Ahmaud Arbery murder case

A Love Supreme

Ramblin' Wreck
You seem to believe that this just a random young black dude out for an afternoon jog.

Other social media shows a break in, which was preceded by other break ins.

There seems to have been a 911 call regarding the young breaking in.

You seem to only consider the young man was killed purposefully. You probably believe that the white guys are absolute racists.

All of this is either your projection or lack of information.

Your question of “what crime did he commit that day” is just silly rhetoric.
My question of what crime did he commit that day is not "silly rhetoric". It's a question that will be asked in court. If you don't understand that then maybe you are misinformed. Did you know that the two men are not police officers? What authority do they have?
I'm not the one who brought up race. You are the one doing that. So I don't know why you are trying to say that I probably believe the shooters are racists. I never said or implied that in my responses to you. If you want to actually have a civil discussion about this case it's not a good idea to make up things I never said.

Deleted member 2897

I'd like to pose a serious question here. If the Mcmichaels were black instead of white, would the black community and BLM folks be all up in arms over the death of Arbery as they are now?

Why don’t you ask them? Do you think when these families lose kids to anything - murder, suicide, disease, etc that they go “thank God it wasn’t at the hands of the white guy so we’re good with it” ??? Sheesh.


Jolly Good Fellow
Here's a great example of how white suspects and non-white suspects are treated by the media:

A father tied up his (soon to be ex) wife, left with the kids, led the Bibb Deputies on a chance, was shot and killed. Now everyone is talking about how he just made a bad decision, he's a good guy, great teacher, loved his kids. Imagine this guy was black and not change a single detail - what would the angle be?


Helluva Engineer
Here's a great example of how white suspects and non-white suspects are treated by the media:

A father tied up his (soon to be ex) wife, left with the kids, led the Bibb Deputies on a chance, was shot and killed. Now everyone is talking about how he just made a bad decision, he's a good guy, great teacher, loved his kids. Imagine this guy was black and not change a single detail - what would the angle be?

Depends. Did he have a record of drug use or criminal activity?

Personally, I am not completely convinced it is merely about race when you see such disparities. I think there is significant frustration with the fact that most crimes are being committed by repeat offenders.

My comments have NOTHING to do with the situation in Brunswick. As nearly as I can tell that was a serious wrong by the two white dudes and perhaps by the DA as well. And I want ALL Americans, regardless of race (etc) to get equal treatment and equal justice.

But I have far less sympathy for people with records than I do for people with clean backgrounds. I *think* that is pretty typical human response. Maybe some will call it racist, but I feel the same way whether the perp is white, black, or martian green. But having less sympathy does NOT equate to wanting or excusing taking the law into one's own hands. Nor does it mean that I don't think that we as a society need to work harder to make opportunity more available to the working poor in our country, so that young people don't get sucked into bad behavior by their economic circumstances. The "thuggish" behavior of poor young males is NOT related to race in the least, and has been universal amongst poor populations for as long as there is history. Blacks did not invent thuggish behavior. And all humans were black once upon a time way (WAY) back when.

The color of one's skin should be as irrelevant as the color of one's eyes.

Deleted member 2897

Here's a great example of how white suspects and non-white suspects are treated by the media:

A father tied up his (soon to be ex) wife, left with the kids, led the Bibb Deputies on a chance, was shot and killed. Now everyone is talking about how he just made a bad decision, he's a good guy, great teacher, loved his kids. Imagine this guy was black and not change a single detail - what would the angle be?

Sounds very similar to the current conversation honestly. Notice the media didn't interview the wife or the wife's family or the police officers involved. Interview 1 side of the story, get 1 side of the story.


Helluva Engineer
It’s a shame the law isn’t more cut and dry. To your point, it often seems more about the presentation and competence of the litigators — not to mention the jurors....which would scare the hell out of me — than the Law.

In contrast to your earlier posts, though: Don’t you wonder, though, that outside of the obvious that McMichaels had guns and did pursue....was there intent to kill? But only when (it appears) physically attacked that a shot went off? Seems that’s going to be central in this.

There are issues with lawyer competency, juries that have agendas, judges making suspect rulings, etc. However, most of those things are actually in favor of defendants. Even if there is something abnormal in favor of the state, that makes grounds for appeal.

In Georgia even showing that you have a weapon to a person with whom you are in conflict with is aggravated assault. That is pretty cut and dry. Were the McMichaels and Arbery in an excited situation? Yes. Did Travis McMichael show that he had a gun? Yes. Since that is the case, it easily fits the statutory definition of aggravated assault.

In Georgia there are two type of murder, malice murder and felony murder. The definition of felony murder is "A person also commits the offense of murder when, in the commission of a felony, he causes the death of another human being irrespective of malice." Intent does not matter. Only did the person commit a felony, and did the death of another person result from that felony.

