Coach Paul Johnson Tears Into Geoff Collins


Helluva Engineer
The two things I remember being talked about here. 1. Collins first spring game he came out on first play lined up in CPJ's TO formation. 2. I don't remember CBK saying that GT was easier to recruit than "bama" but did hear him say he had more to sell at GT when recruiting. Certainly I could have missed the "easier to recruit" comment.
Collins did that so he could motion fro. It to five wide and complete a pass to the tight end as a symbol of the new era. It was dumb

Southern psu fan

Jolly Good Fellow
Temple ga
Geezus...that's about as brutal of a takedown from a coach about another coach as I've ever heard. Collins might want to sit this one out...
My goodness I love Ga Tech so I’m just going to keep this real…CPJ is 100% correct. I could see after year one that CGC wasn’t going to work. I’ll just bite my tongue 😂 We in good hands now baby!


Helluva Engineer
Does anyone know which team went into the flex bone formation to score at the end of a game to rub it in on tfg? I remember it happening but don’t recall which team it was. Unfortunately it would take forever to go back through all the games we lost under tfg.
It was Cutcliffe and Duke.


Helluva Engineer
I remember him saying that. But I remember it being about academics, playing time, ATL, and other things. I NEVER felt like it was a shot at CPJ. I think CPJ was very successful in getting the type of talent he needed to run his offense up to the bitter end. QB was the issue at the end and the NCAA kept changing the rules to make it harder and harder for CPJ to run his scheme.
Lots of changes to blocking plus the refs were looking to call chop blocks. The defenses also learned to hold our linemen to keep them from getting to the linebackers. That was never called. We did get out matched by some of the top teams with bigger and more athletic defensive linemen the last 2 years of PJ. It's rare for a DL to outweigh the OL but UGA in particular often did. Duke would take a CB or S and move into a gap and crash the backfield to disrupt the option. Cutcliffe had a lot of success against us doing that.


Ramblin' Wreck
The thing I dislike most about CPJ, which most of you will likely disagree with, is the way he talks like GT never won a game before he showed up - "they act like they used to win before we showed up". TFG was a jerk, but I have never gotten the impression that CPJ bleeds white and gold.

And, he had some stinker years too. On the whole good, with good highs, but some big lows too.

WE all know that TFG dethroned B*** L***** as worst coach ever, but he is gone. Look ahead, not back.


Helluva Engineer
The thing I dislike most about CPJ, which most of you will likely disagree with, is the way he talks like GT never won a game before he showed up - "they act like they used to win before we showed up". TFG was a jerk, but I have never gotten the impression that CPJ bleeds white and gold.

And, he had some stinker years too. On the whole good, with good highs, but some big lows too.

WE all know that TFG dethroned B*** L***** as worst coach ever, but he is gone. Look ahead, not back.

I mean this is literally what Collins pushed about CPJs tenure. So you don't expect CPJ to defend his years?


Helluva Engineer
Lots of changes to blocking plus the refs were looking to call chop blocks. The defenses also learned to hold our linemen to keep them from getting to the linebackers. That was never called. We did get out matched by some of the top teams with bigger and more athletic defensive linemen the last 2 years of PJ. It's rare for a DL to outweigh the OL but UGA in particular often did. Duke would take a CB or S and move into a gap and crash the backfield to disrupt the option. Cutcliffe had a lot of success against us doing that.
IMPO, this is what hurt CPJ. He was a great coach, and now we learn how poorly Stan’s admin treated him. What a disappointment! However, teams were learning how to play his O and he needed to adapt some… not a lot, but some. It also seemed to me like teams would time the snap by the motion some, too. CPJ’s PPG hovered in the mid-30’s most of his time at GT, but it dropped below 30 in 2015-16, JT5’s last two years, and 17 as well, but popped back up to 34 in 2018, TM’s last season. A lot of those 1-score losses were wins with another TD.


Jolly Good Fellow
The thing I dislike most about CPJ, which most of you will likely disagree with, is the way he talks like GT never won a game before he showed up - "they act like they used to win before we showed up". TFG was a jerk, but I have never gotten the impression that CPJ bleeds white and gold.

