Not interchangeable


Helluva Engineer
That Fuller kid is a Pro already at the push off. Not saying that was the reason we lost but he was good.
Know who he reminded me of in creating separation? A fellow named Smelter. Who is in fact a pro, and who did it several times as the season moved on. We can't think that was good and whatever Fuller did was bad. Well, we can, but it sure looks like crying.

Legal Jacket

Ramblin' Wreck
Best defensive performance I've witnessed period. Their DL did a great job of preventing of athletic OL from getting to the 2nd level. Not sure we will see another performance like that all season.

Not sure why many think all is lost, especially with all the upsets that happen yesterday. I still think we are 9-10 win team considering how everyone else in the league looks, but we have A LOT of work to do starting with the OL

I don't think all is lost - I'm just pointing out exactly what you are. We have a LOT of work to do. This was more a reaction to the posters who thought all we had to do was throw in a bunch of athletic freshmen and we wouldn't miss a beat.

Legal Jacket

Ramblin' Wreck
Know who he reminded me of in creating separation? A fellow named Smelter. Who is in fact a pro, and who did it several times as the season moved on. We can't think that was good and whatever Fuller did was bad. Well, we can, but it sure looks like crying.

He got away with a couple Smelter wouldn't have done, particularly on the TD. That said, Fuller is a great player.

Legal Jacket

Ramblin' Wreck
How about the fact that our very experienced OL was getting beat too? We ran into a physically superior and well coached Defense yesterday. The fact that they play Navy every year sure didn't help.

Agreed, everyone was getting beat. I thought it hurt more on the outside though - at least Skov was getting a few yards; we were having a real tough time establishing the edge.


Helluva Engineer
We got our heads handed to us.Disappointing in that we lost a chance for national effect.
We can still be decent,but it showed we are not on the level with the best,at this point.We are a dangerous team but with obvious flaws.Join the club.

Legal Jacket

Ramblin' Wreck
We got our heads handed to us.Disappointing in that we lost a chance for national effect.
We can still be decent,but it showed we are not on the level with the best,at this point.We are a dangerous team but with obvious flaws.Join the club.

Amen. I think most of us feel about as beat down as our players. I'm thinking about trying to catch a last minute flight to duke, just to give our guys a pick me up. I can't wait to yell and scream (in support) against UNC. I just hope we take this as a learning experience. We played as bad a game as we could possible play, on the road, against a top 10 team, had a complete offensive let down, had at least 2 defensive letdowns that led to TDs, missed 2 FGs, didn't attempt a third because we didn't think we could make it (and got 0 points that drive), yet still somehow only lost by 8. I'm not trying to sound negative, I'm just disappointed we didn't show up yesterday. I'm sure our players are more disappointed.

AE 87

Helluva Engineer
I'm not writing them off, I'm just pointing out that its about damn time guys on here put down the kool aid. "smdh" lol. Maybe not be so condescending? We flat out got outplayed and couldn't hit a single block on the perimeter. That's not the OL, that's edge blocking.

Fwiw, even though I disagreed with you on Matthew Jordan, I tried to call out @dressedcheeseside for sarcastically attacking people with that opinion last week.

I've never been a big fan of the bbuzzoff style of forum discussion. The fact that some of your thoughts after our loss was to try use a bad game by many to make a rhetorical point was befuddling. That's why I shook my head. Me condescending? You're the one saying those who disagree with you are drinking the kool aid after one game.

It may be that your point will prove out over the next few weeks. Or maybe not. We'll see. I just think that the timing and manner of your op is low class.

Legal Jacket

Ramblin' Wreck
Fwiw, even though I disagreed with you on Matthew Jordan, I tried to call out @dressedcheeseside for sarcastically attacking people with that opinion last week.

I've never been a big fan of the bbuzzoff style of forum discussion. The fact that some of your thoughts after our loss was to try use a bad game by many to make a rhetorical point was befuddling. That's why I shook my head. Me condescending? You're the one saying those who disagree with you are drinking the kool aid after one game.

It may be that your point will prove out over the next few weeks. Or maybe not. We'll see. I just think that the timing and manner of your op is low class.

Always thought it was ironic when others called people out for having low class. Happy to admit when I am / appear to be wrong, as with Jordan. Doesn't mean I'm going to write "smdh" after posts or accuse others of here as having low class. Maybe one day you can teach me how to be classy.

I'm not making a rhetorical point at all. Others on here thought our edge players were interchangeable. I'm just pointing out that's not how it looked yesterday. Granted, the whole team played horrible, but I saw a lot of simple mistakes, like bobbling, that shouldn't happen. I was merely pointing out that we have a lot of growth to do on the edge.




I'm a fan. I'm irrational. I think our players are great. I'll admit I believed we had entered the "plug & play" era of GT dominant football. Shoot me if you want. You have to admit with the "next man up" performances of last year, it sure looked like it. So we're 1-2 years away from reloading every year because this Team is laden with Freshman. It's coming boys. Get on the bus!!!!! I'm sure CPJ will get their heads screwed on right & we'll have a successful season. It likely will not be the National Championship year we all dreamed about, but I'm confident we'll have a damn good year nevertheless.


