
Northeast Stinger

Helluva Engineer

If you work in government at any level you are required to take courses / watch videos annually on a number of topics including discrimination etc.

It should be required for all members of Congress to take some from Thomas Sowell annually.

I don't know. I think John Lewis is probably a lot better teacher.

Northeast Stinger

Helluva Engineer
I hope you are being sarcastic. John Lewis is a racist fool. Thomas Sowell is one of the most brilliant and, at least until the dems lost their minds, one of the most respected social theorists / economists in American today.
You just lost all credibility with me. Lewis is an American icon. I have read Sowell and found him to be a light weight hack.


Helluva Engineer
I don't know. I think John Lewis is probably a lot better teacher.
Politicians....ALL politicians in all parties.....are horrible “teachers” because they ALL pander and lie to the public to generate votes and remain in power. It is quite unthinkable to me that anyone would choose any politician as a teacher over an intellectual. The intellectual rarely has the same motivation to distort the truth.


Helluva Engineer
Retired Staff
Let me be perfectly clear....we will not tolerate any member of GTSwarm attacking other members. I've just closed one thread and will not hesitate to close this one. Please don't make it to where we have to step in and be accused of being heavy-handed in the Lounge.


Let me be perfectly clear....we will not tolerate any member of GTSwarm attacking other members. I've just closed one thread and will not hesitate to close this one. Please don't make it to where we have to step in and be accused of being heavy-handed in the Lounge.

I’m not seeing personal attacks here but disagreements yes. Maybe they were removed already?


You just lost all credibility with me. Lewis is an American icon. I have read Sowell and found him to be a light weight hack.
Let’s see:

* He’s been a Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institute for nearly 4 decades, one of the leading if not top economic institutes in the United States & world renowned.
* Studied under George Stigler, mentored by Milton Friedman.
*Awarded the Bradley Prize for exceptional intellectual achievement

Which items in his career do you consider light weight and why?
A. Visions of the Annointed
B. Economics and Politics of Race
C. Affirmative Action Around the World
D. Intellectuals and Scoitey
E. Einstein Syndrome: Bright Children Who Talk Late
F. Others?

Sorry, but I find this characterization typical. He’s on the other side so we dismiss any of a man’s body of work because he shoves facts in people’s faces that contradict the big political narrative propping up the gimmedats.

Lastly, yes John Lewis is an American icon. He’s done great service to our country on civil rights. That much is an indisputable fact. The only question people should be asking is how much greater could he have been than he already is. If he had aligned with Sowell’s philosophy instead, maybe a great deal more.


Helluva Engineer
South Forsyth
Bush nor Obama probably were never in a position to force someone to resign or fire them in their lives before they became president. Trump has a lot more experience in getting people to do what they were hired for or force them out to keep the machine rolling.

I have not thought of it from this perspective, but you are 100% correct. Firing people is never easy. I have to admit I was terrible at it early in my career and I suffered fools around me and the results were as expected. Bad! I have now gotten better at it but I still hate it and I probably give under performers too much time to "get better" I cant even imagine how much harder and more critical it would be to be president. Obama and Bush's first two years were both a bit of a joke as they both learned on the job. Obama had it worse because of how little experience he had. I do often wonder if he would have been a lot better had he spent a term or two representing his state. He was in a pure theory/academia mode with little real world experience his first couple of years trying to run the country.


Bush nor Obama probably were never in a position to force someone to resign or fire them in their lives before they became president. Trump has a lot more experience in getting people to do what they were hired for or force them out to keep the machine rolling.
I have not thought of it from this perspective, but you are 100% correct. Firing people is never easy. I have to admit I was terrible at it early in my career and I suffered fools around me and the results were as expected. Bad! I have now gotten better at it but I still hate it and I probably give under performers too much time to "get better" I cant even imagine how much harder and more critical it would be to be president. Obama and Bush's first two years were both a bit of a joke as they both learned on the job. Obama had it worse because of how little experience he had. I do often wonder if he would have been a lot better had he spent a term or two representing his state. He was in a pure theory/academia mode with little real world experience his first couple of years trying to run the country.
You guys nailed it. Like a bunch of teenagers playing an adult game & not an 18 year old adult one with 30 years of experience under their belt.

This lack of experience rots us from the inside out yet many seem more enamored with how gloriously our elected officials can describe the **** sandwich they’re feeding us instead of the **** that’s in the sandwich.