Another test!


Helluva Engineer
The idea of this test IS MINE!!! I have never heard this on TV, radio, newspaper, magazine, or any conversation!!! So now there is not a right or wrong, but lets see if anyone will answer!! Here goes! If the Civil war or by the other name The War Between the States had been won by the South what if any changes in our America would have changed if anything!!! ???? Will give you my thoughts in about 2 hours if I am not busy.

Jim Prather

Helluva Engineer
I love these types of alternate history questions, and I will be happy to play along later on. :) Just a couple of quick thoughts - 1. you would not have wound up with 2 countries - USA and CSA, you would have finished with USA (north) and multiple country-states in the South.
2. Germany would have won WWII.


Helluva Engineer
I love these types of alternate history questions, and I will be happy to play along later on. :) Just a couple of quick thoughts - 1. you would not have wound up with 2 countries - USA and CSA, you would have finished with USA (north) and multiple country-states in the South.
2. Germany would have won WWII.
Great response!! Mine would be 3 or 4 countries like Europe! The North East and Mid north, the West, and MAYBE the Southwest. Don,t know about Democracies ! Would NOT of won WW2 and maybe not WW1.


A fun but impossible exercise.

Northern states remaining in a union would have placed pressure on southern states to do likewise or fall far behind.

I would like to think southern states would have eventually abolished slavery themselves on their own terms but I doubt it. This would have created constant tension between North and South imo because slavery and states rights were such divisive issues. Eventually I think this would have lead to further conflict and maybe a constant state of civil war, guerilla war, and likely terror type attacks. Not a recipe for national success.

North doesn’t win and the world would be a dark place.


Helluva Engineer
North Shore, Chicago
The South wins, industry moves south from the Northern states because there would be no raw goods to support the industry. The agrarian society (large farming culture) of the South would have melded with these new industrial complexes, and cities such as Atlanta, Memphis, Richmond, Charleston, Savannah, Mobile, etc. would have grown exponentially. The CSA would have moved away from slavery within 20 years as industry grew and the economy shifted. Slavery was already an unpopular sentiment in the South at the time of the Civil War. The North would have struggled to support their existing industry without the South's raw goods and would have pushed west much more rapidly. Eventually, the two countries would find common ground and most likely rejoin to form a single country again. It's possible that the North would have invaded again out of desperation.

Jim Prather

Helluva Engineer
If the South had been able to at least stalemate the Civil War, then both England and France would have eventually formed alliances with the Southern states (at least until the CSA imploded from within) because they had need of the raw materials produced in the South. That would have precluded another invasion by the North.
To me, the more interesting question is what would have happened in subsequent years with global politics without the U.S. in the role of global policeman. Would we have ended up in a scenario like you read in "Man in the High Castle" where Germany and Japan have conquered the world and now divided the globe in half? Does Hitler even invade Russia since he would have probably been subduing England at the time after a successful invasion? How much of Africa is a German protectorate?


Ramblin' Wreck
The South was under internal pressure to abolish slavery prior to leaving the Union and with places like Atlanta/North Georgia voting to stay in the Union prior to the war, it would have had more power in a Southern nation after the war. The two nations (North and South) would have been at odds for awhile as The South expanded southward and Westward as an ally of Britain against Spain. Th e North would have expanded into Southern Canada (furthering the antagonism of The South via Britain) and westward toward the west coast in the northern section of the current US. The modern Wars would have forced an uneasy alliance between the two countries as Britian would have needed both against Germany (both times). Blacks would have been freed but it would have been an apartheid nation for 100 years. The modern needs of the 20th century would have resulted in a more inclusive nation which would have eventually seeded the White Superiority issue in order to partake in world commerce.

Either case would have seen more racial strife as The North, who wasn't exactly pro black, would have blamed blacks for the massive loss of men and material and this would have exacerbated their beliefs in superiority over the blacks, which the North and Lincoln all shared with the South.


The South wins, industry moves south from the Northern states because there would be no raw goods to support the industry. The agrarian society (large farming culture) of the South would have melded with these new industrial complexes, and cities such as Atlanta, Memphis, Richmond, Charleston, Savannah, Mobile, etc. would have grown exponentially. The CSA would have moved away from slavery within 20 years as industry grew and the economy shifted. Slavery was already an unpopular sentiment in the South at the time of the Civil War. The North would have struggled to support their existing industry without the South's raw goods and would have pushed west much more rapidly. Eventually, the two countries would find common ground and most likely rejoin to form a single country again. It's possible that the North would have invaded again out of desperation.
good response
the two countries would have become allies, so - no change to WW1 or WW2 or any other war for that matter
south would have passed a balanced budget amendment a long time ago
south would have much lower taxes
So Cal would have joined the south along with NM,Az
Reagan(not Roosevelt) would have been president for 4 terms
southerners would still be complaining about all the northern migrants coming here for better economic opportunity

Jim Prather

Helluva Engineer
LOL about the northern migrants. . Not sure about being allies by WW I. There was still a ton of animosity towards the north at that time. I could see an alliance being created as a result of WW I, though


Helluva Manager
Staff member
Marietta, GA
On a lighter note, the Oscar for Best Picture would not have gone to "Gone With the Wind" as it would never have been written thus not made into a movie...

Jim Prather

Helluva Engineer
Here is an interesting thought... Depending on the timeline, Sherman's march might never have occurred and Atlanta might never have been burned...


Here is an interesting thought... Depending on the timeline, Sherman's march might never have occurred and Atlanta might never have been burned...
oh my. that could mean there wouldn't have been an underground atlanta for us to go to like back in the seventies ...


Ramblin' Wreck
oh my. that could mean there wouldn't have been an underground atlanta for us to go to like back in the seventies ...

Why is it called Underground Atlanta if it was at street level during the war ? and if it was at street level during the war why did modern transportation design (which elevated roadways) lend the area to historically be know as underground ?