Charting the GT D in 2016 for chunk plays.


Helluva Engineer
Ok, There has been alot of debate on this board about the GT D. When do we get burned. Why. What coverages etc. So I am going to chart the GT D for every chunk play (10 plus yards). If I happen to stumble across a big 3rd down conversion on my way to doing just chunk plays I will.

The point of doing the chunk play analysis is to really look at where do we seem to be the most ineffective on D calls. Is there a trend etc. I will take the time, go game by game, and on EVERY play over 10 yards chart what we did. Everyone can then determine what they want from it. If you have any questions fire away. Here Goes. After doing this. I will formulate my final opinion on what the data could show. Updates to follow with additional games. Starting with BC. I will only do P5 games and Southern...I will not evaluate when 2nd and 3rd string is in.

Boston College Game:
1st and 10; TE Completion for 17; Rushed 4 played Quarters coverage. (Zone no Blitz)

3rd and 11. Gain 14 to WR. 2 deep zone, rushed 4 (Zone no Blitz)

1st and 10. 11 yard rush. Quarters, rushed 4 (Zone no Blitz)

1st and 10. 73 yard rush for TD. OLB in 90 tech blitz. 3 deep zone. Dropped S a read run blitz (if run he rushes if no run he drops to the flats). 3 Deep Zone (Zone, 1 Blitzer, 1 Read blitzer) this zone, this should have never happened...bad play on the kids. Good D call.

1st and 10. 20 yard pass completion. Cover 2, rushed 4 (Zone no Blitz)

3rd and 3. Man Free (single high safety). Double AGap blitz (same A gap). Pass gain 6. (Man D, Double Blitz)

2nd and 7. 15 yard pass to TE. Quarters D. Rushed 4 (Zone no Blitz)

1st and 10. 20 yards to TE. 3 deep Zone. Rushed 4 (Zone no Blitz)

BC Trend....BC took alot of shots on 1st down vs us, when we were in simple zones with very little disguise and no blitzes. All chunk plays happened when we were in zone. We tended to play mostly quarters, some 2deep some 3. No chunk plays when in man.

Up next Vandy.


Helluva Engineer
Vandy Game:
3rd and 9. 12 yards to TE. 2 deep rush 4 (Zone no blitz)

1st and 10. 13 yards to RB in flat, 2 deep rush 4 (Zone no blitz)

3rd and 4. 3 deep or quarters, rush 4, WR 10 yards drag route (zone no blitz)

3rd and 3. 10 yards to slot WR on skinny post for TD. 3 deep zone rush 4 (zone no blitz). Here S was too far back allowing easy open skinny post. Good playcall...need tighter covg on 10 yard line. (zone no blitz)

1st and 10. 14 yard rush. 3 deep OLB on a blitz (zone, 1 man blitz)

2nd and 6. 11 yard pass to the TE in flat. 3 deep rush 4 (zone no blitz)

1st and 10. pass for 9 quarters zone rush 4, wr curl route (zone no blitz)

1st and 10. Pass for 18. quarters or 3deep, rush 4 WR out route (zone no blitz)

1st and 10. pass for 10. 3 deep rush 4. WR slot sitting in the zone (zone no blitz)

Backups in.

Vandy like BC...alot of shots taken on first down; again in easily read zone coverages. If you in 2 games charted....almost EVERY chunk play is in a backed zone (3deep and quarters) with NO BLITZ. We have had no chunk plays yet, in blitzing man cvg. So far ted has exclusively played zone on first down....first downs in old school football is a run get alot of zone calls. Today...its a passing down...we have seen that now in BC and Vandy...Here, self scouting suggests Ted needs to mix up the D on first downs more.

We have had only 2 chunk plays when we blitzed with zone. Alot of the plays are to the Slot WR and the TE in the seam. Well over half. After two games. This is what you tend to see in a 3 deep and backed quarters look. There is a large void in the slot with our S alignments being 12+ yards off the LOS. The S in quarters has the slot guy or TE, and isn't walking up to cover far enough and the WR or TE are sitting in the zone.

Part of this is the double edged sword of zone. Part of this is we can play our S 4-6 yards tighter to help this (D concept). The other part is our LBs are not doing a good job at all in their zone drops and handing off the under cvg to the S. Part of this is the S are too far back. The other part is the LB are not getting range in their coverage. Room for improvement. The other side, is the chunk plays are not going to 1. This is good news. You can see we are doing a solid job of taking away 1 vs offenses we face...but getting killed on 2 and 3.

this is the 2 game trend....lets see how we morph over the year...interesting to me so far.

Up next Clemson.


Im a 3*
Thanks @33jacket.

