When it’s all said & done: J.Gibbs


Helluva Engineer
Laskey had 851 yds and 5 ypc as a senior. His team went 11-3 and was ranked in the top 10. JG has 745 yards and 5.3 ypc on a team that has won 3 to date and may not win another this season. Never mind his other yards 9receiving, kicks, etc.) His offensive line "is what it is". I don't know if we have had any backs ever that would have positive rushing yardage this year. I am assuming that you watch the games.

Jerrelle Williams was a fine LB for us. But to say he was better than Keith Brooking bc his team won a NC and Brooking's didn't is absurd. I think this analogy is simialr to what you and others are saying. And, btw, I love me some Zach Laskey.
I’m not saying that ZL has more talent than JG nor am I saying that JG is less of a player than ZL because of the overall record of the team. I am just saying that as a senior ZL had developed the proper technique to maximize his potential. If JG continues to develop he will surpass his current numbers by a significant amount, but he still has some development to do. In other words he hasn’t reached his ceiling.

I am not disparaging JG at all. He is a really talented player. He will be great as he continues to develop.


Helluva Engineer
Laskey had 851 yds and 5 ypc as a senior. His team went 11-3 and was ranked in the top 10. JG has 745 yards and 5.3 ypc on a team that has won 3 to date and may not win another this season. Never mind his other yards 9receiving, kicks, etc.) His offensive line "is what it is". I don't know if we have had any backs ever that would have positive rushing yardage this year. I am assuming that you watch the games.

Jerrelle Williams was a fine LB for us. But to say he was better than Keith Brooking bc his team won a NC and Brooking's didn't is absurd. I think this analogy is simialr to what you and others are saying. And, btw, I love me some Zach Laskey.

Who said that? You’re arguing against an argument that wasn’t made lol.

If Gibbs left this year, ten years from now, will you really be talking about everything he did during our 6-16 run while he was here? No. Not his fault, but that’s just how it is. Be realistic lol


Helluva Engineer
Sadly, as of right now, I don’t view him as one of our greats because he hasn’t played a meaningful snap his whole career thanks to Geoff Collins.
That’s also harsh. He’s had quite a few meaningful snaps, even though they were for a losing football team.


Helluva Engineer
Trying to compare Jahmyr Gibbs to Zach Laskey is like trying to compare Justin Thomas to George Godsey. They’re different players in different systems. Both are very good at what they do, but Gibbs will be an NFL back because he has skills that very few running backs in the country do, much less past ones at GT.


Helluva Engineer
That’s also harsh. He’s had quite a few meaningful snaps, even though they were for a losing football team.

They are all meaningless, bro. No one is going to remember the last three years of Ga Tech football and we’ll all be better off for it. **** has been disgraceful


Im a 3*
Good lord!!! Are y’all trying to devalue the GT with these idiotic takes?

If team performance determined your individual greatness, then Calvin shouldn’t be in the NFL HOF.

Gibbs as a HS senior is and will forever be better than Laskey. Losing shouldn’t make us delusional.


Helluva Engineer
Just the fact you’re saying it meaningless

You guys are too sensitive. I’m not saying he’s not a great individual player, but I don’t think he’s a GT legend right now because no one is going to remember anything he’s accomplished yet because he’s not playing any games that matter. We’ve won three games. This season is a big nothing burger. I am sorry but I know in 10 years I’m not going to remember he was first in APY this year the way that I remember someone like JD’s highlights from ten years ago because they are memorable because the games were memorable because we won. That is how legacies endure. We remember.

Dan Marino is not a valid comparison because he played meaningful games. He played in a SB. He went to the playoffs multiple times. He won a lot of games. A more adapt comparison would be someone like Archie Manning or our own Steve Bartkowski. Both are probably easily hall of famers if they played for even average franchises.

Calvin Johnson is a great example about how the type of games you play in affect your legacy. He became a household name and was on the cover of Madden the year after The Lions made it to the playoffs. Compare that to when they went 0-16 and Calvin led the league in TD receptions and was 5th in receiving yards…and didn’t even get a Pro-Bowl invitation.

Legacies last when people remember you. It’s hard to remember great players when they aren’t a part of any memorable games. That’s all I’m saying.

I’ve been to every home game this year and the first thing I can think of is him scoring against Clemson that didn’t count. Why? Because at the time that was a big deal. It sunk in my memory.

My whole point is he’s not going to be on Mount Rushmore of GT backs if he doesn’t play in any seasons where we’re actually doing anything because no one is going to have strong memories about those games, resulting in him being under-appreciated and not being one of those legends. There is a difference between Great and what was proposed in this thread. The world isn’t black and white.


Helluva Engineer
No one mentions Laskey in respect to the 2014 team. It’s the team as a whole, JT and the OL. Synjyn and Butker gets mentioned before Laskey
Laskey did last what third longest in the league though of any of our backs in recent history, granted that was at fullback. Unless im forgetting an a-back.


Helluva Engineer
Retired Staff
I am going out on a limb here about your age here but you probably don't recall Tommy Nobis ....he is one of the greatest LB'ers to ever play the game. He was on bad Atlanta teams in their expansion days but no one disputes his abilities. Calvin has been mentioned in this thread already. 20 years from now, assuming GT is still engaged in FB and has any fans left, JG will be remembered by y'all as an all-timer. What he could be with the other pieces in place is glaringly apparent to most.


