Kirby Schiff Investigating Coachpeachment Charges of NCAA/Waffle House Quid-Pro-Quo and Collusion


Georgia Tech Fan
Coachpeachment initiated! In anticipation of a historical loss by heavily favored media darling Bulldogary Smith, Coach Schiff has launched an investigation to probe into allegations of NCAA collussion and quid pro quo with Waffle House and GTAA operatives to deploy alleged illegal/uncaanstitutional offense/defense suppression to preclude UGAbrahms from claiming rightful Dwagvernorship over the State of Georgia . Star witness Donnan is expected to appear. Donate to: Jackets for Donnan!!!!!!!!!!
Augusta, GA
Coachpeachment initiated! In anticipation of a historical loss by heavily favored media darling Bulldogary Smith, Coach Schiff has launched an investigation to probe into allegations of NCAA collussion and quid pro quo with Waffle House and GTAA operatives to deploy alleged illegal/uncaanstitutional offense/defense suppression to preclude UGAbrahms from claiming rightful Dwagvernorship over the State of Georgia . Star witness Donnan is expected to appear. Donate to: Jackets for Donnan!!!!!!!!!!