2023 Coaching Carousel


Helluva Engineer
Local news in Durham just reported Elko is likely to be their coach but has not formally accepted.

Northeast Stinger

Helluva Engineer
I actually hate to see this. If Tech is going to stay in the ACC I want the conference to have strong programs and be seen as a top conference. I hate for the rich (the SEC) to keep getting richer. But I don’t blame Elko. He’s getting an astronomical raise and unlimited recruiting resources.

Poor Duke.


Helluva Engineer
I actually hate to see this. If Tech is going to stay in the ACC I want the conference to have strong programs and be seen as a top conference. I hate for the rich (the SEC) to keep getting richer. But I don’t blame Elko. He’s getting an astronomical raise and unlimited recruiting resources.

Poor Duke.
The lower payouts in the ACC do a much better job of keeping parity in the conference. The top is never that far away from the bottom like it is in the SEC and B1G. Pitt beating Louisville was an upset that nobody saw coming, but it wasn’t unthinkably earth-shattering. That kind of thing just happens in the ACC. Could you imagine Alabama losing to Vandy? Or Ohio State losing to Indiana? The ACC’s lack of resources does, however limit how much schools have at their disposal when it comes to building staffs and hiring coaches. Outside of the richest ACC programs (Clemson, FSU, Miami, maybe UNC & VT), the rest of the conference has been and will continue to be used as a farm system for the largest B1G & SEC programs. Both for players and for coaches.


Helluva Engineer
I actually hate to see this. If Tech is going to stay in the ACC I want the conference to have strong programs and be seen as a top conference. I hate for the rich (the SEC) to keep getting richer. But I don’t blame Elko. He’s getting an astronomical raise and unlimited recruiting resources.

Poor Duke.
A&M's a 8 win a year program with an occasional above average 9 win season. I don't think anyone will move the needle there even with all the money they have because with big donors it changes the way programs operate. Adding Ok and Tx, they have as much chance of winning anything in the sec as does Vandy. Don't blame any coach for taking insane money to get abused for a period. The money is a personal game changer and A&M will drop a bucket of money on top of anything or anybody it thinks will give them an advantage.


Ramblin' Wreck
Elko's an interesting choice for A&M, I think it has solid potential compared to some of their last attempts to pay for past performance in terms of titles vs get someone who's done more with less. Not completely left field with A&M ties already, but he's also not blown the doors off of things at Duke. Of course, Duke's a hard place to win, so there's potential for a much higher ceiling at A&M.


Staff member
If Elko goes, maybe Duke looks at an FCS school and goes local at Davidson?

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Jolly Good Fellow
Pittsburgh, PA
Some noise on Twitter that he's been approached by the razorbacks. Most of it points back to one "insider" account, so hopefully nothing there.

edit - here's the tweet FWIW...

I wouldn't be surprised if CBF lands a bigger gig at some point soon, but I can't imagine he'd leave for this one. It's objectively a step down. Not only are they a measurably worse team, but their head coach is on a VERY hot seat. Why would he leave a good thing just to go to Arkansas and be fired in a year?


Helluva Engineer
Based on his comments last year when taking the Tech job about wanting to stay in Georgia, I don't see him jumping to what is mostly a lateral move with a head coach that is much more likely to get fired than ours next year. Arkansas was paying Kendall Briles 1.25m, so more than the 750k Faulkner is making this season, but I imagine we will be willing to increase that salary a good bit after the results we've seen. I think we actually have a higher salary pool for assistants than Arkansas does too - I'm seeing $7.5m was available for Tech last year, vs $5.7m-6.2m for Arkansas.