Acumen of Members/Posters Present, Future, Past


Helluva Engineer
Tbh, I haven't bothered to post in the football section in recent months because so much of it seemed silly (exception has been following the recruiting postings which have generally been great).

I am hopeful things will improve once the season begins and we have more meat to discuss as opposed to making up things to argue about.


Helluva Engineer
Retired Staff
When I joined this blog in November 2013 I did so with the understanding that this was a group that welcomed any and all Georgia Tech fans, no matter your level of acumen. I couldn't argue, pontificate, or explain any X's and O's but I could ardently support my alma mater and the sports teams associated with it. I was welcomed into a family of fans that were varied in their approach and beliefs but we were all Yellow Jackets, whether alumni or sidewalk. Even today, we may disagree with each other, passionately argue our side, stomp off and pout in the corner but we are still a family of Georgia Tech fans. This is what makes GTSwarm very special and I challenge anyone to find a better blog to follow.


Staff member
And this board just posted this thread to Twitter, perfect. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

The first time I saw one of my GTSwarm posts on Twitter, it was kind of weird.

The way this thread is titled, it lends itself to shading other posters. I’d like it better as a self reflection thread.

I played receiver and defensive back. For football, I understand the offensive and defensive schemes better for runs, routes and coverages than I do for blocking schemes. I’m pretty good when we get to linebackers and understanding their responsibilities (I played that occasionally). Once we get to the lines, I’m not as good.

For basketball, I have to do a lot more study. The offenses have changed a lot since when I played. Positionless offense evolved later for me. That’s something I learn more about when I’m watching a basketball game. But I have read up on 5-out and 4-out/1-in offenses.

Track and Soccer I know really well, but they don’t come up as much here.

Feel free to post things you’d like to learn more about.

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Helluva Engineer
Woodstock Georgia
Feel free to post things you’d like to learn more about.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Thanks just a few thinks I would like to know more about. Why after 46 years of marriage can't my wife cook ? Why is it when we go out to eat I ask her where do you want to go and get the answer anywhere. But after I name a place she will say well not there pick another place and we do this till I final pick the place she wants. Would it not save time for her to just tell me. Also why is it if I'm watch a program on TV she waits till the commercial is over to talk? And why after she got dressed today and come down stairs and asked me does she look fat . All I said was fat compared to what, its not like I said yes. Last are all,women confusing like this ?


Helluva Engineer
Retired Staff
Thanks just a few thinks I would like to know more about. Why after 46 years of marriage can't my wife cook ? Why is it when we go out to eat I ask her where do you want to go and get the answer anywhere. But after I name a place she will say well not there pick another place and we do this till I final pick the place she wants. Would it not save time for her to just tell me. Also why is it if I'm watch a program on TV she waits till the commercial is over to talk? And why after she got dressed today and come down stairs and asked me does she look fat . All I said was fat compared to what, its not like I said yes. Last are all,women confusing like this ?


Helluva Engineer
Thanks just a few thinks I would like to know more about. Why after 46 years of marriage can't my wife cook ? Why is it when we go out to eat I ask her where do you want to go and get the answer anywhere. But after I name a place she will say well not there pick another place and we do this till I final pick the place she wants. Would it not save time for her to just tell me. Also why is it if I'm watch a program on TV she waits till the commercial is over to talk? And why after she got dressed today and come down stairs and asked me does she look fat . All I said was fat compared to what, its not like I said yes. Last are all,women confusing like this ?

Basically. A high acumen post.

Good job poster.


I’m too lazy to do it but it would be interesting if someone scoured this site & took historical predictions and calculated the accuracy of posters. There’s a ton predictions from a ton of posters of this guy’s going to be the next HOF’er or this coach is going to excel & in the rear view mirror not so much.