Complaint department/Dump your rants here


Helluva Engineer
cmon man. this is obvious baiting and trolling
It's wild how when I said the exact same thing about one of your posts I got my post deleted and got a warning, but yours is somehow not an issue. And when I guessed at your age, my post was deleted, but you and others have attacked other posters based on their age and the mods said it was free to stay. Lots of arbitrary rule enforcement around these parts...


It's wild how when I said the exact same thing about one of your posts I got my post deleted and got a warning, but yours is somehow not an issue. And when I guessed at your age, my post was deleted, but you and others have attacked other posters based on their age and the mods said it was free to stay. Lots of arbitrary rule enforcement around these parts...
Oh cry me a river, you act like you're the only one getting warnings around here. I myself have gotten a couple, its good to see others like you are being held accountable as well.


Helluva Engineer
Retired Staff
Appreciate the feedback. Moved this here so you could have a say in how we operate without gumming up a football thread. We appreciate your patronage here even though we may disagree on certain procedural items. Regards.


Helluva Engineer
Oh cry me a river, you act like you're the only one getting warnings around here. I myself have gotten a couple, its good to see others like you are being held accountable as well.
I'm not acting like I'm the only one getting warnings, I'm just asking for the rules to be applied equally to all users. The two references I made were specifically about posts I reported after having been given warnings for the same/similar behavior, and in both cases I was told "nah, we are gonna leave theirs up, don't see an issue".

Is mentioning/suggesting another poster's age an issue? I have seen you, jacketfan, GT33, Vespidae, and likely others make general or targeted attacking comments based on age, with nothing done by the mods. When I reported it, I was told it was mutual and not an issue. But my comment suggesting jacketfan is on the younger end, which I'm not sure how that was even offensive, was pulled. Seems to me it should either be an issue to reference someone's age, or it's not. Whether it was mutual is irrelevant, mods can hand out more than one warning (right? you aren't limited to one a day are you?).

Is saying someone is trolling against the rules or not? Again, my post was deleted and I got a warning for suggesting jacketfan was trolling, but when reporting his post where he suggested Pointer was trolling (which is not even remotely true), I'm told it was fine because whichever mod reviewed didn't perceive it as malicious. Again, it seems to me that suggesting someone is trolling is either an issue that no one should be allowed to suggest, or it's not and no one should be punished for suggesting such.


Staff member
As a new member to the mod team I can speak to my own view on some of the recent posts around age. I am 37 so not a GenZ or Boomer but a good old fashioned millennial. Like the middle children we are, we get it from both sides of the age gap :unsure: , but as a rule when I see generalizations I take them with a grain of salt.

Take for example the idea that "Boomers don't like the razzle dazzle of marketing and just want old school, hard nosed football". I don't find that notion offensive, I think it is simplistic and likely provably false, but not in violation of the rules of this site. If people want to make a generalization in their post about a group of people to draw a larger point, well this is a message board and people have posted less informed takes than that.

We have recently been discussing (based off of reports) the idea of age being a protected class, and how to respond to "digs" at one's age on the boards. It is an interesting question. In general, for me personally, I subscribe to a fairly laissez-faire approach to moderation. The idea of moderating, for me, is to be an unbiased (as far as any person can be) arbiter of the rules of the site. When posts are flagged, we review them and comment internally to each other on the merits of the complaint. I do believe in moderation of moderating and appreciate not all agree with my approach. Luckily we have a balance of views, opinions and personalities as a group so hopefully we are matching the tenor of our community at large. I have seen some age related posts which seemed to be thinly veiled knocks on other posters which violate our policy on personal attacks so those get removed. When I first joined, in my welcome message there was a blurb that said the following:

"Friendly Community
GT Swarm was started with the goal of becoming the best site where die-hard Georgia Tech fans can visit to find the latest GT recruiting information as well as discuss the latest GT Athletics news in a friendly environment. As such, we currently only have one rule: no personal attacks on any GT athlete (current, former, or future), GTAA staff, or any other members of this community. Please remember to keep discussions civil and help us keep the community clean by clicking on the "Report" link under any post that you think violates this rule."

That has been the north star I use when evaluating reported posts. We don't remove every message that ever offends, but if a message reads in a way that looks as though it is intentionally a shot across the bow of a user, staff or the players for no reason other than being plain old mean, it gets the removal vote from me. As always, I appreciate anyone responding back to this post or via DMs to talk through reports or warnings - I am happy to discuss my viewpoint further.


Staff member
As a new member to the mod team I can speak to my own view on some of the recent posts around age. I am 37 so not a GenZ or Boomer but a good old fashioned millennial. Like the middle children we are, we get it from both sides of the age gap :unsure: , but as a rule when I see generalizations I take them with a grain of salt.

Take for example the idea that "Boomers don't like the razzle dazzle of marketing and just want old school, hard nosed football". I don't find that notion offensive, I think it is simplistic and likely provably false, but not in violation of the rules of this site. If people want to make a generalization in their post about a group of people to draw a larger point, well this is a message board and people have posted less informed takes than that.

We have recently been discussing (based off of reports) the idea of age being a protected class, and how to respond to "digs" at one's age on the boards. It is an interesting question. In general, for me personally, I subscribe to a fairly laissez-faire approach to moderation. The idea of moderating, for me, is to be an unbiased (as far as any person can be) arbiter of the rules of the site. When posts are flagged, we review them and comment internally to each other on the merits of the complaint. I do believe in moderation of moderating and appreciate not all agree with my approach. Luckily we have a balance of views, opinions and personalities as a group so hopefully we are matching the tenor of our community at large. I have seen some age related posts which seemed to be thinly veiled knocks on other posters which violate our policy on personal attacks so those get removed. When I first joined, in my welcome message there was a blurb that said the following:

"Friendly Community
GT Swarm was started with the goal of becoming the best site where die-hard Georgia Tech fans can visit to find the latest GT recruiting information as well as discuss the latest GT Athletics news in a friendly environment. As such, we currently only have one rule: no personal attacks on any GT athlete (current, former, or future), GTAA staff, or any other members of this community. Please remember to keep discussions civil and help us keep the community clean by clicking on the "Report" link under any post that you think violates this rule."

That has been the north star I use when evaluating reported posts. We don't remove every message that ever offends, but if a message reads in a way that looks as though it is intentionally a shot across the bow of a user, staff or the players for no reason other than being plain old mean, it gets the removal vote from me. As always, I appreciate anyone responding back to this post or via DMs to talk through reports or warnings - I am happy to discuss my viewpoint further.
I’m over 37 by a fair shot (GenX), and I try to take the same approach.

Plenty of posts get reported that I consider to be counterproductive, but I don’t think meet the threshold for a warning. We generally take into consideration the posts, the preceding posts, and the replies, and the context.


Get-Bak! Coach
Featured Member
I hate when randos constantly sidetrack threads with their lame-a** 'look at me' nonsense.

It's not even funny, bro.

Awkward Season 4 GIF by The Office


Helluva Engineer
I’m over 37 by a fair shot (GenX), and I try to take the same approach.

Plenty of posts get reported that I consider to be counterproductive, but I don’t think meet the threshold for a warning. We generally take into consideration the posts, the preceding posts, and the replies, and the context.
Thanks for this... I was about to point out Modtown’s obvious discrimination against us gen x’ers. Crisis averted. (y)