Helluva Engineer
I am going out on a limb here about your age here but you probably don't recall Tommy Nobis ....he is one of the greatest LB'ers to ever play the game. He was on bad Atlanta teams in their expansion days but no one disputes his abilities. Calvin has been mentioned in this thread already. 20 years from now, assuming GT is still engaged in FB and has any fans left, JG will be remembered by y'all as an all-timer. What he could be with the other pieces in place is glaringly apparent to most.

At this point we’re talking in circles. I already talked about Calvin and, while I didn’t speak of Nobis, I did bring up other players on bad teams.

I’m specifically talking of how we remember things and yes, I do not believe it is controversial to say a player with similar ability playing in competitive games and on winning teams is probably going to be remembered more fondly. I mean hell, you already got kids claiming Metcalf is better than Calvin. Why? Because he rarely played on national television and rarely played in big games. He’s my favorite player ever and I believe arguably the most gifted WR ever, but he’s not going to be remembered like that, and I get that. He’ll be remembered as a great player. Not the GOAT, even though he probably could have been.

I thought starting off with “sadly” for my first post would it make clear I was speaking of things out of Gibbs control and not attacking him personally, but it’s clear that wasn’t taken so. I do think he’s great, but again, I’ve watched him play live like 10 times now and I couldn’t tell you a play he did other than the phantom holding call against Clemson.


Georgia Tech Fan
At this point we’re talking in circles. I already talked about Calvin and, while I didn’t speak of Nobis, I did bring up other players on bad teams.

I’m specifically talking of how we remember things and yes, I do not believe it is controversial to say a player with similar ability playing in competitive games and on winning teams is probably going to be remembered more fondly. I mean hell, you already got kids claiming Metcalf is better than Calvin. Why? Because he rarely played on national television and rarely played in big games. He’s my favorite player ever and I believe arguably the most gifted WR ever, but he’s not going to be remembered like that, and I get that. He’ll be remembered as a great player. Not the GOAT, even though he probably could have been.

I thought starting off with “sadly” for my first post would it make clear I was speaking of things out of Gibbs control and not attacking him personally, but it’s clear that wasn’t taken so. I do think he’s great, but again, I’ve watched him play live like 10 times now and I couldn’t tell you a play he did other than the phantom holding call against Clemson.

Because Calvin has been out of the league from 5+ years and they can't recall that far. He also didn't play as long as Julio or AJ Green or the others that he competed against as best WR in the league any given year.

Gibbs is incredible and he'll have a longer career than Dwyer because he appears to be a lot more invested in doing what it takes to be the best he can be (including staying in shape).


Georgia Tech Fan
I appreciate the optimism in this thread that Gibbs is going to have a successful NFL career. Will he be drafted? Undoubtedly, yes. Will he be successful in the pros? Really no way to know.

How will you feel about his legacy if he were to have a similar season to this one next year, then have a 1 or 2 year NFL career without major success? Probably not the legacy that many of you are describing.


Helluva Engineer
North Shore, Chicago
I think that J. Gibbs is the most dynamic athlete we have had since Calvin Johnson. It’s amazing that as rare as both these individuals are/were that both times the supporting casts required for them to fully reach their potential and fully feel and benefit from their presence on the team are not in place. When Calvin was here we didn’t have a highly effective quarter back to throw to him. Now with Gibbs we don’t have a decent OL for him to run behind. It makes me wonder if Gibbs were to have the opportunity to sit down with CJ one on one what his advice to Gibbs would be stay and get your GT degree or transfer and really up your draft status and make big $$$ on the NIL market at a program where the pieces are there for him to excel Day #1?
It is amazing that one day we will all be watching Gibbs set records in the NFL and put his skills on full display and have to know that we had him here on the Flats and we’re not able to capitalize on his talents. Gibbs and GT are VERY fortunate to have Choice here to not only get these RB here but has a unique way of building a incredible bond that makes them want to stay and play for him here at GT. I also wonder if Choice were able to fully take off his Gold tinted glasses what his advice for Gibbs would be. Stay and tough it out or go and grow those God given talents because you’re only given 1 shot?
Well, Calvin was #2 overall, so not sure why he’d give that advise.


Ramblin' Wreck
Laskey made a big jump from 2013 to 2014. He hit the hole a lot lower and he was patient to let the line engage (or cut) before driving forward to maximize his yardage. Gibbs just isn’t there yet and in his defense our O line blocking has been very inconsistent. In 2014 it was pretty easy to trust Freddie and Shaq to make a hole. That is all I meant.

I liked 2014 Days better than Laskey. Seemed to swim through holes better. Laskey often put his head down and plowed straight thru.


Helluva Engineer
2008-2009 Dwyer was special. 2008 Dwyer was an absolute monster. Combination of power and speed I haven't seen since I became a GT fan. Could run inside, outside...and was a threat to take it to the house on any given play. He wasn't Gibbs in the passing game, but he could catch the ball and make something happen (Took a dump off pass to the house and essentially won the game against Gardner Webb).

Dwyer had a great supporting cast, and a coach that was the best at what he does. You salivate when you think what Calvin Johnson and Gibbs could have done in CPJ's offense. Who's covering CJ 1v1 on the outside? You look at what Demaryius Thomas did in that offense and extrapolate it to CJ"s talent...absolute nightmare for DCs and secondaries. Then Gibbs could have played either AB or BB. IMO, the best all around AB we had were Godhigh and Orwin Smith. No offense to those two, but they're not nearly the talent Gibbs is.

Fun to think about.