Commits that signed elsewhere

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Helluva Engineer
Retired Staff
I believe on the other board this thread could be known as the Cavalcade of Butthurt.

perhaps none of my business (and certainly outside of my jurisdiction) but could you please leave the garbage from the other board(s) off of this one please? This board is unique because it sports focused, not dominated by 5-6 dimwits as the others seem to be, and not cluttered with juvenile nonsense. I do look at the other boards and they all have something to offer but this one is the best because of its focus and lack of drivel. Thanks.
perhaps none of my business (and certainly outside of my jurisdiction) but could you please leave the garbage from the other board(s) off of this one please? This board is unique because it sports focused, not dominated by 5-6 dimwits as the others seem to be, and not cluttered with juvenile nonsense. I do look at the other boards and they all have something to offer but this one is the best because of its focus and lack of drivel. Thanks.
Okay, sure, whatever you say.
Yeah his logic lost me on that too.

If JT says, "I am a QB only" and then Saban says well for me you'll play DB or there'll be no scholly, then that isn't quite what I would call a flip.

How is this simple logic so hard for you to understand?

JT said that he was a QB only, once he said that it wasn't really a flip anymore, Saban wasn't going to ever give him a scholly as a QB.


Helluva Engineer
Let me see what this title reads again;

“Alabama promised Justin on several different occasions that he would get the chance to play quarterback there,” the player’s father, Milton Thomas, told the AJC. “We did a lot of research. We know how Alabama uses their quarterbacks, and we know how Georgia Tech uses theirs. We just felt like Georgia Tech was a better fit for how Justin plays the quarterback position."
“When Justin called Alabama to let them know he was de-committing, Coach Saban kept telling him ‘If your situation changes, you can always come home to play with us at Alabama.”

I'm not sure but that all sounds like a flip to me.
Let me see what this title reads again;

“Alabama promised Justin on several different occasions that he would get the chance to play quarterback there,” the player’s father, Milton Thomas, told the AJC. “We did a lot of research. We know how Alabama uses their quarterbacks, and we know how Georgia Tech uses theirs. We just felt like Georgia Tech was a better fit for how Justin plays the quarterback position."
“When Justin called Alabama to let them know he was de-committing, Coach Saban kept telling him ‘If your situation changes, you can always come home to play with us at Alabama.”

I'm not sure but that all sounds like a flip to me.

That doesn't say anything about Saban telling JT that he'd never be a QB at Bama.

But you are free to believe what you want to, the bottom line is that JT said he was a QB only, and Saban told him that he'd never play QB at Bama.


We don't quite suck as much anymore.
Mt Juliet, TN
That doesn't say anything about Saban telling JT that he'd never be a QB at Bama.

But you are free to believe what you want to, the bottom line is that JT said he was a QB only, and Saban told him that he'd never play QB at Bama.
You are just relentless.


Helluva Engineer
North Shore, Chicago
Unless you can provide substantiation for your comment that Saban told JT that he'd never play QB at Bama, then your comment is an inference, and is only your opinion. I have no problem with you stating your opinion, but that doesn't make it a fact. When you show that JT wasn't a take at Alabama as a QB possibility, I'll agree with you. Until then, JT is absolutely a flip.


Helluva Engineer
It's funny @ATL1 presents valid evidence and it is immediately shot down because it doesn't serve the McKnight argument... This is meant to be an open forum for discussion which requires the users to be open to being wrong.

Unless you ARE Justin Thomas or have an article substantiating your claims then your argument is hearsay.
Bottom line is that isn't true.

But as you said, you are free to believe what you want (y)

I guess you guys are correct and I am way ,way wrong.

JT had a scholly lined up at Bama to play ONLY QB, and then GT flipped him.

BTW, could you please share the truth with fans like me that obviously don't know the truth.
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