You guys know we won the game today, right?


Helluva Engineer
Nashville, TN
No great surprise as Tech seems to have more than it's share of "Fans" who know better than anyone on the sidelines. Am I happy about everything I saw today? Of course not but we saw a game for the times out of JeT. It's a W to get within 1 game of bowl eligible and 1 W closer to running of a great close to the '16 season!
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Yaller Jacket

Ramblin' Wreck
A good point, A Love! I may be doin' some griping, but I'm really, really glad to get that W. After we failed on the fourth and one and they went in for the score, they had all the Mo. I was not liking our chances one bit. But we found a way.

by the way, PJ was fuming on the radio about the blocking on the fourth and one. Apparently for the umpteenth time, on a critical play, we failed to block the right guys.


Jolly Good Fellow
I'm probably in the minority here, but I loved watching our defense today.

Corey Griffin is my surprise player of the year. Dude lays the wood. AJ Gray looks great. I can't tell if Brant Mitchell is bad at pass coverage or were running a zone scheme that leaves everyone wide open & it's not his fault, but apart from that, his run support looked really good later in the game. Henderson (DT) got a few pressures early. Simmons is a superstar talent. Curry was flying around on special teams. Saint Amour got a sack I believe. Terrell Lewis catches my eye every now and then.

We've got a lot of really good players on Defense. That's something to be excited about.

JeT had an incredible game. Marshall is fast AF. Juene & Brad Stewart are really solid WRs. I know Mills didn't play, but he is special. Runs like an NFL back. always gets 3 more yards than seems possible. Clinton Lynch is a beast. Lynn Griffin ran hard today. . . we started 2 true freshman and 1 RS freshman on the O-Line today.

Also, Butker's kicks are like OCD-euphoria. the ball just spirals so perfectly. he's got a heck of a leg & seems to have a good head on his shoulders.

Also, we beat the worst, most intolerable collection of people after 2 years of insufferable loses.

i'm happy with it.


Ramblin' Wreck
Agony of defeat...........



Helluva Engineer
I've been saying to my son, a yuuuge Tech fan, that for the rest of the year all I want is 1 point wins. I don't care about all this "dominance" stuff; this is football, not an S/M relationship. All I want to do is win; next year nobody will care what the scores were.

Of course, I wouldn't turn down making the Dwags cry like they were little girls …

AE 87

Helluva Engineer
I've been saying to my son, a yuuuge Tech fan, that for the rest of the year all I want is 1 point wins. I don't care about all this "dominance" stuff; this is football, not an S/M relationship. All I want to do is win; next year nobody will care what the scores were.

Of course, I wouldn't turn down making the Dwags cry like they were little girls …

You make little girls cry?


Helluva Engineer
You make little girls cry?
Well, I did that today. My two granddaughters like to play with my watch and my keys. Problem = if one has the watch and the other the keys they want what the other has. So I took the watch and keys back and said they couldn't play with them because they were making too big a fuss about it. The waterworks flowed.

But what I meant was that I wanted us to beat the Dwags so bad that they would cry like little girls. Just like my granddaughters, only harder.

AE 87

Helluva Engineer
Well, I did that today. My two granddaughters like to play with my wa
tch and my keys. Problem = if one has the watch and the other the keys they want what the other has. So I took the watch and keys back and said they couldn't play with them because they were making too big a fuss about it. The waterworks flowed.

But what I meant was that I wanted us to beat the Dwags so bad that they would cry like little girls. Just like my granddaughters, only harder.

Just wrong


Ramblin' Wreck
I'm happy with the win. Kind of knew at halftime the game wasn't over. One of my dawg friends wrote me a text at half saying good ole *** whooping to which I replied that Duke had over 300 yards in first half. But Thomas willed us to a W. My frustrations were less over the defense given they just got beat to more things like illegal procedure at the 2 foot line that cost us 4 points, fumbles/poor blocking on kickoff returns and failing to make 4h and 1.


Helluva Engineer
I'm pretty sure the final score was GT 38 Duke 35. Why all the complaining? Many of you guys are acting like we lost today. I know there are still some issues but lets celebrate and be happy we won and didn't lose to damn Duke 3 years in a row.
5-3 is better than 4-4, just sayin.
We beat Perrenial power Duke!!!!!!


Helluva Engineer
While it's true we gave up a lot of yards to Duke, and they ended up scoring 35 points, don't forget we had a 28-7 halftime lead and our first two times we touched the ball offensively in the second half we turned the ball over, giving Duke great field position and an easy chance to score (granted that first fumble occured happened after our defense had just forced a Duke stop, however, they had done their job and needed a blow to catch their breath from the heat and had to go right back on the field).

Take away those 14 points and we win 38-21 and many of you wouldn't be complaining so much.

AE 87

Helluva Engineer
I think that some of us need to remember that, outside the Big12, the punt is typically still a part of the game.

A drive starting on the 50 should not be a gimme. Even if we say the fumbled kick TD isn't on the D, Duke still scored more efficiently against us than any fbs team, iirc, except maybe ND. And ND fired their DC after the game.

We need to face the new normal. We are a blind squirrel D who will occasionally find a nut. From here on, we just have to expect to score a TD every possession and hope opp O make more mistakes. Fortunately, vpi is the only decent D left.