And to piggy back off of you, to say we got burned the most when play man or 0 coverage is untrue. We really didn't really run 0 coverage until after UNC where CPJ told CTR either go 8 in coverage or blitzes more than they have blockers


Helluva Engineer
Thanks @33jacket.

And to piggy back off of you, to say we got burned the most when play man or 0 coverage is untrue. We really didn't really run 0 coverage until after UNC where CPJ told CTR either go 8 in coverage or blitzes more than they have blockers

Exactly. lets see what the tape shows. I am going to try to do the next two games today. But for those stating our issue is getting burnt in man so far is untrue.

The tape shows we are getting burned in zones with no blitzes up to now. And in these plays the qb is getting the ball out on time. So its not like the cvg is breaking down. These guys are just wide open. so its not he is holding the ball long and the cvg is breaking down due to no rush. Its literally snap, drop, read 1 (usually covered) go to 2. On a few occasions qb rolls out to complete. Most are from the pocket and timely delivered


Helluva Engineer
Wow, this is great stuff...I can't wait to see how the season unfolds!

This type of analysis could change my view of CTR (not that CPJ is exactly calling me to hear my opinion of Roof, but....)


Ramblin' Wreck
Ok, There has been alot of debate on this board about the GT D. When do we get burned. Why. What coverages etc. So I am going to chart the GT D for every chunk play (10 plus yards). If I happen to stumble across a big 3rd down conversion on my way to doing just chunk plays I will.

The point of doing the chunk play analysis is to really look at where do we seem to be the most ineffective on D calls. Is there a trend etc. I will take the time, go game by game, and on EVERY play over 10 yards chart what we did. Everyone can then determine what they want from it. If you have any questions fire away. Here Goes. After doing this. I will formulate my final opinion on what the data could show. Updates to follow with additional games. Starting with BC. I will only do P5 games and Southern...I will not evaluate when 2nd and 3rd string is in.

Boston College Game:
1st and 10; TE Completion for 17; Rushed 4 played Quarters coverage. (Zone no Blitz)

3rd and 11. Gain 14 to WR. 2 deep zone, rushed 4 (Zone no Blitz)

1st and 10. 11 yard rush. Quarters, rushed 4 (Zone no Blitz)

1st and 10. 73 yard rush for TD. OLB in 90 tech blitz. 3 deep zone. Dropped S a read run blitz (if run he rushes if no run he drops to the flats). 3 Deep Zone (Zone, 1 Blitzer, 1 Read blitzer) this zone, this should have never happened...bad play on the kids. Good D call.

1st and 10. 20 yard pass completion. Cover 2, rushed 4 (Zone no Blitz)

3rd and 3. Man Free (single high safety). Double AGap blitz (same A gap). Pass gain 6. (Man D, Double Blitz)

2nd and 7. 15 yard pass to TE. Quarters D. Rushed 4 (Zone no Blitz)

1st and 10. 20 yards to TE. 3 deep Zone. Rushed 4 (Zone no Blitz)

BC Trend....BC took alot of shots on 1st down vs us, when we were in simple zones with very little disguise and no blitzes. All chunk plays happened when we were in zone. We tended to play mostly quarters, some 2deep some 3. No chunk plays when in man.

Up next Vandy.
D gave up 14 points and we won?


Ramblin' Wreck
Vandy Game:
3rd and 9. 12 yards to TE. 2 deep rush 4 (Zone no blitz)

1st and 10. 13 yards to RB in flat, 2 deep rush 4 (Zone no blitz)

3rd and 4. 3 deep or quarters, rush 4, WR 10 yards drag route (zone no blitz)

3rd and 3. 10 yards to slot WR on skinny post for TD. 3 deep zone rush 4 (zone no blitz). Here S was too far back allowing easy open skinny post. Good playcall...need tighter covg on 10 yard line. (zone no blitz)

1st and 10. 14 yard rush. 3 deep OLB on a blitz (zone, 1 man blitz)

2nd and 6. 11 yard pass to the TE in flat. 3 deep rush 4 (zone no blitz)

1st and 10. pass for 9 quarters zone rush 4, wr curl route (zone no blitz)

1st and 10. Pass for 18. quarters or 3deep, rush 4 WR out route (zone no blitz)

1st and 10. pass for 10. 3 deep rush 4. WR slot sitting in the zone (zone no blitz)

Backups in.

Vandy like BC...alot of shots taken on first down; again in easily read zone coverages. If you in 2 games charted....almost EVERY chunk play is in a backed zone (3deep and quarters) with NO BLITZ. We have had no chunk plays yet, in blitzing man cvg. So far ted has exclusively played zone on first down....first downs in old school football is a run get alot of zone calls. Today...its a passing down...we have seen that now in BC and Vandy...Here, self scouting suggests Ted needs to mix up the D on first downs more.

