Memphis Tigers Disbelief


Staff member
Interesting time to revisit what their fans have to say. Wonder why they haven't come around lately? Some are salty.

Here's last night's thread from their forum... WTF Josh part 2
Funny thing is, Josh couldn't beat a ranked team by no more that 5-6 points while here. Somebody fact check me on this. We don't want to have this wrapped up in alternative facts. lol
Watched this FSU team a couple of times. F4 capable. If you are going to criticize him like a dog the past few years, you have to man up and give him credit this year. Nothing short of a COY job SO FAR.
Very happy for Josh. Looks like there may have been things other than coaching that affected Josh's teams here.

In the running for Coach of the year. Miraculous considering he doesn't have a single Top 100 player.
Think we could lure him to Memphis with the donor $$$?
I must have passed through wormhole to a parallel universe where a insane fascist puppet rules the country and Pastner is somehow a decent coach. WTH is happening.


Get-Bak! Coach
Featured Member
I'm ashamed to say I've been perusing the Tigers board when we win. Yeah, I'm that guy. :unsure:

To most of their credit though, they seem to feel it was just time for a change and that CPast fits better here.

I must say, I don't miss the Tiger infiltrators.


on Pastner Polo watch
I absolutely love the thread title hahaha "WTF Josh"!! Also with a few minutes left the students began chanting his name. I immediately thought back to Driven where there were only 8 students who came to his meeting. He already is turning around the program, and fast.
Sidenote: they were in the seats 30 minutes before tip off. Along with Keshun, Lewis, and T. Marshall


Helluva Engineer
Another thing to revisit is some Vandy forums. They are 11th in the SEC out of 14 teams, and have lost 5 of their last 6 games and are unraveling. Thanks, coach Drew. #stillBitter

It's funny. At the time the thought was "OK, we'll get Drew who will be above average in recruiting, but he'll be a very good X's and O's guy." Then we hired Pastner and thought "OK, not the greatest X's and O's guy, but he's going to be a very good recruiter."

I think we may have gotten the best of both worlds with Pastner. Gotta give the assistant coaches credit for the X's and O's, and we're still waiting on "very good recruiter" part to finally pay off with a big fish, but early indications are Pastner addressed his weaknesses at Memphis, and he's still the same tireless recruiter.

Bball is fun again. Let's enjoy the work our players and coaches are doing.


Helluva Engineer
It's funny. At the time the thought was "OK, we'll get Drew who will be above average in recruiting, but he'll be a very good X's and O's guy." Then we hired Pastner and thought "OK, not the greatest X's and O's guy, but he's going to be a very good recruiter."

I think we may have gotten the best of both worlds with Pastner. Gotta give the assistant coaches credit for the X's and O's, and we're still waiting on "very good recruiter" part to finally pay off with a big fish, but early indications are Pastner addressed his weaknesses at Memphis, and he's still the same tireless recruiter.

Bball is fun again. Let's enjoy the work our players and coaches are doing.
Hopefully GT has found another Bobby Cremins in Josh Pastner.:cool:


Helluva Engineer
I'm ashamed to say I've been perusing the Tigers board when we win. Yeah, I'm that guy. :unsure:

To most of their credit though, they seem to feel it was just time for a change and that CPast fits better here.

I must say, I don't miss the Tiger infiltrators.
Tiger High was extremely stupid in firing Josh Pastner because they will never find another John Calipari.


Helluva Engineer
Tiger High was extremely stupid in firing Josh Pastner because they will never find another John Calipari.

I don't think they were stupid for getting him to leave. It wasn't working. He wasn't doing there what he has done so far here. Frustrating for them for sure but they would not have replicated our performance with him there


Get-Bak! Coach
Featured Member
Tiger High was extremely stupid in firing Josh Pastner because they will never find another John Calipari.

Kinda agree with you and @YlJacket here. On the one hand, as Yl says, it was clearly just time for a move there. However, as MikeJ alludes to, that's a delusional fanbase. They carry themselves as if CPast was fired because he was below their standard (aka he wasn't Cal). I mean, y'all are Memphis State after all.


Helluva Engineer
Memphis is a good program (why am I the one always doing this?) they have just been stuck in crap conferences for a long time. Penny was on good teams. Followed by Lorenzen Wright, Cedric Henderon (Pros) Michael Wilson (Globetrotter) and Mingo Johnson. Then the calipari years.


Get-Bak! Coach
Featured Member
Memphis is a good program (why am I the one always doing this?) they have just been stuck in crap conferences for a long time. Penny was on good teams. Followed by Lorenzen Wright, Cedric Henderon (Pros) Michael Wilson (Globetrotter) and Mingo Johnson. Then the calipari years.

Maybe you're a closet tiger and bulldog fan?

Meh, they're all right. It's not like they're Western Kentucky or anything.

On a serious note though, they do actually have a fairly rich history. If they were an ACC team with similar results, they'd be like a Clemson-level basketball school maybe?


Get-Bak! Coach
Featured Member
Another thing to revisit is some Vandy forums. They are 11th in the SEC out of 14 teams, and have lost 5 of their last 6 games and are unraveling. Thanks, coach Drew. #stillBitter

Well, we know how Drew's mom feels about R-Kansas (20sec mark) ...

Ok, that was a bit much. I cannot confirm that was/wasn't Drew's mom.


Helluva Engineer
Memphis is a good program (why am I the one always doing this?) they have just been stuck in crap conferences for a long time. Penny was on good teams. Followed by Lorenzen Wright, Cedric Henderon (Pros) Michael Wilson (Globetrotter) and Mingo Johnson. Then the calipari years.

Memphis can be a really good problem. The issue really isn't conference though imo, but more so the culture surrounding the program. There is a lot of pressure on the coach to recruit local kids, and while there is a lot of local talent, a lot of it is hard to coach, and there are a lot of people looking to get a slice of the action. It's just not a great situation for a coach to be in. Cal made it work because, despite his other issues, the dude is great at managing ego, and probably had the clout to tell t he hanger ons to bugger off.

Memphis could be great right now with the right coach, although I don't think Tubby is the answer, but what really needs to happen is a change at the highschool level in memphis.

All imo though.


Helluva Engineer
I don't thin of Memphis as that much of a porgram. They excelled under a convicted felon (Dana Kirk) who has admitted paying players. They got Penny, who has admitted taking money to attend. Then they got Cal. The only conviction was for paying a kid to take the ACT/SAT for Rose, but I think we're all versed in the long standing skid mark that is Cal's penchant for paying players and breaking every rule known to man. Other than times when they / the players admitted cheating and buying talent, they're a pathetic team