And, he had some stinker years too. On the whole good, with good highs, but some big lows too.

WE all know that TFG dethroned B*** L***** as worst coach ever, but he is gone. Look ahead, not back.
I mean he did give Chan Gailey some credit in that very same interview above. And we won some games before but CPJ in 08-09 and 2014 was the high-water mark since Joe Hamilton and arguably since 1990.

Hopefully CPJ gets it all out of his system and the regime rebuilds a decent relationship. It's fun to laugh at Collins now that we have light on the other side, and CPJ is giving us plenty of ammo. He probably only started going public with it this year because, in prior years, he didn't want to rag on the current coach of the program - which is admirable. But if this is still a talking point next offseason it'll get tiresome.


Helluva Engineer
I mean he did give Chan Gailey some credit in that very same interview above. And we won some games before but CPJ in 08-09 and 2014 was the high-water mark since Joe Hamilton and arguably since 1990.

Hopefully CPJ gets it all out of his system and the regime rebuilds a decent relationship. It's fun to laugh at Collins now that we have light on the other side, and CPJ probably didn't go very public with it until this year because he didn't want to trash the program - which is admirable. But if this is still a talking point after another year or two it'll be tiresome.
I think this is it. I can’t see CPJ wanting to talk to anyone else about it. It’s kind of the consummate interview as nothing was held back, it seems, and all the carnal knowledge folks had wondered about for 5 years was exposed. My concern is what CBK thinks and how it will color his thoughts toward CPJ going forward, not that it matters a whole lot. You just want your HOF coaches to say good things about your program when asked. Most of CPJ’s animus seemed aimed at TFG, not GT.


Helluva Engineer
I think this is it. I can’t see CPJ wanting to talk to anyone else about it. It’s kind of the consummate interview as nothing was held back, it seems, and all the carnal knowledge folks had wondered about for 5 years was exposed. My concern is what CBK thinks and how it will color his thoughts toward CPJ going forward, not that it matters a whole lot. You just want your HOF coaches to say good things about your program when asked. Most of CPJ’s animus seemed aimed at TFG, not GT.
And T Stan


Staff member
The thing I dislike most about CPJ, which most of you will likely disagree with, is the way he talks like GT never won a game before he showed up - "they act like they used to win before we showed up". TFG was a jerk, but I have never gotten the impression that CPJ bleeds white and gold.

And, he had some stinker years too. On the whole good, with good highs, but some big lows too.

WE all know that TFG dethroned B*** L***** as worst coach ever, but he is gone. Look ahead, not back.

Offhand, I can’t think of Johnson criticizing O’Leary or Gailey or any of his predecessors.

I bolded a section of your quote. If that’s the quote I think it is, he’s saying that TFG treated his era with the team as a mistake where the team didn’t win. That is, TFG claimed that the team was great when he was there under O’Leary and went to Hell under Johnson.

I think you misunderstood what he meant


Helluva Engineer
I mean he did give Chan Gailey some credit in that very same interview above. And we won some games before but CPJ in 08-09 and 2014 was the high-water mark since Joe Hamilton and arguably since 1990.

Hopefully CPJ gets it all out of his system and the regime rebuilds a decent relationship. It's fun to laugh at Collins now that we have light on the other side, and CPJ is giving us plenty of ammo. He probably only started going public with it this year because, in prior years, he didn't want to rag on the current coach of the program - which is admirable. But if this is still a talking point next offseason it'll get tiresome.
Collins still coaching in the ACC. I can assure you people in Chapel Hill are hearing this. I was at dinner with 2 UNC couples a few weeks ago and started telling them some of the things TFG had done. Got some interesting looks but dead silence. This was before the PJ expose. They just wanted to talk about the no call when we had just beat them a couple of days earlier.
So far I have not heard much about Collins in local press. Mac said they were blown away by his defensive knowledge during his interview. He knew them pretty well, after all he coached against them.