CPJ on Jay Jones


Helluva Engineer
2 inches is huge when it comes to sports especially Football imo.
Assuming some blocking

The "we run the damn ball and almost never pass " folks who see no need for the 2"height difference.

The "we need to pass more to open up the run " folks see it as mandatory.

IMO its the "who sees the field in slow motion" folks are closest to correct.

Jt was a master at making the pitch to the right spot at last second. He also would stop and throw in an instant. This really stretches the defense AND makes plays. The g UY with the ball must make plays that make other better. In coach we trust. He has fixed so many things in last few years.


Ramblin' Wreck
"IMO its the "who sees the field in slow motion" folks are closest to correct."

Wasn't it Friedgen that said WTTE you can tell whether or not a qb has the vision in just a few plays, and if they don't have it they will never get it. That was why he stuck with shrimpy Joe Hamilton when O'Leary was ready to bench him as a soph. Then mid-season '97 the game seemed to slow down for JH, and he was pretty damn good after that. I have to think something similar happened to Godsey early in the 2000 season.


Helluva Engineer
Featured Member
Once again a very small sample size, but from what I saw I think LJ has the tools to run this offense very well. Maybe he doesn't have as much wiggle ( I'm really not sure), but one positive thing about his height and throwing ability is that we may be able to exploit the middle of the field a little better through the air. 9 out of 10 episodes of throwing to the wrong guy have happened because we missed a wide open guy running down the seam preferring to look toward the boundary. It is understandable when we have a shorter QB than most. If we see that play develop a little more consistently and throw the deep shot with some touch, it should be very effective.

If I were to criticize the JT era on offense (being overly picky here), I would begin with not being able to exploit the defense between the hashes outside of the BB dive, whether through the air or on the ground. If the midline / QB follow package returns along with consistently hitting the AB go route, we will look pretty darned good IMHO. Defenses in recent years have committed just enough resources to handle the dive and then had all other assets flowing to the outside of the field. They pretty much knew JT wasn't going to run midline.


Helluva Engineer
Once again a very small sample size, but from what I saw I think LJ has the tools to run this offense very well. Maybe he doesn't have as much wiggle ( I'm really not sure), but one positive thing about his height and throwing ability is that we may be able to exploit the middle of the field a little better through the air. 9 out of 10 episodes of throwing to the wrong guy have happened because we missed a wide open guy running down the seam preferring to look toward the boundary. It is understandable when we have a shorter QB than most. If we see that play develop a little more consistently and throw the deep shot with some touch, it should be very effective.

If I were to criticize the JT era on offense (being overly picky here), I would begin with not being able to exploit the defense between the hashes outside of the BB dive, whether through the air or on the ground. If the midline / QB follow package returns along with consistently hitting the AB go route, we will look pretty darned good IMHO. Defenses in recent years have committed just enough resources to handle the dive and then had all other assets flowing to the outside of the field. They pretty much knew JT wasn't going to run midline.

And a ab on the stop route for first down and then YAC.
Two years ago early in clemson game we hit ab on go route. Then on 3rd and long the safety was all over it.
Uga has beat us on short delay patterns over middle( TE or FB)
For these tall qb very good.


Then mid-season '97 the game seemed to slow down for JH, and he was pretty damn good after that. I have to think something similar happened to Godsey early in the 2000 season.
Is that why Goose took so long to get into the end zone against the Mutts, he saw how slow the Mutts were and knew he didn't have to run very fast to score?


Helluva Engineer
2 inches is huge when it comes to sports especially Football imo.
Yes, 2 inches can make a difference. Like seeing over the oline and being able to throw from the pocket. I think if JT was a few inches taller it would have made a difference in the passing game. I think you can be too tall for this offense but I don't think 63is too tall.


Helluva Engineer
My take--Anybody but MJ is a higher-risk QB at this point.All of others are high-risk,high reward guys probably--25 yds one play,fumble the next).also- Until any of them proves they can throw the ball successfully,the DEFenses will overload and take away their strength-whatever it is..


