
Helluva Engineer
BC had film on them to watch and a very experienced coach. FSU had nothing to watch. That may have explained one quarter or maybe most of the half, but nothing explains the offensive ineptitude. The QB1 has lost it and the team. They have to make a change.
I wonder how much the OC being suspended is messing with their ability to make adjustments?


Get-Bak! Coach
Featured Member
I still think what we're seeing there is the after affect of how they handled their snub last season.

Yes, they got jobbed but it seems they set a culture of complaining and folding in the face of adversity.

The team absolutely quit before the bowl game when, as many folks here said, they could've used it to send a message. What happened to 'unconquered'?

Instead, they quit and blamed anyone but themselves for getting beat. Bowdon had his faults, but he never would've stood for that. They made their name off being willing to take on all comers.

Fast forward to now and the same tone still exists.

All we keep hearing is how their DL is all 1st rounders. Well, once they got hit in de mouth in Ireland, what did we see. They folded like cheap leisure suits. Same last night.

Ultimately, they may have to get rid of Norvell just to reset.


Helluva Engineer
I still think what we're seeing there is the after affect of how they handled their snub last season.

Yes, they got jobbed but it seems they set a culture of complaining and folding in the face of adversity.

The team absolutely quit before the bowl game when, as many folks here said, they could've used it to send a message. What happened to 'unconquered'?

Instead, they quit and blamed anyone but themselves for getting beat. Bowdon had his faults, but he never would've stood for that. They made their name off being willing to take on all comers.

Fast forward to now and the same tone still exists.

All we keep hearing is how their DL is all 1st rounders. Well, once they got hit in de mouth in Ireland, what did we see. They folded like cheap leisure suits. Same last night.

Ultimately, they may have to get rid of Norvell just to reset.
I think they need a hard reset, and unfortunately that means Norvell has to go, too, which is a shame.

LT 1967

Jolly Good Fellow
Looks like some FSU supporters are ready for a change. See article below. I am sure that is not about to happen now. But they deserve the turmoil for their recent legal actions against the conference and the general arrogance of their fan base and their AD Alford. They are just better than the rest of the conference!



Helluva Engineer
Woodstock Georgia
This is just my opinion some lots will not agree with me.
This is why I think Key is a great coach for us.

There are 3 ways to build a good team

1) you can try and do it will signing new recruits and showing them, you trust them and not worry about the portal (like Clemson). this worked well till a few years ago.
2) you can try and do it using mostly portal and not giving the younger players time to prove their self (like FSU) but you need to start the season with any easy opponent that if you punch them in the mouth won't punch back. and maybe give the player time to know what the guy beside you will do (play as a team not 22 individuals.
3) sign the best players you can and use the portal to fill in the spots you need them. Bring the players from the portal to make sure they are willing to work and fit in with the player you have, (like GT)

The funny part all summer FSU and Clemson fans said the other ACC need to step up. (now which teams need to step up)

Northeast Stinger

Helluva Engineer
Boy, Danny Kanell is having a bad forecasting stretch…

Hard to give up one’s biases about teams. Almost everyone believed the “NFL level players” talk.

FSU wanted an easy game with BC after a hard loss in Ireland. They played a tough, well prepared opponent in BC and crumbled before our eyes. FSU is a team that would prefer to score a knockout punch early and then coast. Slugging it out, clawing tooth and toenail, is not for them. Unless they show us something soon this season they are just going to confirm that they are quitters. Want to take bets?


Helluva Engineer
I watched several YouTube videos last week of FSU bloggers analyzing the loss to us. They were in disbelief that they lost to lowly Georgia Tech. How was that even possible with their superior talent. They still thought they should have won. This BC beat down should be a lot of fun listening to them explain a loss to lowly Boston College. I will have a few days of grins listening to the FSU homer's this week as they analyze this loss.


Helluva Engineer
The day it August 7th, 2024. FSU is top 10 with the football road trip of a lifetime to open the 2024 vengeance tour as heavy favorites against a regional rival. They’ve reloaded at QB with a guy hand-picked by the reigning National COTY.

The schedule opens up perfectly to give them time to build chemistry with transfers, likely cruising to 5-0 before their first real test against Clemson at home. The game will be a showcase for the two premier programs in the conference and the tv ratings will be submitted as evidence as to why they should be allowed to leave for free.

They have 3 CBs to land ‘25 5* OT Josh Petty who’s announcing in 5 days. Life is good.