An idea to think about


Helluva Engineer
Retired Staff
Oriental, NC
Gailey had lost most of us by the end of 2007. I never booed the team, but it was dreary toward the end of that season. Mostly I just felt very sad for what we had lost in pride and unity. I wonder if PJ is also starting feel some of the same discontent.


Helluva Engineer
My vibe is that this year will be similar to 2007. There's been apathy to this point, but the final straw for a lot of people was the way we lost to Georgia. Unless we win 9 next year, expect booing towards the end of the year.


Ramblin' Wreck
I know a guy that played under CPJ at Navy, and one that played for him at Southern. Both really liked playing for him and became Tech fans the day he was hired. They both said Johnson is a great guy off the field and would do anything for a player, but on the field he's tough to please. Which is how it should be. And how I remember my football coaches in HS being, who I still respect.


Ramblin' Wreck
Disagree is was better in 2007...we had fans booing during the game and as the team went to halftime.

That happened last year during the Virginia Tech game, too.

And the "majority" of players don't hate CPJ. Most of them like him a lot.

I've made it clear that I'm not a huge fan of CPJ's offense, but the guy absolutely does care about his players and that is clear and evident to them. Accordingly, I would say 95% of them really like the guy. Most of the 5% are guys who aren't playing and think they should be...which pretty much happens on every football team.


Jolly Good Fellow
Don't care if they like him. Do they respect him and believe in his system is what matters. Myself and most if my college teammates did not like our coach, but we still believed in what he was doing and stayed unified. Not so sure that our players wouldn't want to play in a different system. I saw a kid the other that that I used to coach who is an O Lineman at Georgia Southern. He said he liked the previous staff, but likes the new offense way better.


Helluva Engineer
Even if I were to want to fire PJ (which I am against atm) the basketball team needs a new coach way more than the football team does!


Ramblin' Wreck
PJ is a very down to earth, likable guy outside of dealing with the media. He has a "iffy" relationship with the media because he isn't the best with criticism. His perception from all of us and others who don't know him personally believe the way he is with interviews and post game videos is how he is all the time. Every time I've seen a recruit talk about meeting with him said he is very easy to talk to and funny. As others have said I'm sure there is a small group of players who he isn't their favorite from lack of playing time, being in the doghouse, got chewed out, etc. But majority like him and seem to like hanging out with him.


Helluva Engineer
There is simply no relationship at all between "liking" a coach and success on the field. See The Great Satan over in the Heart of Darkness (or, as I sometimes refer to it these days, Carcosa). Some coaches are great with players and win (Dodd, Clark Shaughnessy); some are absolute <stuff that comes out of your body during defecation> and win (Bryant, the aforementioned Coach at Carcosa).

I've said more then once that Coach is the best coach we could have hired to a) find players who can get into Tech and stick and b) win with them. This is the actual situation: we need someone who can win with the athletes we can get into Tech. He can, regularly. Anybody else will find it difficult, even if they are pretty good with the Xs and Os (see Chan Gailey). We'll see what happens next year and go on from there, but I get the feeling that the AD and the Hill aren't going to fire Coach due to some kind of discontent among players. Shoot, if that was the criteria, we would have fired Bobby Ross in 1988.


Helluva Engineer
If we get rid of CPJ it would be an idea to hire back Frigein as OC and keep Ted Roof as HC. I think this is a possible idea if we can CPJ this season. Roof would have been there 2 years. The alums like him, players love to play for him. Players don't have the same love for CPJ at all.

Ralph, IMO, would no longer be a good addition for an on the field coach. For various reasons.

If alums like Roof, and the players love to play for him means nothing.

Coaches are not paid Millions of $ / year to be loved.

This is a very similar sounding road traveled by GT way to many times in the past 50 years that has hurt us almost beyond repair. Does not mean Roof could not do it, but NO proof so far.


Helluva Engineer
I think we need an entire forum dedicated to "fire the coach/keep the coach" debates. Or we could just have one thread that we recycle over and over because nothing new is ever added.... ever.

