Another missing piece of GT's fundraising efforts aside from communication is lack of strategic planning. I think there are some (myself included) that would donate more IF I understand how the money was going to be used. If Tstan/GTAA had a strategic plan that said here is where we are now, here is where we are going, I need X dollars to do this or that, etc.I think there are many of us who would rally around that type of vision and leadership. In other words, sell me on why my investment will generate more return. In my mind, asking for money without this type of underlying communication makes me feel as if I am spending on more of the same ol' same ol'. That is worrisome to me. Tstan, give me reasons (aside from emotional attachment to dear ol' alma mater) to give you my money. Convince me to invest in your company.
"A guy doesn't walk on the lot unless he wants to buy. We are sitting out here waiting to give you our money. Are you going to take it? Are you man enough to take it? What's the problem, pal?" to steal from one of the greatest movie scenes ever. All joking aside, I think there would be higher response rate if people had a sense of how the money was going to be spent and that it linked to a sound strategic plan.