We have had only 2 chunk plays when we blitzed with zone. Alot of the plays are to the Slot WR and the TE in the seam. Well over half. After two games. This is what you tend to see in a 3 deep and backed quarters look. There is a large void in the slot with our S alignments being 12+ yards off the LOS. The S in quarters has the slot guy or TE, and isn't walking up to cover far enough and the WR or TE are sitting in the zone.

Part of this is the double edged sword of zone. Part of this is we can play our S 4-6 yards tighter to help this (D concept). The other part is our LBs are not doing a good job at all in their zone drops and handing off the under cvg to the S. Part of this is the S are too far back. The other part is the LB are not getting range in their coverage. Room for improvement. The other side, is the chunk plays are not going to 1. This is good news. You can see we are doing a solid job of taking away 1 vs offenses we face...but getting killed on 2 and 3.

this is the 2 game trend....lets see how we morph over the year...interesting to me so far.

Up next Clemson.
Vandy scored on the first drive and the D blanked them the rest of the game in a 38 to 7 win?


Helluva Engineer
Vandy scored on the first drive and the D blanked them the rest of the game in a 38 to 7 win?

That is correct. However so far you couldn't be more wrong in your narrative that most of our big plays are when we were in man. And that is the point of this post. To evaluate the narrative of when big plays happen and in what.

Which means your analysis and view after two games of data is misled.

Lets see how the rest of the tape plays out and if your point becomes more valid as the season and D calls progress. I have no clue what will happen. I will let the data dictate my opinion. Up to now my opinion of poor backend relationship while in our zones leaving big holes is what I see so far.

That could change. And your thought of man being our weakness could ultimately play out. Right now thats not the case.
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Helluva Engineer
That is correct. However so far you couldn't be more wrong in your narrative that most of our big plays are when we were in man. And that is the point of this post. To evaluate the narrative of when big plays happen and in what D.

So after two games you are 100 percent wrong. In fact you couldnt be more wrong. Which means your analysis and view after two games of data is misled.

Lets see how the rest of the tape plays out and if your point becomes more valid as the season and D calls progress. I have no clue what will happen. I will let the data dictate my opinion
33, let me save you some time so you don't waste your entire day banging your head against a wall. Roof is a good DC, a great recruiter and all of our issues on D are because we have Sun Belt level talent.


Ramblin' Wreck
33, let me save you some time so you don't waste your entire day banging your head against a wall. Roof is a good DC, a great recruiter and all of our issues on D are because we have Sun Belt level talent.
100% correct. When you have that and allow 21 points in the first 2 games vs ACC and SEC bowl teams you've done a heck of a job.


Helluva Engineer
100% correct. When you have that and allow 21 points in the first 2 games vs ACC and SEC bowl teams you've done a heck of a job.
I was being sarcastic, Vandy and BC have terrible offenses. We should've been better on D than we have been all year.


Ramblin' Wreck
You were right the first time. My point is we were not any better on D with blitzing and stunting and 33s first two posts seem to prove that point.


10,486 if 33's chunk analysis is correct, arguable still, we supposedly only gave up chunk plays in non blitzing zone coverage play calls. Did we give up chunk plays every time we made those calls? Did those calls ever produce stops? What was the success / failure rate of those non blitz zone calls?


Helluva Engineer
Clemson Game:

3rd and 3. Cover 3 with MLB Blitz. WR complete for 9. Rolled covg too early to telegraph. Started out trying to disguise in 2 deep. (Zone w/Blitz)

2nd and 9. Quarter quarter half covg. Rush 4. Rush for 17 yards. Shouldn’t happen in this zone…(zone no blitz)

1st and 10. Cover 2, rush 4. Tried to give a man look and rolled into cover 2. TE caught the pass 14 yards in the slot. 51 had a really bad zone here. This is on the MLB…maybe its still a completion, but the TE was way to wide open. Hard to blame Ted on this one. (zone no blitz)

2nd and 4. Man free, basically a sweep play for 17 yards, they sealed the edge nice. O just caught us in the wrong D for this play…coulda been a line check. Rushed 4. (zone no blitz)

3rd and 3. Man free, 5 wr set and ran a qb draw for 12. We blitzed the MLB leaving nothing behind him…If not for a great tackle by the S this one is a house call. My guess is this was a check play. In man run the draw, in zone, check to a sticks route. Just a good O set. (Man, Blitz), FYI, this is the first time a chunk play has happened to tech while playing man this year.

