Coach Collins Show on 680 the fan right now


Helluva Engineer
Excited for game. Thinks team has improved a lot and has a great vibe. Arguably best rb room in the conference. Wants energy from fans saturday. Please wead white. Thacker at the bottom of the hour, but stopped listening when I got home


Helluva Engineer
Parts Unknown
I have had my reservations about CDP but when I hear him say he can run the same play out of 10 different formations, then I start to get real interested.

Note to staff: we are not going to open the playbook this weekend. Or next weekend.

Maybe week three. Seems we have a big game that weekend.


I have had my reservations about CDP but when I hear him say he can run the same play out of 10 different formations, then I start to get real interested.

Note to staff: we are not going to open the playbook this weekend. Or next weekend.

Maybe week three. Seems we have a big game that weekend.
I really hope Coach P improves. He has only scored more than twenty-eight twice since he arrived on the flats. He will have to out coach multiple ACC teams (Not NIU and KSU) before I will trust that he knows what he is doing.


Helluva Engineer
Parts Unknown
I really hope Coach P improves. He has only scored more than twenty-eight twice since he arrived on the flats. He will have to out coach multiple ACC teams (Not NIU and KSU) before I will trust that he knows what he is doing.
Who knows - maybe he's meeting with Fridge once a week or something.


Staff member
I have a hot take - either I, or more likely in my estimation some of you all, will be eating crow about CDP and JS10 (who remember was Rookie Of The Week thrice during his rookie campaign) when they magically get so much smarter and better this season.

That's what having an OLine that can establish a pocket and solid platform to run the ball behind will do. Couple in the growth freshman make during their first true spring camp (which Jeff got fractional involvement in last year due to Covid) and a true off-season moving into their Sophomore Campaign (due respect to the folks @GTpdm works with, 1st year and 2nd year)

Seriously.. for those saying they still don't have faith in CDP or JS10.. lemme help you out: #CookingTips


I have a hot take - either I, or more likely in my estimation some of you all, will be eating crow about CDP and JS10 (who remember was Rookie Of The Week thrice during his rookie campaign) when they magically get so much smarter and better this season.

That's what having an OLine that can establish a pocket and solid platform to run the ball behind will do. Couple in the growth freshman make during their first true spring camp (which Jeff got fractional involvement in last year due to Covid) and a true off-season moving into their Sophomore Campaign (due respect to the folks @GTpdm works with, 1st year and 2nd year)

Seriously.. for those saying they still don't have faith in CDP or JS10.. lemme help you out: #CookingTips
Maybe...If we have a great season and set offensive records then I will happily eat crow. I don't understand the great optimism since he had plenty of talent at Temple and yet they struggled. His time at Coastal was not tremendously impressive either.


Im a 3*
Maybe...If we have a great season and set offensive records then I will happily eat crow. I don't understand the great optimism since he had plenty of talent at Temple and yet they struggled. His time at Coastal was not tremendously impressive either.

lol So setting offensive records is the floor for you?

If this offense becomes 36ppg 250 passing/gm 150-200 rushing/gm like Temple did in yr 2, there would be no complaints on here at all.


Staff member
Maybe...If we have a great season and set offensive records then I will happily eat crow. I don't understand the great optimism since he had plenty of talent at Temple and yet they struggled. His time at Coastal was not tremendously impressive either.
My confidence comes from believing that CGC understands the D Side of the ball well and wouldn't keep an OCoordinator around who he didn't think had the stuff to get it going.

IF he doesn't this year, then we probably do need to figure out what the issue is, but with CBK and CTC running two of the most important components of the Offense I just don't think a guy who is in over his head would be able to stick around in the program. ADTS wants to win, you can count on that. He is also a guy who knows and understands football. After back to back 3 win seasons, we wouldn't have the third highest coach* in the program (behind only CGC and CAT) if he weren't capable of delivering.

Like I said, we will see, and I will humbly grab the fork and knife if required. I just think it is more likely that I am topping off the Whiskey glasses for people on the HypeBus. I think we get to 6 wins this year in the regular season (the schedule is brutal) but will see consistently improved play and move into next year with a real chance at winning the coastal next year.



Helluva Engineer
North Shore, Chicago
Maybe...If we have a great season and set offensive records then I will happily eat crow. I don't understand the great optimism since he had plenty of talent at Temple and yet they struggled. His time at Coastal was not tremendously impressive either.
How about we settle for having a successful offense to couple with the successful defense and the successful special teams play. Then we'll have a successful season.

Why does he have to set records for you to change your opinion? I'd be happy with scoring more points than the other team.


Helluva Engineer
Maybe...If we have a great season and set offensive records then I will happily eat crow. I don't understand the great optimism since he had plenty of talent at Temple and yet they struggled. His time at Coastal was not tremendously impressive either.
Lol at plenty of talent at Temple. That tells me all I need to know about your football knowledge.


Lol at plenty of talent at Temple. That tells me all I need to know about your football knowledge.
Dont take my word for it listen to Collins wax poetically about their talent level after our game with them and I would add Matt Rhule did leave him a really good roster by Temple standards.


How about we settle for having a successful offense to couple with the successful defense and the successful special teams play. Then we'll have a successful season.

Why does he have to set records for you to change your opinion? I'd be happy with scoring more points than the other team.
When I criticize D Patenaude all I hear is that he set records at Temple and Coastal Carolina. Which IMO ins't much to brag about. He is just a journeyman position coach...could he be successful here. You Bet. Does his past accomplishments indicate he will be? Not really.


Helluva Engineer
North Shore, Chicago
When I criticize D Patenaude all I hear is that he set records at Temple and Coastal Carolina. Which IMO ins't much to brag about. He is just a journeyman position coach...could he be successful here. You Bet. Does his past accomplishments indicate he will be? Not really.
I'd just like him to be successful. I don't care about setting records. Just like all the other asst coaches I never knew before they came here, I just want them to succeed.