This pic keyed up a memory..... we didn't used to get new uni's every year.... the Senior Equipment Manager, Sgt Edgar Hodges, would squeeze every nickle in his budget & if a pair of game pants could make it an extra season, or if a jersey just needed a hole sewn up to be used again, so be it. Reeder & McGaughey, our local equipment supplier, evidently understood Sarge, as cantankerous as they come. Helmets might get sent off to Riddell to get refurbished between seasons, or repainted by our Student Managers between games.
All that to say you might see color variations from game to game, season to season, just based on the age of the piece and how many times it had been washed. The mid '50s & '60s were pretty consistent until Dodd intro'd the white hats in IIRC '65. Then things started changing almost annually.