2nd and 8. 12 yard completion out route. Quarter quarter half covg rushed 4 (zone no blitz)

3rd and 9. Both S 15 yards off LOS. Two CB’s 9 yards off LOS. 4 wr set. Rushed 3. Wide open WR in seam for 18 yards. Quarter quarter half coverage with no bliz (zone no blitz)

2nd and 7. 25 yd completion. Rushed 4. quarter quarter half rattle, (zone no blitz)

1st and 10. 9 yard completion. Quarter quarter half rushed 4 (zone no blitz)

1st and 10. 9 yard completion. Quarter quarter half rushed 4 (zone no blitz)

1st and 10. 16 yard run. Quarters rushed 4 (zone no blitz)

1st and 10. Cover 3, rush . smash route for 24 yard completion to wr. (zone no blitz)

2nd and 10. WR screen for 9. Quarter quarter half coverage. Rush 4. (zone no blitz)

3rd and 5. 10 yard completion. Cover 4. Rush 3, big cushions (zone no blitz)

1st and 10. 9 yard completion Exact same D as last down above…literally…Cover 4, rush 3 (zone no blitz)

1st and 12. We start out looking exactly like the down above, this is 3 consecutive plays, but we roll from a cover 4 into cover 3, rush 3, blitzed 2 (total of 5) pass complete for 18 yards. (zone, blitz)

1st and 10. Ok, this is the 4th consecutive play…exact same coverage as first two. Cover 4, rush 3, middle curl for 28 yards. (zone no blitz)

1st and 10, this is the 5th consecutive play…we show man free, with a zone dog blitz. Rushed 3, one drops (2) and blitzed 2 LB. The one who dropped was 54…complete pass for 10 yards. Basically, here, Clemson is on the 13 about to score, so we brought a more exotic look. Clemson essentially chunk played us 5 straight plays all above…3 in the same D. One rolled into cover 3 and one man. This series was hard to watch. (man, zone dog blitz)

Second Half

1st and 10. Quarter quarter half coverage, rushed 4. Rush for 10 yards. Should not happen in this d. (zone no blitz)

1st and 10. Quarter quarter half. Rush 12 yards. Rushed 4. (zone no blitz)

There were a handful of 8 yard plays…but my criteria was 10 or 9 if a big down…so that’s it for second half.

First I want to say…after watching this it was really frustrating. The chunk plays are starting to have a bigtime trend now after watching 3 games. They almost always come when we run a quarter quarter half scheme. Which is a version of Cover 4. 13 of the 20 chunk plays we were in quarter quarter half or straight up quarters with either 3 or 4 rushers. Never once blitzed in this set. Only once, did we disquise as a quarters D and roll into a cover 3 with a 5 man rush/blitz in a chunk play. Which means blitzing in this coverage works better, and we don’t see it show up as a chunk play yet. Only two chunk plays were in man.

After 3 games, OVER half the chunk plays come on 1stdown. Of those, we are basically always in cover 4, or quarter quarter half coverage with no blitzing. This is astounding self scouting data to me. It really suggests we have an issue in that coverage. Now, we play that coverage a lot too…so naturally, you are going to have MORE chunk plays against it. But the problem with that is two fold. First, we have had only 2 chunk plays in man after 3 games. We play man WAY more than that. Second, the lack of blitzing. Again, we blitz more than that…so what this tells me is we were more effective blitzing and playing man….than zone, especially on first down. As ZERO chunk plays have showed up on first down while blitzing or playing man.

Another thing I am noticing. All season we talked about not getting off the field. This is true, 3rd down conversion rates are bad. But whats behind the data, is how many yards we have given up on first down. Its eye popping; and basically always the same coverage up to NOW.

Miami next


Helluva Engineer
Georgia if 33's chunk analysis is correct, arguable still, we supposedly only gave up chunk plays in non blitzing zone coverage play calls. Did we give up chunk plays every time we made those calls? Did those calls ever produce stops? What was the success / failure rate of those non blitz zone calls?

Clearly the data shows the most chunk plays in two coverages up to now. Disproportionately so. Cover 4 no blitz. And quarter quarter half no blitz.

I am sure they produced stops. I mean we are in those coverages alot. But the ratios are really to focus on. For instance. Of the 37 chunk plays so far after 3 games. Only 2 came in Man. Thats 5percent. We are in man more than 5 percent of snaps. Secondly we have had no chunk plays in quarters while we blitzed!!!! Or only 1. Interesting to me.

Of the 37 plays so far after 3 games, 19 of 37 we are in cover4. 51 percent of chunk plays. The balance is cover 3 and some cover 2.

Of the 37 chunk plays only 7 happened when we blitzed. Thats 19 percent of chunk plays.

Clearly we need all the numbers to state which is disproportionate. But i can tell u right now the man one is. And we blitz more around 30percent of snaps. So both those have been doing better than worse.

I think as the season progress u will see less quarters....the coaches had to adjust. So i expect those chunk numbers to go down at some point and the others to go up a tad. Simply because of plays called. I believe we should see this after the bi week unc.