Malice murder seems to be more what you are referring to. Which is intentionally taking the life of someone else with "malice aforethought". The statute also says that malice can be implied if there was no provocation. They have not been charged with this.

disclaimer: I personally have no problem with the pursuit, especially in of the video and 911 call. don’t know what statutes say about the guns vis-a-vis “protecting property”.

This seems to be another instance of how you feel vs. what the law is. In order to make a citizen's arrest the person making the arrest has to have a crime occur "in their presence". From previous court rulings about the statute:
  • You have to have witnessed a crime in the immediate past. You can't make a citizen's arrest for something you saw sometime in the past, only what you just saw.
  • You cannot utilize any more force than what is absolutely necessary to enact a citizen's arrest. (This court ruling was from a case in which a person used a baseball bat to make a citizen's arrest, so a gun would be even more force.
  • If you make a citizen's arrest and are mistaken about a crime actually being committed, your detention of the other person is "false imprisonment" which is a crime, and citizen's making such an arrest are not immune to prosecution like police officers are.
You can't make a citizen's arrest just because you "think" somebody did something. You can't detain someone because the "fit the description" of someone who has done something.

The reason people are asking you what crime Arbery committed that day is because for the McMichaels to have authority to make a citizen's arrest under Georgia law, they had to have witnessed a crime at that moment. Greg McMichael stated to the police that hey chased him because he resembled a "suspect from the break - ins". He didn't tell the police that he saw Arbery commit a crime. He also said in the police report that he called for Travis because Travis was inside at the time. Thus Travis wouldn't have even been able to see a crime in progress.

Instead of asking you what crime Arbery committed, I will ask: What legal authority did the McMichaels have to detain Arbery? From the evidence available, it does not appear that they did.
Augusta, GA
You seem to believe that this just a random young black dude out for an afternoon jog.

Other social media shows a break in, which was preceded by other break ins.

There seems to have been a 911 call regarding the young breaking in.

You seem to only consider the young man was killed purposefully. You probably believe that the white guys are absolute racists.

All of this is either your projection or lack of information.

Your question of “what crime did he commit that day” is just silly rhetoric.
If nobody can answer the question "what crime did he commit that day?" then how can they justify anyone pursuing him THAT DAY? Were they pursuing him for something they thought he had done a day or a week or a month earlier? Sorry, IMO that just doesn't fly.


If nobody can answer the question "what crime did he commit that day?" then how can they justify anyone pursuing him THAT DAY? Were they pursuing him for something they thought he had done a day or a week or a month earlier? Sorry, IMO that just doesn't fly.
We've already been thru this. Arbery was trespassing or burgling THAT DAY (minutes before hand-It's on the video- along with other videos of him trespassing at night- a week or month earlier)..When a neighbor ran him off, he sprinted to flee. That's when McMichael likely saw him for the Probable Cause for following him.
We still don't know all the details. but we know that open carry is legal and citizens arrests are legal. no need to rehash
Augusta, GA
We've already been thru this. Arbery was trespassing or burgling THAT DAY (minutes before hand-It's on the video- along with other videos of him trespassing at night- a week or month earlier)..When a neighbor ran him off, he sprinted to flee. That's when McMichael likely saw him for the Probable Cause for following him.
We still don't know all the details. but we know that open carry is legal and citizens arrests are legal. no need to rehash
Since nobody has claimed that the McMichaels saw him at the house being renovated and certainly did not have the opportunity to view the videos from the house, then they had to have based their pursuit of him on events that did not happen on THAT DAY. As I said, that just doesn't fly.


Helluva Engineer
We've already been thru this. Arbery was trespassing or burgling THAT DAY (minutes before hand-It's on the video- along with other videos of him trespassing at night- a week or month earlier)..When a neighbor ran him off, he sprinted to flee. That's when McMichael likely saw him for the Probable Cause for following him.
We still don't know all the details. but we know that open carry is legal and citizens arrests are legal. no need to rehash

Have you read the trespassing statute in Georgia? To trespass, you have to either: a) damage property b) be notified by the owner that you aren't allowed on the property c) refuse to leave the property after the owner asks you to leave. Which of those did he do? If: he didn't damage the property, the owner has not posted signs about trespass, and the owner didn't ask him to leave: then he didn't even trespass.

If you make the law up as you go along, then I can say that anyone committed a crime at any time. Please try to align what crimes you claim that Arbery committed with the actual statute, instead of some idea in your head about what might be a crime.

Have you actually read the Georgia citizen's arrest statute? "Fleeing" isn't authorization under the citizen's arrest statute unless you actually witnessed him commit a felony. You can't even enact a citizen's arrest unless YOU witness a crime. Travis McMicahael was inside the house and unaware of Arbery even running down the street according to his father's statement. YOU cannot enact a citizen's arrest because some other person tells you that a crime was committed.

