Rhett Lashlee for new coach at gt?


Ramblin' Wreck
Athens, GA
If, and that's still a big if at this point IMHO, CPJ is in fact fired, Rhett Lashlee would be my first option as a replacement. I was watching the ugag/Auburn game on satuday and realized just how similar our offenses are


Helluva Engineer
CPJ is not getting fired. The hill loves his grad rate and lack of off field problems. We'd have to actually be bad at football to out weigh those two HUGE pluses. As it turns out, we're just mediocre.


Jolly Good Fellow
CPJ is not getting fired. The hill loves his grad rate and lack of off field problems. We'd have to actually be bad at football to out weigh those two HUGE pluses. As it turns out, we're just mediocre.

In time, I think the hill liking CPJ will allow him to recruit more of the borderline academically challenged SA's.


Get-Bak! Coach
Featured Member
Chad Morris would be my pick.. If a coaching change happened..

Would love to see what he can do without a top 5-caliber WR, a seasoned vet at QB and a stable of other high-caliber skill position players which were primarily recruited by someone else. I'm guessing not much honestly.

There's a lot more to being a good head coach than having a snazzy offense, especially at a place like GT where learning on the job is more punitive than at most places.

I'm not as high on Morris as most (in case you haven't guessed), but if he's any good he'll probably have a career trajectory similar to Malzahn's where he'll need to go somewhere else to get his feet wet before taking over a big job.

So, best case scenario if he ends up here is he'll fill the seat long enough to fail or get hired away. Either way I'll pass.

AE 87

Helluva Engineer
He only scored 7 until garbage time against FSU. What makes you think his scheme works when he doesn't win the talent battle?

Also, we don't want to get someone with no hc experience.


Helluva Engineer
My thoughts are that we would have a better shot at attracting that talent with Chad's offense. It would also leverage a lot of talent we already have with the speed of the abacks and the tall WR. We would just line our abacks up at WR spots.


Helluva Engineer
My thoughts are that we would have a better shot at attracting that talent with Chad's offense. It would also leverage a lot of talent we already have with the speed of the abacks and the tall WR. We would just line our abacks up at WR spots.

Don't know if Chad Morris or whoever is the answer. But I do believe that Vad is in the wrong system. JT may be as well. In order to get the full potential of their talent. One issue I would see though is our offensive line is a problem no matter what system/scheme we run.


These coordinators under "guru" head coaches always concern me. Like, is he really doing anything to contribute to the offensive success at Auburn? Or is it all Malzahn? I'm not saying I'd be against it, but I'd like to more about what he's actually doing.


Helluva Engineer
Wow, have never seen that page, has over 200 likes already... I still think GT fan base isn't as split as bad as it was the final Gailey years. But we are getting there very quickly.


Jolly Good Fellow
These coordinators under "guru" head coaches always concern me. Like, is he really doing anything to contribute to the offensive success at Auburn? Or is it all Malzahn? I'm not saying I'd be against it, but I'd like to more about what he's actually doing.

Exactly, we need to know how involved this guy is in actual play-calling/designing. Even if he's 100% invested in it, hiring someone like him would still be a gamble since there are so many other aspects of head coaching that a first time coach must either learn on the job or delegate to capable assistants. I'd prefer someone with head coaching experience for several years with several assistants and a few player cycles to make sure his success wasn't player or assistant driven. Think Chuck Amato without Phillip Rivers for the former or Dan Hawkins without Chris Petersen for the latter. In a sport with so many variables like football I'd like to find out as much as possible how much past success/failure can be attributed to a coaching candidate and feel you can do this more accurately with former coaches whose tenure include some turnover of staff and players. The only downsize of this is that such proven candidates don't come cheap.