Helluva Engineer
My take--Anybody but MJ is a higher-risk QB at this point.All of others are high-risk,high reward guys probably--25 yds one play,fumble the next).also- Until any of them proves they can throw the ball successfully,the DEFenses will overload and take away their strength-whatever it is..
How did you come to this conclusion? None of us have seen enough to know how well or not they are playing. Spring game doesn't show much at all. Not arguing, honestly just wondering your reasoning in that statement. CPJ is a straight shooter, and has said he would be comfortable with any of them.


Helluva Engineer
Featured Member
Jones is your wiggle and Lucas is your passer. Both have speed. I think Jones will make people miss, but I think (and I mean think) Lucas has a little more discipline in following the offense. For some reason I see Jones more willing to run the midline than Lucas, but I have no proof, just a hunch given their running personality.

TM knows the offense more than Lucas and Jones. MJ knows it better than all three and opens up the middle more at this point.

MJ is still my choice for the first game, knowing that Jones and Lucas may make progress in the competition over the seasons. I love TM and he needs a place on the field.


Helluva Engineer
Jones is going to surprise some with his passing. I think he's a lot better than ppl are giving him credit for. Spring game imo means nothing to know if he's a good passer or not.


Helluva Engineer
LJ was a better passer in highschool and still is the better passer. I'm sure Jones can pass but LJ is a passer. That elements is unique to this offense.

AE 87

Helluva Engineer
Can we stop with comparing LJ to Vad? LJ is a dual threat QB who can really pass. Vad was a running QB who could hurl.

Fwiw, the scouts rated Vad as an Ath, not a QB, for that reason. LJ is what the fanboys wanted in VL.

I can't speak to who will run our O best going forward. Still, imo, LJ gives us the best shot at paszing more, which likely means better results.


Georgia Tech Fan
Did any of the qbs make a pitch in the spring game ? I don't think that is unusual for the spring game but that is a huge part of his job. I'm sure it is partly done to keep them healthy.


Helluva Engineer
Did any of the qbs make a pitch in the spring game ? I don't think that is unusual for the spring game but that is a huge part of his job. I'm sure it is partly done to keep them healthy.

Longestday did a video analysis. The defensive pitch guy was playing in perfect position. All pitches would have set them up for on time tackles. What we could have seen, though, is our QBs charging the pitch defender to get them to commit one way or another. Instead, they always tried to cut up field.


Helluva Engineer
Featured Member
@BUZZ NATION there were very few missed pitches because the defense was taking away the pitch and forcing the QB to run. That is why LJ and JJ had long runs.

The Pitch read did an excellent job splitting the AB and the QB and keeping thier shoulders turned to the AB. The QBs could do a better job charging the Pitch read to force the pitch, but they might have wanted to run themselves.

That is what I like about MJ. I have seen him charge the pitch read to force open the pitch... same for JT and TW.

@YJMD thats funny, we wrote the same thing...


Helluva Engineer
Can we stop with comparing LJ to Vad? LJ is a dual threat QB who can really pass. Vad was a running QB who could hurl.

Fwiw, the scouts rated Vad as an Ath, not a QB, for that reason. LJ is what the fanboys wanted in VL.

I can't speak to who will run our O best going forward. Still, imo, LJ gives us the best shot at paszing more, which likely means better results.
Hasn't Vad Lee graduated, gone the way of gas station attendants, family farms, straight stick transmissions and airline courtesy?


Helluva Engineer
LJ is 6.3 and JFN was 6.1. That is not that big of a difference. I agree that I think he could benefit by putting on a little weight. The problem with Vad is that he didn't want to run the TO. After the hit against UNC he was done. LJ has the tools to run the TO now it is just a matter of "want to"

MJ is 6'2.

Cam Newton is 6'5. Tim Tebow is 6'3. Both would have been phenomenal in our offense. They were both phenomenal in different spread option offenses in college. Just different type of runners.

CPJ will call plays to a player's strengths regardless if a QB is 5'10 or 6'3.