Once again, please use the actual statute and the statements from McMichael to try to argue your point instead of a vague idea of what the law might be and some crime that Arbery maybe, might have, it is possible that he did something, when Travis could not have seen, and Greg didn't say that he saw.

Deleted member 2897

We've already been thru this. Arbery was trespassing or burgling THAT DAY (minutes before hand-It's on the video- along with other videos of him trespassing at night- a week or month earlier)..When a neighbor ran him off, he sprinted to flee. That's when McMichael likely saw him for the Probable Cause for following him.
We still don't know all the details. but we know that open carry is legal and citizens arrests are legal. no need to rehash

False. The owner of that house said nothing was stolen and he didn't file a police report.

But again, irrelevant counselor - getting caught stealing something isn't a death sentence.


Since nobody has claimed that the McMichaels saw him at the house being renovated and certainly did not have the opportunity to view the videos from the house, then they had to have based their pursuit of him on events that did not happen on THAT DAY. As I said, that just doesn't fly.
Have you seen the vid from that day of him in the house?It's linked somewhere in this thread.. (walking not jogging,looking both ways to see if coast is clear,sprinting inside to avoid detection..then fleeing when that Someone shouted at him) I don't have the story link with aerial photo of that neighborhood, but their were only three houses between the burgled house and the McMichaels house. He could have easily seen him on the property and sprinting from there. Could easily have been an eyewitness but that's a detail that hasn't been reported as far as i know.
Someone (also on video across the road-maybe a neighbor) saw him,yelled at him and made the first 911 call. we just don't know who that person was.


Helluva Engineer
Have you seen the vid from that day of him in the house?It's linked somewhere in this thread.. (walking not jogging,looking both ways to see if coast is clear,sprinting inside to avoid detection..then fleeing when that Someone shouted at him) I don't have the story link with aerial photo of that neighborhood, but their were only three houses between the burgled house and the McMichaels house. He could have easily seen him on the property and sprinting from there. Could easily have been an eyewitness but that's a detail that hasn't been reported as far as i know.
Someone (also on video across the road-maybe a neighbor) saw him,yelled at him and made the first 911 call. we just don't know who that person was.

You can see the person who made the 911 call and listen to the call if you watch the NYT video recreation that I posted. Instead of trying to get actual information, you complain that I am posting funny videos and refuse to watch it. You refuse to look at actual information, like the police report:
McMichael stated that he was in his front yard and saw the suspect from the break - ins " hauling ***" down Satilla Drive toward Burford Drive. McMichael stated he then ran inside his house and called to Travis (McMichael ) and said " Travis the guy is running down the street lets go " . McMichael stated he went to his bedroom and grabbed his . Magnum and Travis grabbed his shotgun
According to McMichael, he saw "the suspect from the break - ins". He didn't state that his reason for chasing Arbery was that he witnessed Arbery commit a crime, he said it was because he saw "the suspect from the break - ins". You are trying to invent things, not looking at evidence.


Milwaukee, WI
Have you seen the vid from that day of him in the house?It's linked somewhere in this thread.. (walking not jogging,looking both ways to see if coast is clear,sprinting inside to avoid detection..then fleeing when that Someone shouted at him) I don't have the story link with aerial photo of that neighborhood, but their were only three houses between the burgled house and the McMichaels house. He could have easily seen him on the property and sprinting from there. Could easily have been an eyewitness but that's a detail that hasn't been reported as far as i know.
Someone (also on video across the road-maybe a neighbor) saw him,yelled at him and made the first 911 call. we just don't know who that person was.

It’s been established umteen times that he wasn’t innocently out for a stroll jogging. The dude was breaking into homes there is video and 911 calls verifying. (“Milwaukee I walk into construction homes all the time”...lmao...no you don’t...but if you do stop breaking the law). There’s so much dumbness that is going on in the thread that I feel compelled to say in every post that the two men that shot Arbery should be put to death, I’m not defending their actions. The guy shouldn’t have been shot to death for committing the CRIME he literally had just committed. That is all. People can’t accept that all 3 parties are in the wrong here for whatever the hell reason.

Carry on.
Augusta, GA
Have you seen the vid from that day of him in the house?It's linked somewhere in this thread.. (walking not jogging,looking both ways to see if coast is clear,sprinting inside to avoid detection..then fleeing when that Someone shouted at him) I don't have the story link with aerial photo of that neighborhood, but their were only three houses between the burgled house and the McMichaels house. He could have easily seen him on the property and sprinting from there. Could easily have been an eyewitness but that's a detail that hasn't been reported as far as i know.
Someone (also on video across the road-maybe a neighbor) saw him,yelled at him and made the first 911 call. we just don't know who that person was.
It has already been revealed that he got water while there, and the owner said that many others have done the same. The video from that day doesn't show anything out of the ordinary.