Helluva Engineer
Many of us had hope that they would be interchangeable, you seem almost giddy that they struggled so you can beat your chest

AE 87

Helluva Engineer
Always thought it was ironic when others called people out for having low class. Happy to admit when I am / appear to be wrong, as with Jordan. Doesn't mean I'm going to write "smdh" after posts or accuse others of here as having low class. Maybe one day you can teach me how to be classy.

I'm not making a rhetorical point at all. Others on here thought our edge players were interchangeable. I'm just pointing out that's not how it looked yesterday. Granted, the whole team played horrible, but I saw a lot of simple mistakes, like bobbling, that shouldn't happen. I was merely pointing out that we have a lot of growth to do on the edge.



Yes, and you again missed my point. I was responding not simply to what you said, but when and how.

You may also remember bobbled pitches and passes and missed blocks from fifth year abacks last year. It hardly goes to your point. I can assure you that if you waited a bit and had asserted that it seems to remain an open question, rather than trying to pour salt in wounds moments after a disappointing loss, I would have responded differently.

Legal Jacket

Ramblin' Wreck
Many of us had hope that they would be interchangeable, you seem almost giddy that they struggled so you can beat your chest

how on earth is this post "giddy"?

"I hope we can cool the talk on how we reload / our O is interchangeable. So many missed block today. That is all."

Legal Jacket

Ramblin' Wreck
Yes, and you again missed my point. I was responding not simply to what you said, but when and how.

You may also remember bobbled pitches and passes and missed blocks from fifth year abacks last year. It hardly goes to your point. I can assure you that if you waited a bit and had asserted that it seems to remain an open question, rather than trying to pour salt in wounds moments after a disappointing loss, I would have responded differently.

Look, if you want to debate whether we should be concerned or not based on the performance, that's fine. That's the reason I started the thread. I wasn't trying to pour salt in anyone's wounds. I was stating my opinion that it doesn't seem we are able to reload as much as others thought. Hell, I hoped they were right. I still hope they are right and that it was just growing pains.

Besides the point, we are all salty after a loss, and I certainly wasn't sober when I made my post. Certainly wasn't the most artful thing I've ever drafted. But maybe next time we can drop the classless comments, especially because my $ is on you being sober at the time you made it.


Georgia Tech Fan
I think the nature of the system mitigates risk. Tons of backs touch the ball and get PT especially on the edge.

Where this becomes much tougher, is when all your starters are 1st year starters. Snoddy has been a role player, Summers has been a solid guy blocking? I guess. When we are looking to Ike Willis as a major contributor, merely bc he is older, we are is a tough spot.

You can't interchange 7 seniors with 5 freshmen and 2 seniors.


Helluva Engineer
I think the nature of the system mitigates risk. Tons of backs touch the ball and get PT especially on the edge.

Where this becomes much tougher, is when all your starters are 1st year starters. Snoddy has been a role player, Summers has been a solid guy blocking? I guess. When we are looking to Ike Willis as a major contributor, merely bc he is older, we are is a tough spot.

You can't interchange 7 seniors with 5 freshmen and 2 seniors.
Throw brand new Bbacks into that scenario and subtract an All American RG, too. Plug and play? Sure, vs Tulane. Vs ND, Not so much.


Helluva Engineer
I think this is ridiculous. The third game of the year last season required a touchdown in the final minute against Southern to win. We're all comparing the offense at the end of the season the offense at the beginning of this season. A more reasonable comparison would be the third game of last year to the third game of this year.

Northeast Stinger

Helluva Engineer
Why do fans get addicted to talking to each other?

First of all, the obvious, we love sports.

The second reason is a little more complicated. We try to protect ourselves from psychic pain. So some people will become pessimistic to protect themselves and others will become optimistic to protect themselves. Then as we talk to each other those who are pessimistic have to raise their voices because those who are being positive exhibit a Pollyanna attitude that raises their anxiety over being disappointed. Then those who are being positive feel they have to up the ante because they sense too much negativity that they find harmful to the team in some way. Each side begins to overstate their case because they are convinced it is necessary to balance out the distortions they perceive in counter attitudes.

And most people think they are just being objective and stating facts. :)

I predict that after the Duke game most of us will be closer to being on the same page again, whatever that assessment is. But then the cycle will begin again has people begin to push on the nuances of each others arguments.

I think it was Martin Luther who said he did not know how much he believed something until he found himself arguing with the Pope. In that regard we frequently become each others "pope" as we harden our positions.


Helluva Engineer
I think this is ridiculous. The third game of the year last season required a touchdown in the final minute against Southern to win. We're all comparing the offense at the end of the season the offense at the beginning of this season. A more reasonable comparison would be the third game of last year to the third game of this year.
You make a really good point, but a lot of guys expected us to be a lot closer to the end of last year than the 3rd game.