Football Q&A thread


Helluva Engineer
Do yall think all of these commits are comin from The Hill lessening the academic standards for players, and is this something we can look forward to for years to come? Or are we just having a great year in recruiting and most of these players meet normal Tech standards for football?

I think part of it is the hill. I don't want to bring politics into it, but I think some of it has to do with the media putting more of a focus on science and math. I mean that in terms of where successful jobs are.


Retired Co-Founder
This has nothing to do with the hill.

These guys are not exceptions per say and all have good grades. Even though we can take anyone it really hasn't changed much...our exceptions as of late haven't worked out well JHD, Custis, Holton, etc.

This is our staff having contunity and having some good recruiters in place.


Helluva Engineer
This has nothing to do with the hill.

These guys are not exceptions per say and all have good grades. Even though we can take anyone it really hasn't changed much...our exceptions as of late haven't worked out well JHD, Custis, Holton, etc.

This is our staff having contunity and having some good recruiters in place.

I completely agree. Continuity is important to the perception of the staff also.


Helluva Engineer
Featured Member
Williamsburg Virginia
Do yall think all of these commits are comin from The Hill lessening the academic standards for players, and is this something we can look forward to for years to come? Or are we just having a great year in recruiting and most of these players meet normal Tech standards for football?

The Hill giving CPJ the latitude to take as many exemptions (while meeting minimum standards) has had no effect IMHO. CPJ said that he was allowed a few (5 or 7 or something) in past years and never hit that number anyway. CPJ still has to meet APR requirements and about $100K of his yearly bonus is tied to APR. So CPJ is only going to take kids he really thinks can make it through. Which is the right way to do it.

Looking at the scholarship applications, there is NO way a D1 level athlete could do all the student activities, community service and AP classes that many kids do these days. Being a prospective D1 athlete takes lots of training practice, diet and sleep. There aren't enough hours in the day. I think that these kids must operate on 4-5 hours sleep and not take down time.

Blumpkin Souffle

Bidly Biddington III
Anyghing new on Justin Thomas Eric?
Yeah he's the starter

danny daniel

Helluva Engineer
Eric: Are Camp practices one a day or two a day? or am I so old school the two a days have gone away? (my brother got critically injured in Viet Nam and when he thought he was going to die he reminded himself about surviving two a days in August and decided that nothing could be he willed himself to survive)


Retired Co-Founder
Eric: Are Camp practices one a day or two a day? or am I so old school the two a days have gone away? (my brother got critically injured in Viet Nam and when he thought he was going to die he reminded himself about surviving two a days in August and decided that nothing could be he willed himself to survive)

There is some rule now where you can only have so many two a day's....I think something like two days...So for the most part they are one.

Cool story btw.

danny daniel

Helluva Engineer
There is some rule now where you can only have so many two a day's....I think something like two days...So for the most part they are one.

Cool story btw.

Thanks for the reply. True story about my brother who is convinced that he would not have returned alive from Nam without having overcome those three years of August two a day challenges . For him his football experience saved his life because he knew not to give up.