Strategic Vision...


Georgia Tech Fan
I’m not sure what the strategic vision is for our program. Do we have a desire to become a powerhouse and playoff contender each year, or are we just comfortable with “above average” seasons?? Is our goal each year a National Championship? Or is the goal just to win at least 7 games??

Understanding that you have to win the division and then the conference before you can win a National Championship, you still have establish culture that accepts nothing less than excellence (nothing less than a National Championship).

I’ve noticed from my experience with other Tech alum and other threads that much of the Tech fan/alumni base would be just fine with a basic winning season. I grew up in an SEC environment where a National Championship is the ONLY goal. If that isn’t achieved then the season was a bust.

When Saban arrived in Tuscaloosa, he made it very clear to not just the football team but the whole Bama community that the goal of their program is to be the standard for college football. The goal is to be the team that everyone loves to hate.

Has either CPJ or the AD established a strategic vision for the program?


Helluva Engineer
Pretty sure the vision of GTAA and the coaches is different than the vision of the boosters which is different than the vision of most fans.


Helluva Engineer
I think identifying the goals of a program are far, far different than a strategic vision. It's one thing to identify that which you seek to become; it is another thing entirely to identify the means by which you achieve that goal, and that's impacted by a lot of different variables. Ironically, there's a new thread up about spending by schools. Guess who's number one? We're ranked 47th. It doesn't mean that we can't be better, but there's a lot of schools trying to get better with more resources, which means we're gonna have to be creative.


Helluva Engineer
I’m not sure what the strategic vision is for our program. Do we have a desire to become a powerhouse and playoff contender each year, or are we just comfortable with “above average” seasons?? Is our goal each year a National Championship? Or is the goal just to win at least 7 games??

Understanding that you have to win the division and then the conference before you can win a National Championship, you still have establish culture that accepts nothing less than excellence (nothing less than a National Championship).

I’ve noticed from my experience with other Tech alum and other threads that much of the Tech fan/alumni base would be just fine with a basic winning season. I grew up in an SEC environment where a National Championship is the ONLY goal. If that isn’t achieved then the season was a bust.

When Saban arrived in Tuscaloosa, he made it very clear to not just the football team but the whole Bama community that the goal of their program is to be the standard for college football. The goal is to be the team that everyone loves to hate.

Has either CPJ or the AD established a strategic vision for the program?

Bobinski has stated he wants our athletic programs, especially our revenue sports, to match the success of the Institute's academics. Well, GT is one of the best schools in the world. It should mean he wants our programs to among the best in the nation.

Some of his decisions have proven otherwise thus far...


Helluva Engineer
I’m not sure what the strategic vision is for our program. Do we have a desire to become a powerhouse and playoff contender each year, or are we just comfortable with “above average” seasons?? Is our goal each year a National Championship? Or is the goal just to win at least 7 games??

Understanding that you have to win the division and then the conference before you can win a National Championship, you still have establish culture that accepts nothing less than excellence (nothing less than a National Championship).

I’ve noticed from my experience with other Tech alum and other threads that much of the Tech fan/alumni base would be just fine with a basic winning season. I grew up in an SEC environment where a National Championship is the ONLY goal. If that isn’t achieved then the season was a bust.

When Saban arrived in Tuscaloosa, he made it very clear to not just the football team but the whole Bama community that the goal of their program is to be the standard for college football. The goal is to be the team that everyone loves to hate.

Has either CPJ or the AD established a strategic vision for the program?
Well, now. Again my standards must be lacking, because I certainly do not believe that "excellence" can be defined as "nothing less than a NC." Shoot, that means several hundred college football teams every year are mediocre. As for Saban and Alabama and GT, apples and oranges isn't even close. We all know that and no point in anybody going over it again. Just for fun, maybe issue a challenge: GT football will compete with Alabama when Alabama academics competes with GT. That would be fun.


Helluva Engineer
As for Saban and Alabama and GT, apples and oranges isn't even close. We all know that and no point in anybody going over it again. Just for fun, maybe issue a challenge: GT football will compete with Alabama when Alabama academics competes with GT.

