirements were waived in order to grant the Emergency Use Authorization.
These drugs are not vaccines by traditional definition.They are relatively new technology.
Each of the three now have CDC/FDA warnings and many deaths have occurred.
If calling (indirectly) your fellow swarm members dumb and irrational is what helps you to sleep at night then feel free to carry on.
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