Updated predictions for the season


Jolly Good Fellow
I don't think this qualifies as an update since I didn't make a prediction at the beginning of the season, but I think we have a real shot at 9-3 with a more conservative outcome being 8-4. Not counting a bowl game.

The good news is that we are capable of beating any of the remaining competition on any given day, I just don't think we will. If we catch a few good breaks this year, it could be special.

Given that we are 4-0 and looking at the level of play from the rest of the teams on the schedule, I would not have expected us to be in this spot a month ago.


Ramblin' Wreck
Just taking one at a time and looking forward to the growth of several young players. This could be a fun year to watch.


Jolly Good Fellow
Just taking one at a time and looking forward to the growth of several young players. This could be a fun year to watch.
Amen. I am feelin' pretty good about the outlook. The team can be maddening sometimes, but they have a lot of heart.


Helluva Engineer
Realistically, I don't know that UGA is winnable for you guys.

I could see you beating or losing to any other team you have left.

If I had to guess:
Duke- Loss

So, I've got you at 8 or 9 wins, depending on the miami game.

I could also see a UVA loss or a Duke win.


Helluva Engineer
Marietta, Georgia
We'll do what we always do, that is, we'll get teased and then viciously let down... we'll win 5 of the next 6, going into Clemson 9-1 and a top 20 (maybe even top 15) ranking that we don't deserve... we'll lose to Clemson and UGA, finishing 6-2 in the conference, which will give us a share of the coastal but whoever beats us will be the team that also goes 6-2 and takes the tiebreaker. We'll go to a decent bowl with a 9-3 record and we'll lose it, finishing 9-4 after that beautiful 9-1 start gives everyone hope for so much more. CPJ gets a 2 year extension that allows him to be around until JT graduates, and he'll continue to win 8-10 with JT. After JT leaves, I guess we'll see if we have another gamer to step in behind him. My guess is that we'll shrink back to 7-win mediocrity.

I don't meant to be a pessimist, but it's been a long run of disappointment as a GT fan. If we win 9 games, I guess I should be really happy. If we win 27 games with JT as a starter, I should be happy. I just always want more for the program as every fan does and it hurts getting let down so many times. This weekend was so nice, to finally be on the other end of 'luck'.

Atomic Jacket

Things are never as bad as they seem after a loss or as good as they seem after a win. I'm willing to improve my outlook to 7 wins, but 9 or even 8 is optimistic.

Losses: at UNC, at Pitt, Clemson, at Georgia
Tossups (will win 2 out of 3): Miami, Duke, at NC State
Win: Virginia


Jolly Good Fellow
Things are never as bad as they seem after a loss or as good as they seem after a win. I'm willing to improve my outlook to 7 wins, but 9 or even 8 is optimistic.

Losses: at UNC, at Pitt, Clemson, at Georgia
Tossups (will win 2 out of 3): Miami, Duke, at NC State
Win: Virginia

You did see how bad UNC is right? It's more likely that we lose to UVA because they actually have a defense...


Helluva Engineer
We could win every game or lose every game. But, here's hoping the D keeps improving, JT keeps evolving, and we get some help in the offense besides Laskey, JT, and Smelter.


Helluva Engineer
Nashville, TN
That was one game. If it becomes a trend, there might be reason to think UNC really is bad. Another factor is that we'll be playing in Chapel Hill.

They got BLOWN out by the one decent(okay better than decent) team they've faced. This is not a game that worries me as long as Tech takes care of its business.


Helluva Manager
Staff member
Marietta, GA
Well I'm very confident that we'll be undefeated at the end of week 5 of this year's season.

UVA has been a lot better than I thought.

The obvious is that we could be 15 - 0 or 4 - 8 or somewhere in between (money on the somewhere in between) :)

Regardless, I'll be WATCHING each game and pulling for us to win.


Helluva Engineer
How one dimensional is Duke? Do they have a run game?

Duke is 21st in the nation in rushing at 261/game. GT is 14 in the nation at 292/game. Duke is 29 in the nation in Total Offense, #17 in scoring offense, and #7 in scoring defense.

GT fans need to quit looking down at Duke. They are a good team that can beat us straight up if we keep playing inconsistently. The last couple of games against them has come down to the 4th quarter. Cutcliffe is starting to round the corner with that program. It will be a good game. I'm glad we have them at home this year.


Before anybody goes crowning Duke as a new powerhouse you might want to look at the stats from the Tulane game. Tulane ran all over them but that young QB got rattled and decided to throw 4 picks.


Ramblin' Wreck
Duke is 21st in the nation in rushing at 261/game. GT is 14 in the nation at 292/game. Duke is 29 in the nation in Total Offense, #17 in scoring offense, and #7 in scoring defense.

GT fans need to quit looking down at Duke. They are a good team that can beat us straight up if we keep playing inconsistently. The last couple of games against them has come down to the 4th quarter. Cutcliffe is starting to round the corner with that program. It will be a good game. I'm glad we have them at home this year.
Techster, you're right on with this. I hear a lot of chicken little around Dook and how we're going to get creamed. I don't see that, but it's going to be hard fought. That said, I don't see a strong indication that Dook can cope with historical GT flexbone, much less the qualitatively more complex offense we saw with JT against Virginia Tech. That says to me O strength vs. O strength in a big ol' shootout.

In that kind of game, I'm very glad to have CPJ in our corner and I trust JT and the O to execute exactly what they need to so that our strengths are bigger strengths than dooks.

if that makes sense. Dook is, no doubt, a darn good ACC team.


Helluva Engineer
Before anybody goes crowning Duke as a new powerhouse you might want to look at the stats from the Tulane game. Tulane ran all over them but that young QB got rattled and decided to throw 4 picks.

Um...sounds similar to our game with them. Close until their QB started turning the ball over.