Extension Agreement


Jolly Good Fellow
I feel if the College playoffs change and expand to 8 or expand by guaranteeing conference champs a spot in the next 5 to 8 years, CPJ may stick around. He really is the ultimate competitor. Either way, this is great news and am glad to see him taking the program in the right direction that many of us knew he had the potential to.
Absolutely! CPJ's gotta love the thought of other teams having one week to prepare for him in the playoffs.


Helluva Engineer
This is excellent news! I also feel like the timing is perfect for all parties involved. If it's true his main concerns are money for staffing than it only pleases me more!


Helluva Engineer
Featured Member
I am glad for this, but I would also like to offer what I hope was going on during negotiations from both sides.

CPJ asking for increased recruiting budget, including manpower, but also other financial resources like travel etc. CPJ asking for $300,000, for which he can decide how it gets allocated to assistants salaries.

Bobinski offering primarily substantial bonus related compensation increases for desired program results, such as division championships, conference championships, bowl appearances, bowl wins, wins against UGA, player graduations, and National Championships etc.

Bruce Wayne

Helluva Engineer
Oh, he never quits. Same ole hate-filled agenda he has always had. He's on about his 6th different name now, all the previous ones having been banned.
It is one of the saddest and strangest phenomena of the internet age. I wonder if any psychology doctoral candidates have tried to do studies on people like him who constantly fill up an online forum with crank-talk or screeds. And he has kept it up dawgedly for years now. It is really pathetic and disturbing when you think about with the time and energy expended.
Augusta, GA
It is one of the saddest and strangest phenomena of the internet age. I wonder if any psychology doctoral candidates have tried to do studies on people like him who constantly fill up an online forum with crank-talk or screeds. And he has kept it up dawgedly for years now. It is really pathetic and disturbing when you think about with the time and energy expended.
He is obviously a sociopath, and quite possibly a psychopath.

Bruce Wayne

Helluva Engineer
But to reverse course from this (quite natural) digression on trolls back to the extension. I want to make a comment about MBob.

I remember when Petrino was hired at Louisville MBob was on for his weekly sports radio chat on whatever silly show with silly flapping gums on some kind of "flagship" Tech station. Anyway, they asked him "what do you think of the Petrino hire? Would you be willing to hire a coach with his track record?" MBob had been AD at Tech for not quite a year I think. So I understood when his initial response was to kind of hem and haw a tad where I sensed that he basically did not want to just call out a fellow ACC Athletic Director. So he said stte of "Well, that would be interesting and could be a tough call to make . . ." Then he trails off a second and basically drops the PC pseudo-professionalism (or collegiality amongst ADs speak) and says something like "You know what? No, there is no possible way I would ever consider hiring someone like that to run my football program." He implicitly called out the Louisville AD and that newest member of the ACC as having basically downgraded the conference in integrity. I loved it!

That was the moment when I first decided I liked this AD.

I know that results over the long-term counts most in how we remember a coach or an AD. But I really appreciate it when a coach or AD knows when to (a) just go ahead and tell it straight and (b) understands that he has an ethical duty to prioritize the welfare of his 18-22 year old student-athletes as part of a college's role as in loco parentis.

I think CPJ really truly "gets" both a and b as well. I hope they turn out to be a good match and work really well together to improve the program and get rewarded with some championships.
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Helluva Engineer
Agree, beating Georgia may seem like the key lever of success now but what if Georgia has a couple of years at the bottom of the SEC. In that case beating them will feel emotionally good but would not have the same impact on media respect, fan attendance, championships, etc as when they are a ranked team.
Yep. I'm not sure I want to put them up on a pedestal like that either. At some point we need to quit building UGA up to be some juggernaut that our programs success is based off of. CPJ doesn't need a bonus for beating them. That will come naturally in the job security he will get because the fan base will be happy.
Augusta, GA
But to reverse course from this (quite natural) digression on trolls back to the extension. I want to make a comment about MBob.

I remember when Petrino was hired at Louisville MBob was on for his weekly sports radio chat on whatever silly show with silly flapping gums on some kind of "flagship" Tech station. Anyway, they asked him "what do you think of the Petrino hire? Would you be willing to hire a coach with his track record?" MBob had not really been AD at Tech for all that long at this point. So I understood when his initial response was to kind of hem and haw a tad where I sensed that he basically did not want to just call out a fellow ACC Athletic Director. So he said stte of "Well, that would be interesting and could be a tough call to make . . ." Then he trails off a second and basically drops the PC pseudo-professionalism (or collegiality amongst ADs speak) and says something like "You know what? No, there is no possible way I would ever consider hiring someone like that to run my football program." He implicitly called out the Louisville AD and that newest member of the ACC as having basically downgraded the conference in integrity. I loved it!

That was the moment when I first decided I liked this AD.

I know that results over the long-term counts most in how we remember a coach or an AD. But I really appreciate it when a coach or AD knows when to (a) just go ahead and tell it straight and (b) understands that he has an ethical duty to prioritize the welfare of his 18-22 year old student-athletes as part of a college's role as in loco parentis.

I think CPJ really truly "gets" both a and b as well. I hope they turn out to be a good match and work really well together to improve the program and get rewarded with some championships.
Shortly after his arrival at Tech, I sent him a rather lengthy letter (not an email) presenting to him a problem I was aware of that I thought he might be able to address. He responded to me within 3 days (although by email), and shortly after that the problem had been addressed. Unfortunately, the same problem arose again later, and I wrote him once again. His response was, "I thought we had resolved that issue." Again he responded within 3 days, and within a month the problem had been PERMANENTLY resolved. I emailed DRad once with an interesting Tech-related photo I had taken in Moscow while on vacation there. He NEVER responded, not even with a simple "thank you." Obviously MBob is tops in my book.
Augusta, GA
What an awful way to run a state university system. Just saying.
That kind of attitude goes way back too. In the 30s (prior, I guess to the creation of a board of regents), the state legislature removed the School of Commerce from Tech and (eventually) created Georgia State University, because to keep it at Tech would have aided us in recruiting against the mutts.


Southeastern Michigan
It is one of the saddest and strangest phenomena of the internet age. I wonder if any psychology doctoral candidates have tried to do studies on people like him who constantly fill up an online forum with crank-talk or screeds. And he has kept it up dawgedly for years now. It is really pathetic and disturbing when you think about with the time and energy expended.
It is more than just filling up on line forums......I recall hearing he actually contacted recruits or recruits parents.