Ty Griffin


Helluva Engineer
Featured Member
If If If that kid is willing to work, he is going to be a really good player, QB or not. It is a shame to lose him, but I only want guys who are on board. If he isn't, then it is better that he goes. Oh well.

FWIW I don't take this as a sign of ill health in the program at all. In fact I see it as just the opposite. We need to stick with our culture and what we are trying to do. As soon as you start trying to make everybody happy, the boat has sunk.


Helluva Engineer
We now have a history of QB's leaving the program, I wonder how that compares to other schools? At worst its just another black eye for the program in the perception of others, and at best we lose what appears to be a promising athlete who could have contributed somewhere, but wasn't going to see much of the field this year.


Georgia Tech Fan
We now have a history of QB's leaving the program, I wonder how that compares to other schools? At worst its just another black eye for the program in the perception of others, and at best we lose what appears to be a promising athlete who could have contributed somewhere, but wasn't going to see much of the field this year.
Well, I know Texas Tech had 2 transfers this year alone and one more drop the program. Their backup for a is going to be a true freshman starting behind a true sophomore. I haven't heard anybody claim their program is in shambles. I think we will have a good starter and backup combination for at least this year, and a redshirt freshman as a backup isn't the worst thing as long as he can run things.

danny daniel

Helluva Engineer
Why go through spring if you are going to transfer?
Was school difficulty apart of the transfer?
Oregon might be using this to get his brother?
CPJ praise might have been a way to try and keep him?
2s did not score. Ty did have a few good runs, but he was no redshirt freshman JT or Vad . I would have liked to see him at AB.
We lost what looked to be a good player, but we did not loose a Laskey, Gotsis, Shaq, Smelter, Golden, or Butker

I am on a bruiser kick for QB and MJ looks to be of the Byerly type.

I really liked your last two lines. I like bruiser QBs like TB and MJ also and even Swilling who seems to be a bruiser wannabe.


Helluva Engineer
Gibson, GA
Holy crap...you have got to be differen
Holy crap...you have got to be kidding me.

Jordan Luallen...Jaybo Shaw...Vad Lee...Ty Griffin. Not to mention, Damon Mitchell, the guy Ty was replacing at QB in that class de-committed at the 11th hour. What is going on with the QB position at GT the past few years?!

Good thing CPJ recruits a lot of QBs to play other positions...some of them may be needed at QB eventually...

ing me.

Jordan Luallen...Jaybo Shaw...Vad Lee...Ty Griffin. Not to mention, Damon Mitchell, the guy Ty was replacing at QB in that class de-committed at the 11th hour. What is going on with the QB position at GT the past few years?!

Good thing CPJ recruits a lot of QBs to play other positions...some of them may be needed at QB eventually...
Maybe when CPJ was telling all the recruits that we were gonna start using different formations and throwing the ball more they decided to come here, now we're throwing all that out the window and gonna run the triple option


Retired Co-Founder
Exactly. So I'll just keep my "lack of knowledge" to myself.

But I'll say this. I wouldn't be surprised if Eric knew of this much earlier than today. I know "some people" knew the weekend of the spring game that this was going to happen.

I heard it awhile back but I didn't put much stock in it to be honest...First time I knew 100% was on Monday this week.

Jerry the Jacket

Helluva Engineer
Chapin, SC
Now riddle me this, how is a kid who could not even crack the depth chart at GT going to earn a scholarship to attend the vaunted Oregon program? They may take him but I doubt as a scholarship player. You know they have 5 star's stacked 3 deep ;) and Ty was barely a 2 star. More likely he ends up somewhere like the last QB transfer, some D2 or small D1 school. One less Griffin to keep up with:yawn:.

Go Jackets!


Ramblin' Wreck
Atlanta, GA
I actually heard him say yesterday that he was transferring to Oregon, but I thought he was just joking. He is in one of my classes.


We don't quite suck as much anymore.
Mt Juliet, TN
Ehh..Jaylend Ratliff is coming to GT.

He has way more potential then this kid IMO. Potential is what we lost and some depth.
Thank you. This isn't anywhere near the big deal some people are making it out to be unless people thought he was gonna be some savior at A-Back. These things happen. Good luck to the kid and move on.


Helluva Engineer
Sounds as if Vad & Ty had enough.
I can't blame a guy for not liking the offense. It's good that they leave if they aren't committed to the style of play.
Jaybo left for more playing time.
Damon didn't sign
Jordan didn't fit what CPJ is trying to do.

I thought Jaybo left because it would be easier for him to get into coaching from Southern because of its degree fields.


Helluva Engineer
Really struggling to understand why the offense is so hard to "get" knowing guys personally that played high school ball with josh and knowing his academic prowess or the lack there of, I don't understand how he picked it up so well and these guys can't get it. Josh played in the gun at Greene county and he picked this stuff up in an off season played well in 2008, and then played the position beautifully in 2009. Maybe he just has football smarts and not academic smarts, or maybe these guys are just not football smart. Idk if the offense has become more difficult or maybe we need a change at QB coach. Either way something needs to change and fast. QB is too important of a spot for us to have guys not understand the offense.


Helluva Engineer
Lol. Before he turned a few heads in the spring game, everybody and their mother had this guy pegged as an Aback. But I'm sure you had him pegged as the next Josh all along, right?

Haha...dude, you are REALLY reaching for something to criticize. Whatever makes you feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside man.


Helluva Engineer
Haha...dude, you are REALLY reaching for something to criticize. Whatever makes you feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside man.

I'm beginning to ignore it now. You can't be critical of a program that deserves criticism with him it's like trolling but on the opposite end.


Helluva Engineer
Maybe when CPJ was telling all the recruits that we were gonna start using different formations and throwing the ball more they decided to come here, now we're throwing all that out the window and gonna run the triple option

When Vad and JT signed on, I thought CPJ was going to go the way of "true" dual threat QBs. Ty definitely did not fit that bill coming out of HS. In fact, the AJC article where he committed talked about him moving to WR or DB...and I actually thought he would be practice fodder as QB insurance because Damon Mitchell de-committed. Because of the way I thought CPJ was going with the offense, the whole talk about throwing more and using concepts from the Washington Redskins, I didn't Ty would last long at QB...especially with MJ coming on.

I was pleasantly surprised with how he just "out athleted" a lot of our guys during spring, and he had a dimension we kinda haven't seen with the QB position. The spring was the first time I thought he actually had a chance to stay at QB. I don't think I was the only one.


Helluva Engineer
I'm beginning to ignore it now. You can't be critical of a program that deserves criticism with him it's like trolling but on the opposite end.

Yeah, certain posters I just kinda take with a grain of salt every time they respond to me. I don't really think they actually read what I post, they just misinterpret it in their head so they can reach for something to criticize. It's kinda becoming a compliment now...and borderline stalkerish/creepy.

Hey, if that's what makes a grown man happy...