Feb. 4. NC St. Pre and Post Comments


Helluva Engineer
I think that shot was like 5 feet behind the 3 pt line. When he let it go, I thought 'too far'
I would love to see a chart of Kelly’s 3 point makes vs misses and distance behind the line. He is a good shooter and he has serious range, but he shoots from too deep way too much. I am sure his percentage is significantly better from the line than from 5-8 feet behind the line. It has frustrated me all season.


Helluva Engineer
14 total minutes from the bench. Jalon & Deivon with 4 minutes each. I don’t get it. Surely the starters can’t be as fresh at the end of the game🤷🏻‍♂️
I agree with you in principle, and I have been critical of Pastner’s penchant for short rotations and excessive starter minutes in several of his seasons here, but at this point in this miserable season, I don’t really care. Today I think Sturdivant, Kelly, and Franklin were playing well enough that you just ride them all the way.


Georgia Tech Fan
I fear this injury excuse is coming. Every team has injuries during the season.
Has nothing to do with offense, had he made adjustments earlier like last summer maybe the injury bug wouldn't be plaguing us. Hell had Rodney been able to play today would the score been that close? NC St stuck to their guns with DJ Burns. We didn't adjust, to him on our offensive, we could've spread the floor and let whoever he was guarding blow by him. Since our offense is mainly 1 guy put his head and try to get basket or that same 1 person dribble a majority of the shot clock. A well offense coached NC St team.... example Ernest Ross was open numerous times in the corner because we intentionally were not guarding him out there. He only shot 1 & made it, but he didn't take another. So it has been made clear in practice that he can impact the game scoring in other areas he finished with 16pts 7-7 from FT line. In other words he was open for a reason.

Pastner speaks about scoring 70 to have a chance to win, he has to do a better job of positioning them to have a chance to get to that 70 margin also. Maybe try a press after the first Ft we shoot after halftime. Maybe trapping when ball goes to corner every so often. Do different than the 2 under of bound plays. Just be schematic he may be able to use those defensive schemes to steal 6-10 pts a game off turnovers. Run Deebo & Miles some ball screens use them in some pin down action. Deebo was a combo guard in high school so to his defense he has not play in his position since arriving at Tech, but nonetheless since he is often guarding their 4-5 at times so why not try every so often a pin down utilizing Devion now if they switch you either have a big guarding Devion on the perimeter and a smaller defender guarding Deebo in the post. Just some action to mix it up instead of just having him sitting in corner. I mean if you're trying everything then really try everything.

We have guys that are great at catching the ball around the rim, and dunking put-backs. Then JP gets mad when they turn the ball over attempting to dribble..... no coach you know that is a limitation for them so why are you attempting to force the issue. I've said before those players are doing exactly what they are be coached to do. He is right they are nice guys, because someone needs to step up & say coach really let's try this or go eye-eye with him during a game with "respectful" emphasis. It's some winnable games left and coming so close and still losing is an ultimate letdown & you can lose your guys interest quick if the coach is willing to hear those guys out with their input.


Helluva Engineer
I would have liked to see Cyril the Canadian bang with burns a little bit. He is slow as molasses, but so is burns. All we needed him to do was use his size and strength to stand his ground on defense . Worth a try for a few minutes in my opinion. Although Franklin did an admirable job against the much bigger burns. I thought he really played smart to give himself a chance, and he got the better of burns several times on both ends of the floor.


Get-Bak! Coach
Featured Member
My assumption is Pastner went small to try and keep their guards from going off. Thinking the Burns guy couldn't beat us by himself. I'm cool with it. It kept us in the game til we found a way to lose.


Helluva Engineer
The offense has been garbage since Hardy left. Since then we have lost good recruiters and developers. Not sure what Pastner does except provide horrible press conferences


Georgia Tech Fan
Coming into today's game the betting line was around 15.5. We've struggled badly getting blown out in games and State has been playing well and playing at home. I thought there was a really good chance the final margin of victory would be 20+ pts. If you were to tell me Tech would be up or within a pt or two around the 3 mins mark, I would take it in a heartbeat. I agree there are no moral victories at this pt in the season for this specific team (1 ACC win).

I am not a Pastner supporter and like the majority of the fans it's time to move on after the season. Having said that, I don't think he has given up and still coaching his a$$ off to find ways to help the team win. The latest example being the rotation substitution in the 2nd half (or lack thereof). I have no problem with this whatsoever b/c it gave us a chance to win. You can argue that we lost the game b/c the players were gassed towards the end and that would be fair but I can also argue that if we had substituted we may not even be in the game. I also have no problem w/ Pastner's game plan to make Burns beat you and limit their guards scoring (if that was indeed his plan). My takeaway is that the team played well against a pretty good and athletic team w/ strong guards and post player. They (players and coaches) exceeded my expectation in this game.


Helluva Engineer
Not gonna win too many games with 17 turnovers. The memories of guys like Alvarado & DeVoe are fading fast.
I kind of liked that we attempted more backdoor cuts yesterday. Our TOs have been low this year because we dribble for 20 seconds and take a jumper or challenging finish at the rim.

Unfortunately the team should have been figuring out how to hit these cutters in Sept-Nov rather than waiting for halfway through ACC. I think Pastner is way too trigger happy about benching guys who make a mistake. Deivon and Sturdy seem afraid to pass at times.