It goes even further than academics. Alabama is willing to accept a player who has a history of brutal domestic violence and put women at the university in danger IF he is a good football player. Baylor is willing to accept a player with a history of rape and put women at the university in danger IF he is a good football player. Florida was willing to cover up many times for a player who constantly got in trouble and has now been convicted of murder.

I would like for GT to win a NC(Still mythical by the way). However, I am not willing to bend the academic integrity of the school or sell the soul of the school in order to win it. I want to bring STUDENT athletes with character to the school and have them graduate. As long as GT does that, I will support the program and the student athletes.


Helluva Engineer
It goes even further than academics. Alabama is willing to accept a player who has a history of brutal domestic violence and put women at the university in danger IF he is a good football player. Baylor is willing to accept a player with a history of rape and put women at the university in danger IF he is a good football player. Florida was willing to cover up many times for a player who constantly got in trouble and has now been convicted of murder.

I would like for GT to win a NC(Still mythical by the way). However, I am not willing to bend the academic integrity of the school or sell the soul of the school in order to win it. I want to bring STUDENT athletes with character to the school and have them graduate. As long as GT does that, I will support the program and the student athletes.
Who was it who said some college football coach would give Charles Manson a scholarship if he got paroled and could run a 4.4 40? Sadly, some might. All in the interest of giving the guy a second chance.


Helluva Engineer
Personally I think you can have both. It will take more than lip service to make it happen tho.

It goes even further than academics. Alabama is willing to accept a player who has a history of brutal domestic violence and put women at the university in danger IF he is a good football player. Baylor is willing to accept a player with a history of rape and put women at the university in danger IF he is a good football player. Florida was willing to cover up many times for a player who constantly got in trouble and has now been convicted of murder.

I would like for GT to win a NC(Still mythical by the way). However, I am not willing to bend the academic integrity of the school or sell the soul of the school in order to win it. I want to bring STUDENT athletes with character to the school and have them graduate. As long as GT does that, I will support the program and the student athletes.


Helluva Engineer
On his talk show when discussing the firing of the Syracuse Coach
Summary folkows: "fans blame coaches and fire them when several bad things happen. They will fix the little things but do little to fix major issuesthat have existed for 30 years". By way the Rpe kid is a big issue on campus.

I think this has application to this discussion?

Many are happy with = "it is what it is" and the impotant ones are in big building at the top of the hill. Till they feel need to move only short term solutions are available.
By way Ala is a false comparison.

Baylor U almost dropped football 10 years ago (universty that mapped dna, top law school, small student body, super crappy stadium, etc) top 10 last few years and a new stadium. when it opened the president is Ken Star ran across field leading freshman to stands ,- professors are involved etc. Change is possible if there is a will.


Georgia Tech Fan
I think a lot of you may have missed my point. In no way am I comparing our program to Alabama but rather referring to the very clear vision that Saban had for his football team. Has CPJ done the same thing?

If a national championship isn't the goal each year then that's fine, but what is the goal??

...and Tech has had its fair share of "criminals" too so don't think we're above reproach.


Helluva Engineer
I think a lot of you may have missed my point. In no way am I comparing our program to Alabama but rather referring to the very clear vision that Saban had for his football team. Has CPJ done the same thing?

If a national championship isn't the goal each year then that's fine, but what is the goal??

...and Tech has had its fair share of "criminals" too so don't think we're above reproach.
Sadly, some would say to beat Georgia.

AE 87

Helluva Engineer
I think the problem with the strategic vision question as posed here is the way that its often discussed.

It often sounds like privates thinking their talking war strategy when they're only talking about the tactics of how their unit is deployed.

You hear people shout chowder about recruiting coming down to the head coach and head coach salary. The problem with this simple mindedness becomes obvious when one considers the role of academics and majors in recruiting as well as the role of assistant coaches in recruiting, and hence their salaries. Add in the cost of expanding the recruiting staff.

