Thomas states his anthem case


Helluva Engineer
It is not unpatriotic. However, the NFL would be well within their rights (imho) to determine the requirements for their employees and if one of them is to stand for the anthem, then these guys should be penalized. If the NFL wishes to waive that, then they should do so (and suffer whatever losses that might cause).

A friend has pointed out to me that the NBA doesn't seem to have this huge problem, and that the NBA Commissioner, if he was the NFL Commissioner, would have solved this problems a year ago.

Sorry- thought this was a Swarm Lounge thread


Helluva Engineer
It is not unpatriotic. However, the NFL would be well within their rights (imho) to determine the requirements for their employees and if one of them is to stand for the anthem, then these guys should be penalized. If the NFL wishes to waive that, then they should do so (and suffer whatever losses that might cause).

A friend has pointed out to me that the NBA doesn't seem to have this huge problem, and that the NBA Commissioner, if he was the NFL Commissioner, would have solved this problems a year ago.

Sorry- thought this was a Swarm Lounge thread
Agreed. The NFL has rights, so do the players, but the NFL doesn't have to allow their employees to exercise whatever sort of speech they want on their platform as a private company. With that being said, the whole "disrespecting the troops" bull**** is absurd


DT just lost a fan today. It’s kinda ironic he claims his family hasn’t gotten justice. His mother and grandmother, convicted drug dealers both, got early releases. His grandma (mom too?) had her sentence commuted by Obama. Damn unjust America...smh.

And imo it is unpatriotic to refuse allegiance to this nation. It’s his 1A right to do so. But if he feels that way he should find a better country to live in.


Helluva Engineer
DT just lost a fan today. It’s kinda ironic he claims his family hasn’t gotten justice. His mother and grandmother, convicted drug dealers both, got early releases. His grandma (mom too?) had her sentence commuted by Obama. Damn unjust America...smh.

And imo it is unpatriotic to refuse allegiance to this nation. It’s his 1A right to do so. But if he feels that way he should find a better country to live in.
Lemme take a shot in the dark on who you voted for. He didn't deserve you as a fan anyways if that's how you feel about all of this.

Deleted member 2897

DT just lost a fan today. It’s kinda ironic he claims his family hasn’t gotten justice. His mother and grandmother, convicted drug dealers both, got early releases. His grandma (mom too?) had her sentence commuted by Obama. Damn unjust America...smh.

And imo it is unpatriotic to refuse allegiance to this nation. It’s his 1A right to do so. But if he feels that way he should find a better country to live in.

I am not passionate either way on this other than hating the NFL. I didn’t experience what any of these players did in their lives. If they want to protest, good for them. Their teams are also able to discipline those players if they see fit. It’s a shame there’s not more love and compassion these days where teams and their owners can’t just get on the same page together.


Lemme take a shot in the dark on who you voted for. He didn't deserve you as a fan anyways if that's how you feel about all of this.

If that’s how I feel about what? Our nation? An election?

I’m sure he won’t lose any sleep over “losing fans.” The NFL already lost me as a viewer. I still pull for Tech guys to do well even though I don’t watch the games anymore. The league isn’t particularly worried about losing fans one way ot the other either. Is what it is.


It would still very much be an issue. I don’t like the fact that Trump is using it to try and score political points though. He should shut up about it, let the public sort it out themselves, and concentrate on balancing the budget/DPRK/China/Russia/trade/a million other things instead. But that’s really talk for another forum.


Ramblin' Wreck
I totally disagree with the opinion of the players but they each have individual rights to protest. However, they DO NOT have anymore rights than any other employee.

If players really want an honest debate on this issue then stop using the anthem as a prop and demand that the very cops they protest against have the ability to exercise their free speech without punishment.

I get it, I don’t think the players are unpatriotic I think they are liars. They are using the flag and anthem to draw attention to an issue which has nothing to do with patriotism. This is a crime issue. Police interaction with the community has nothing to do with football and the police are not hunting down blacks and killing them.

I’m all for an honest conversation, to do that the players should join cops and demand that they AND the cops enjoy the exact same free speech. When cops aren’t barred from public comments on the cases that they are involved in it will be an equal conversation. When cops don’t face termination or deciplinary action for speaking out on “open” cases it will be an equal conversation.

Until that moment the players can save their argument. Until then I will look at each protest as a one sided propaganda war


Ramblin' Wreck
This wouldn't even be an issue anymore if a certain someone didn't blow it up for no reason other than to divide people.

I agree 100% Millionaires refusing to stand for the anthem would never have been seen as disrespectful if Trump wasn’t President !


Helluva Engineer
I agree 100% Millionaires refusing to stand for the anthem would never have been seen as disrespectful if Trump wasn’t President !
If you find it disrespectful then that is on you. Either way, this story had basically fallen out of public consciousness completely. Not many players were doing it anymore and it certainly wasn't being covered much by anyone anymore. Then Trump, unprovoked, decided to call them sons of bi***** in one of his incoherent rants. Boom, major story again. More players doing it than ever. The NFL had no clue what to do about it. Now players are willing to do it even if they get fined or suspended. All the idiot had to do to get what he supposedly wanted is not do anything. The few who were still kneeling would have eventually stopped. But lets be real, thats not what Trump wanted at all. If Trump had his way everyone would be kneeling. He doesn't care about the kneelers. He cares about the people he can rile up because of the kneeling. Its nothing but a political tool for him.


Helluva Engineer
I totally disagree with the opinion of the players but they each have individual rights to protest. However, they DO NOT have anymore rights than any other employee.

If players really want an honest debate on this issue then stop using the anthem as a prop and demand that the very cops they protest against have the ability to exercise their free speech without punishment.

I get it, I don’t think the players are unpatriotic I think they are liars. They are using the flag and anthem to draw attention to an issue which has nothing to do with patriotism. This is a crime issue. Police interaction with the community has nothing to do with football and the police are not hunting down blacks and killing them.

I’m all for an honest conversation, to do that the players should join cops and demand that they AND the cops enjoy the exact same free speech. When cops aren’t barred from public comments on the cases that they are involved in it will be an equal conversation. When cops don’t face termination or deciplinary action for speaking out on “open” cases it will be an equal conversation.

Until that moment the players can save their argument. Until then I will look at each protest as a one sided propaganda war
I don't think it is really up to you how others peacefully protest.


Helluva Engineer
If that’s how I feel about what? Our nation? An election?

I’m sure he won’t lose any sleep over “losing fans.” The NFL already lost me as a viewer. I still pull for Tech guys to do well even though I don’t watch the games anymore. The league isn’t particularly worried about losing fans one way ot the other either. Is what it is.
All of it, quite frankly. You sound old and out of touch to me and I'm sure that DT would agree.