So if you are a leaving on Friday afternoon (3-5pm), you might consider pulling over before you get to Blacksburg. I have stayed in a hotel in Abingdon, Va. which is just over the state line from (Bristol / Kingsport - Tennessee. Now, Abingdon is about 1 hour 50 minutes from Blacksburg - so you'd have to leave by no later than 8:30 in the event of a noon game. Hopefully, it won't be a noon game so you have time to see the campus. Abingdon is also not a bad little tourist spot as it is the home of the Barter Theatre. The Barter Theatre began during the depression when the town offered out of work actors room and board in exchange for theatre performances. I think there are matinee and evening performances. In October there is both a comedy and a Sherlock Holmes play running. Coming from that direction- parking for the game was off- sight . We parked at a Church which ran its own shuttle bus. It wasn't that bad. Beautiful drive, electric atmosphere and exciting game - the Blacksburg trip gets five thumbs up from me.