CPJ laying the wood to the media


Helluva Engineer
smh, a lot of what he said was about conference games. Our conference record has been at the top with the other three. We have no losing conference records in the CPJ tenure. We have had only one 4-4 conference record. IIRC, that's true only of FSU, otherwise
You are right about the records (imagine that :)). I still don't think his first 2 years wins support an argument about his recruiting so I looked up the last 4 years and we are still 4th. Yes he makes some good points.

Last 4 years conf wins:
FSU 29
Clem 25
VT 25
GT 19
Miami 18
UNC 16


Helluva Engineer
Just one question though: Why? Why would he decide to do the interview and make that statement?

BEST case: you look defensive.
WORST case: well, it looks like you're trying to make a member of the media look bad. And guess what happens when other members of the media think you're taking on one of their own? They pile on, too.

I posted it on another board, but the old saying holds true: You never pick a fight with a guy who buys his ink by the barrel.

You are reading waaaaaaaaaay too much into this.

GT Man

Ramblin' Wreck
He was asked a specific question and he gave a specific answer. Anything else your trying to glean from it is just fishing to fit your agenda. He didn't sound defensive one bit to me. He said it matter of factly, he didn't have an aggressive tone or anything. How many times does he have to tell the media he doesn't put any stock in the rankings before they quit asking him about it? It's they're own damn fault if they get a snarky reply, but this was far from snarky.
Agree. How folks choose to interpret his demeanor and responses often lines up with their own per-conceived views of the guy.


Helluva Engineer
As do fans. And as does the media. As does everyone.

Everyone can spin numbers to justify their own argument whether that argument is objectively correct or not.

Specifically, I think those that just looks at our record in the last three years is oversimplifying it as well.
Glad many times i dont keep up with recruiting since to me its what you do game day but my hope is that the guys we signed can play in this system.If not they are in for long haul but if they can then man........we can use them.I like the old George Allen quote about his players.......he said basically that many times he had players who were not big time stars and they were older but...................they didn't make mistakes at crucial times....I like that idea of coaching and if we cut down on our jumps etc we will be a better football team.


Helluva Engineer
Agree. How folks choose to interpret his demeanor and responses often lines up with their own per-conceived views of the guy.
Will say PJ gets no easy softball questions.Seems to me his demeanor and aggressive nature at pressers stirs the emotions of sportswriters looking for a "I got you "moment.Once you piss off the press they are like elephants and never forget.
Are you referring to this article? Because it references back to 08.

It is self serving of the coach to include Chan's players to make his point. The last three years are prime examples of the trend going on with our team. I don't feel this class makes any change in the lack of playmakers that have on both sides of the ball. We will have to wait two to three years to know for sure, but nobody jumps out as a game changer.


Georgia Tech Fan
It is self serving of the coach to include Chan's players to make his point. The last three years are prime examples of the trend going on with our team. I don't feel this class makes any change in the lack of playmakers that have on both sides of the ball. We will have to wait two to three years to know for sure, but nobody jumps out as a game changer.

OK, we'll do the last 3 years. I guess we are still 4th in conference wins. Maybe Maimi sneaks above us.


Jolly Good Fellow
Johnson does not suffer fools. 90% plus of the media are fools. He is good at pointing that out with facts to back it up. They don't like him because he does not bow down to their crap. A lot of our so called fans think he should be licking their boots. I for one like the fact he does not take their crap.

Go Jackets!
You better win in that case. Can't be a jerk and lose games.


Jolly Good Fellow
If these media idiots would do their homework, maybe they would get better cooperation from PJ. Many of these fools still refer to GT's offense as the wishbone.


It is self serving of the coach to include Chan's players to make his point. The last three years are prime examples of the trend going on with our team. I don't feel this class makes any change in the lack of playmakers that have on both sides of the ball. We will have to wait two to three years to know for sure, but nobody jumps out as a game changer.
Well, you're wrong. Anyone who's watched film of Custis and Autry, amongst others, can see playmakers.


Helluva Engineer
It is self serving of the coach to include Chan's players to make his point. The last three years are prime examples of the trend going on with our team. I don't feel this class makes any change in the lack of playmakers that have on both sides of the ball. We will have to wait two to three years to know for sure, but nobody jumps out as a game changer.
Coach didn't throw out numbers going back to Chan's players, that was Schultz. We went 5-3 the last 3 years.


Helluva Engineer
Johnson does not suffer fools. 90% plus of the media are fools. He is good at pointing that out with facts to back it up. They don't like him because he does not bow down to their crap. A lot of our so called fans think he should be licking their boots. I for one like the fact he does not take their crap.

Go Jackets!
Couldn't agree more.

Atomic Jacket

Love that photo of CPJ.

(Does anyone have the context? Any idea who he was signaling or why?)


I believe that was one of the games that Tech blew out the opponent. I think it was something like this: Justin Thomas was in at quarterback and made a long run for a TD. Johnson had wanted him to just slide down and not run up the score. He was telling Thomas, who was returning to the sideline after the TD, that he shouldn't have done that.