Official GT announcement, OC and DC


Helluva Engineer
I always found it amusing that so many people described CPJs Spread Option as simple or high school. Reality is that while he didnt have a lot of eye candy (A back wheel motion was about it) compared to a Clemson or AU offense there were aspects of his offense that were very complicated. DCS already mentioned blocking, but it was also the type of blocking, the timing, the read on the mesh, and the pitch relation. All of these took a lot of reps to get right. When done well the offense looked great, but if out of synch then, like most offenses, it looked pretty bad.

There are things we can do with different formations and motion that add a lot of eye candy but dont take near the time or reps to perfect. Blocking will definitely be a change. From all I have read Zone Blocking is easier to learn, but also also requires the OL to be even or better talent wise with the DL (someone in the know please correct or confirm this as all I have is word of mouth).

I dont really care what scheme we run as long as it is adaptable to fit the players and it stretches the field both horizontally and vertically as CPJS spread option did.

After 10 years of "simplifying" it was simple. I mean, it got down to where our most effective QB only ran keepers to the left and right...right?!

I kid, I kid...kinda...