Random Observation from USF


Helluva Engineer
Featured Member
Did anybody notice that on our final play, on the untimed down, that USF had 12 men on the field to stop us? Not that it matters in the outcome of the game. No flag. A fitting end to a poorly officiated game from my vantage point. Call me nuts, but I still want those 7 points, even if we cannot win.

Blown goal line replays. Bad targeting calls. Phantom holding in Q4. It was a mess.

No I am not blaming the refs for the loss. We had enough of our own problems.

Sorry if this has been discussed before. Don't ask me why I was watching the replay. I guess I am a glutton for punishment.


Helluva Engineer
They had 12 on the field for the last 2 plays of the game. The AAC officiating crew royally screwed us the whole game. The fix was in and our stupid *** administration never should have agreed to play without acc officials on the road.


Helluva Engineer
I agree. Not saying we didn't make a ton of mistakes, BUT the officials sure did help USF down the stretch with the holding call...and the ejections....


Georgia Tech Fan
The block below the waist penalty on Cotrell, like the 3rd play of the game, was at 4-4.5 yards. I thought all plays were reviewed? What a BS penalty (in general). Its a Giant FU to the handful of teams that might/rarely cut further downfield(and apparently <5 yards too). The 10-2 rule is also BS. Players don't carry protractors. Guy falls facedown-- it was from the front. Huge blowup over these blocks in recent years is just sad. Teams that cut block moreso than others must be injuring players right and left to get this much concern right? ....uh no.


Helluva Engineer
The block below the waist penalty on Cotrell, like the 3rd play of the game, was at 4-4.5 yards. I thought all plays were reviewed? What a BS penalty (in general). Its a Giant FU to the handful of teams that might/rarely cut further downfield(and apparently <5 yards too). The 10-2 rule is also BS. Players don't carry protractors. Guy falls facedown-- it was from the front. Huge blowup over these blocks in recent years is just sad. Teams that cut block moreso than others must be injuring players right and left to get this much concern right? ....uh no.
I hate that stupid rule. If you can't block below the waist after 5 yards, then why can you tackle below the waist after 5 yards? It's just as dangerous.


Helluva Engineer
The block below the waist penalty on Cotrell, like the 3rd play of the game, was at 4-4.5 yards. I thought all plays were reviewed? What a BS penalty (in general). Its a Giant FU to the handful of teams that might/rarely cut further downfield(and apparently <5 yards too). The 10-2 rule is also BS. Players don't carry protractors. Guy falls facedown-- it was from the front. Huge blowup over these blocks in recent years is just sad. Teams that cut block moreso than others must be injuring players right and left to get this much concern right? ....uh no.
And all the defender has to do is twist his body at the last second and he can draw an illegal block flag.