What did you think about the 3-0 Ellis green light?
I agree with what
@FittedJacket said, on 3-0 you're looking middle-middle heater and if you get anything but that you've got to take. He got an eye-level heater and had already determined before the windup that he was swinging, and it cost us bigtime. I told my wife that bases loaded, one out, down 8-6 is vastly different than a sac fly, runners on first and second down 8-6 with two outs (she's not a big baseball fan at all but the drama of the game got even her involved).
In the heat of the moment, I was really upset with Green for swinging at the game-winning ball 4, but after thinking on it and letting my emotions settle, I really can't get too upset with him. He was protecting on 3-2 which is what you're taught to do, and the pitch was close enough to throw a protect swing out there. It was obvious to us it was ball 4, but I'm sure the last thing he wanted was to strikeout looking with the bases loaded.