Consider Richt and Johnson. Richt won more games and lost his job (after this season) while Johnson was extended (before this season). Why? Look at the orher factors. Georgie had top 5 recruiting classes without top 5 results.

So, we can have the same strategic vision, but we won't use the same tactic (change coach) because our context is different.


Helluva Engineer
I think a lot of you may have missed my point. In no way am I comparing our program to Alabama but rather referring to the very clear vision that Saban had for his football team. Has CPJ done the same thing?

If a national championship isn't the goal each year then that's fine, but what is the goal??

...and Tech has had its fair share of "criminals" too so don't think we're above reproach.

If you don't mind saying, how old are you?

There is a big difference between defining goals and saying that a season was a failure if a single goal is not met. To my understanding, the staff does in fact define and rank goals at the beginning of each year and discusses them with the team. Pictures of the list of goals have circulated in past seasons. They have included things like winning the ACC, beating UGA, winning the bowl game, etc. with the new college playoff, I suspect that is on there as well. That, however, does not mean failing to reach the college playoff means the season has necessarily been a failure. Last year was a success by any rational metric, and I assume the team met almost all of their goals last year except the college playoff. That doesn't mean you can't still aim for better the next year. And I am sure we did. This year was a failure by any metric. It happens. The team will have new goals next year.


Georgia Tech Fan
If you don't mind saying, how old are you?

There is a big difference between defining goals and saying that a season was a failure if a single goal is not met. To my understanding, the staff does in fact define and rank goals at the beginning of each year and discusses them with the team. Pictures of the list of goals have circulated in past seasons. They have included things like winning the ACC, beating UGA, winning the bowl game, etc. with the new college playoff, I suspect that is on there as well. That, however, does not mean failing to reach the college playoff means the season has necessarily been a failure. Last year was a success by any rational metric, and I assume the team met almost all of their goals last year except the college playoff. That doesn't mean you can't still aim for better the next year. And I am sure we did. This year was a failure by any metric. It happens. The team will have new goals next year.

Not sure what my age has to do with anything as I was only asking a question. If there is a vision set for the football team by CPJ then so be it. I'm just not sure what it is.

What @AE 87 said makes sense. We're obviously not going to get to the NC the same way as an SEC team, we'll have to have a different strategy. I'm not suggesting to fire CPJ at all but is there plenty room for improvement? Certainly.

Thinking the season is a bust if your team doesn't win the NC is a little ridiculous but I can't be mad at them for wanting to be the absolute best each year.


Helluva Engineer
I’m not sure what the strategic vision is for our program. Do we have a desire to become a powerhouse and playoff contender each year, or are we just comfortable with “above average” seasons?? Is our goal each year a National Championship? Or is the goal just to win at least 7 games??

Understanding that you have to win the division and then the conference before you can win a National Championship, you still have establish culture that accepts nothing less than excellence (nothing less than a National Championship).

I’ve noticed from my experience with other Tech alum and other threads that much of the Tech fan/alumni base would be just fine with a basic winning season. I grew up in an SEC environment where a National Championship is the ONLY goal. If that isn’t achieved then the season was a bust.

When Saban arrived in Tuscaloosa, he made it very clear to not just the football team but the whole Bama community that the goal of their program is to be the standard for college football. The goal is to be the team that everyone loves to hate.

Has either CPJ or the AD established a strategic vision for the program?

I'm sorry, but stating that your goal is to win the National Championship is not exactly a smart way to go about things. Even if you ask Saban and Meyer, their goal is never "win the National Championship." That may be the Alabama and Ohio State fans' goal, but not the goal of the coaches.

The goal of the coaches is to win the division and win the conference. If you do that consistently, then the other stuff tends to take care of itself.

I think that's Tech's goal. Win the the conference. If we happen to be 13-0 or 12-1 after that, then maybe we get a shot.

Notre Dame may be different in this regard since they aren't in a conference, but listen to those other guys when they talk about goals...rarely will you hear them talk about National Championships.