Bud Foster comments on GT Blocking


Helluva Engineer
Chop blocks happen on rare occasion in our offense and when the do, it's completely by accident. This is something the Hokie fans do not understand. It happens to other teams, too, btw. It happens when an interior DL engages one of our OL's when he's trying to get to a LB. If our OL is making no attempt to block the DL, the ref should not throw the flag, period, even if the DL is cut by another one of our OL's.
"It's all the same"????????????????? Seriously????????????? I wish a couple of linemen would chop block Foster and 'splain to him the difference!

Foster and Beamer know the difference and are just embarking on a smear campaign. They are in the group that are the absolute worst for college football. Lying, cheating rat bastards. At the end of day
we will still be Georgia Tech and they will still be duplicitous pencil neck hillbillies.


Helluva Engineer
These comments from Foster just throw fuel on my fire of wanting to beat VT. I'll gladly take a 1 point victory on Saturday, but I'd really prefer to donkey kick them right in the teeth, score 40+ points on Bud Foster's defense and blow them out of Lane Stadium.

Wrecking Ball

Ramblin' Wreck
Foster and Beamer know the difference and are just embarking on a smear campaign. They are in the group that are the absolute worst for college football. Lying, cheating rat bastards. At the end of day
we will still be Georgia Tech and they will still be duplicitous pencil neck hillbillies.

Pencil neck? Have you SEEN Beamer?


Helluva Manager
Staff member
Marietta, GA
Yeah Beamer's neck issue is due to a skin graft needed because of burns when he was a kid. Folks that know that usually don't make a point of making jokes about "turkey neck". It's not like he weight 400lbs and lost a lot of weight to cause it.

Anyway, they'll pump up the chop block BS hoping that the refs will call it even when not justified.
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Jolly Good Fellow
It's pretty genius really. What better way to keep your players motivated for the game every year than to make them believe that your opponent is trying to permanently injure you? Never mind that no one has produced any evidence (statistical or otherwise) of this, but players and fans will buy this in droves to go after the "evil team". I'm sure the same thing is going on at other schools. Beamer and Foster are just more vocal.

Foster knows good and well the difference between a chop block and a cut block. He also knows what will motivate his players to keep practicing.

An emotional narrative needs no evidence.


Helluva Engineer
First chop block penalty? It was the ONLY chop block penalty
What I liked today is that one team did get called for a chop block. The Turkies. Poetic justice, that.
furthermore our player that was chop blocked (PJ Davis) answered with a pick 6 on the very next play. Poetic justice indeed!