The only addition I have to this discussion is this: And we call the new generation "entitled." LOL.


Ramblin' Wreck
My football coach was a starting WR for him at Georgia southern and has two rings. He couldnt say enough good things about Paul and often referenced him him in his speeches even though I was the only non-uga fan on the team. Unless he has dramatically changed I can't imagine most of his players not liking him
Augusta, GA
PJ is a very down to earth, likable guy outside of dealing with the media. He has a "iffy" relationship with the media because he isn't the best with criticism. His perception from all of us and others who don't know him personally believe the way he is with interviews and post game videos is how he is all the time. Every time I've seen a recruit talk about meeting with him said he is very easy to talk to and funny. As others have said I'm sure there is a small group of players who he isn't their favorite from lack of playing time, being in the doghouse, got chewed out, etc. But majority like him and seem to like hanging out with him.
Actually, I think the media people Johnson has the most problem with are the ones who ask stupid questions, and unfortunately there are quite a few of those.


Helluva Engineer
If CTR is made head coach I would love to see goose get the opportunity to coach the offense. We need some young energy instilled in the program. I doubt he'd come tho. But that's my hope.


Jolly Good Fellow
This is funny, the whole "Players don't like Johnson" thing in a thread about wanting to bring bring back Fridgen. Maybe others with more direct knowledge can chime in, but Fridgen was well and truly disliked by most players by the time he left.


Helluva Engineer
If CTR is made head coach I would love to see goose get the opportunity to coach the offense. We need some young energy instilled in the program. I doubt he'd come tho. But that's my hope.

I hope we don't need to change coaches. It is expensive and can be disruptive.

But after 7 years the paint on the wall will have dried. To me, 7 mediocre wins does not cut it.

If it came about, and it HAS to be a GT man ( which it does not), I am not sure Goose or G Spencer would not be the best first choice.

What a shame Cremins and Ross did not go to GT.


Helluva Engineer
Featured Member
FWIW, I have a lot of contact with the USNA. I have a good Marine buddy who has worked there for years in a high position and we have sent several kids there from my school, both athletes and otherwise. I don't think I have ever heard more overwhelmingly uniform positive feedback about a coach from all parties (families, players, fans, and faculty) than I have heard about CPJ from the USNA community. It had to rip his heart out to leave that place.

With that said, the culture at NAVY is a bit different too. We have to take that into account. The sense of entitlement isn't there at all. The kids who go there are pretty special in that regard. Bottom line: If you accept responsibility and generally expect to have to earn things, you will love CPJ. If you feel you are entitled and everything should come easy, then you may not like him. Fortunately for us, we probably have more of the good kind at our fine institution.

AE 87

Helluva Engineer
FWIW, I have a lot of contact with the USNA. I have a good Marine buddy who has worked there for years in a high position and we have sent several kids there from my school, both athletes and otherwise. I don't think I have ever heard more overwhelmingly uniform positive feedback about a coach from all parties (families, players, fans, and faculty) than I have heard about CPJ from the USNA community. It had to rip his heart out to leave that place.

With that said, the culture at NAVY is a bit different too. We have to take that into account. The sense of entitlement isn't there at all. The kids who go there are pretty special in that regard. Bottom line: If you accept responsibility and generally expect to have to earn things, you will love CPJ. If you feel you are entitled and everything should come easy, then you may not like him. Fortunately for us, we probably have more of the good kind at our fine institution.

That last paragraph may apply to fans as well as players, imo.
I've been meaning to ask this question. CPJ was liked by quite a few USNA players I know, some think he's the greatest ever. Did he get hit in the head somewhere between Annapolis and Atlanta and all if a sudden become this coach that's widely despised by his players? I don't know any GT players personally so I only have 1 side of the picture. I've never met a Midn player that didn't have overwhelmingly positive things to say. When I mention I'm a GT grad they just start talking.

I have no idea how the Tech players feel about him, but I think they like him. Remember, though, at the USNA he turned things completely around and ushered in a new era of success. And beat Army six times straight. Beat Georgia six straight and then take a poll.