Redshirts burned


Retired Co-Founder
According to the participation report

Lance Austin
Lawrence Austin
Step Durham
Shawn Kagawa
Terrell Lewis
Keshun Freeman
Tyler Merriweather


Helluva Engineer
none on offense then? Strange that all those guys are on Defense (or ST). I'm curious why we didn't try out more depth on the o-line.
CPJ explained that in the presser, we needed to score every possession. Must be too big a drop off in the second string. Remember, the plan was to play two lines from the get go.


Helluva Engineer
I think it was Lewis on opening KO who was welcomed to D1 by not being able to pull down the W back and pulled us for extra 10 yds
then he got penalty on Golden return

danny daniel

Helluva Engineer
I think it was Lewis on opening KO who was welcomed to D1 by not being able to pull down the W back and pulled us for extra 10 yds
then he got penalty on Golden return

Yes. And he was not the only one. But like Davis Lewis does not quit churning. He got up from initially getting runover and hustled back in on the tackle 10 yards later. I am sure the lesson will be received as the coaches will rerun that film over and over.

danny daniel

Helluva Engineer
We didn't get to use the Fr OL as planned.
Or the D2 offensive line or Byerly. That was my biggest disappointment, not seeing much of the backups, including Kallon, that we will soon need. I believe Roof did get some looks at his freshmen and backups (except Kallon). I thought Green looked good and Gamble was used often and effectively to help out Green to stay healthy.