OL and Passing?

AE 87

Helluva Engineer
OK, I know we've got guys that know much more than I, so I'm asking.

Do (some of) our OL telegraph pass plays by their presnap stance? I imagine that weight might be more forward on rush plays and more back.on pass plays.

There were a couple of pass plays where Kallon whooped Shamire while being much less aggressive on rushing plays, it seemed to me.


Jolly Good Fellow
Definitely a possibility & a common thing D-Line look for against offenses like ours (maybe not GT specifically, but at least on the HS level). Some guards will also telegraph when they're pulling. Logistically, it makes sense. Imagine firing off the ball at the DT in the gap. Now picture pulling taking a first step at a 45 degree angle. Lastly, picture drop-stepping for pass protection. Very different first steps. You need really good balance and technique / footwork to have the same stance w/o a tell.


Helluva Engineer
OK, I know we've got guys that know much more than I, so I'm asking.

Do (some of) our OL telegraph pass plays by their presnap stance? I imagine that weight might be more forward on rush plays and more back.on pass plays.

There were a couple of pass plays where Kallon whooped Shamire while being much less aggressive on rushing plays, it seemed to me.


Helluva Engineer
On the play shown on this site, @ snap marshall immediately goes left and gives 100 percent help to WILL. They STOP their tackle at the line while sham takes big step back looking like it was supposed to be a deeper pocket. This placed him on island where kallon could go either way.
Sham usually is quick and strong enough to overcome things so I attribute the bad result to the lack of coordinated blocking creating an un expected gap to his left. Kind of hard to pass if the guard is one an island in the middle (imagine this against the nd or duke lb/ strong safety).

I will spend summer and early fall being happy that kallon was making proper reads ON THE FLY AND NOT STANDING AT A SPOT WAITING FOR THE PLAY.


Helluva Engineer
I've been watching the spring game again snap by snap watching both guards on the white squad to see waht they look like. I should be done later today (I do have a job, you know :)) and I'll let you know what I see. So far there has only been one drop back pass (lots of the passing game is sprint out, where the OL doesn't drop, but rather takes one drop step to rotate and screen pursuit).


Helluva Engineer
OK, I know we've got guys that know much more than I, so I'm asking.

Do (some of) our OL telegraph pass plays by their presnap stance? I imagine that weight might be more forward on rush plays and more back.on pass plays.

There were a couple of pass plays where Kallon whooped Shamire while being much less aggressive on rushing plays, it seemed to me.

ah the ole white knuckle thing

so this is one reason why I want more zone blocking sprinkled in the run game, so the OT's can 2 pt in the run and pass game and not telegraph; and the guards can take a balance stance. Way too hard for a 300lber to lean fwd and press only to have to pass block in 3pt. If we can mix in some more pass pro friendly run sets we take a step up bigtime in ability to be more effective pass protecting.....

its again, one reason I state our issues in pass pro in the offense are more than people...the scheme is superiorly unfriendly; on top of this we often call line shifts to the blitzing side only to have the BB one on one with the teams DE or rushing OLB...also very hard to execute in open space.

but yes, its entirely possible we have some bigger OL give away passes trying to get a jump back in protection since its so hard to lift out of stance. ugh