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  1. PBR549

    Les Miles Met w/ Ted Roof in January

    So you're saying you can pick a staff better than Coach Johnson? Are you a head coach at a major football power somewhere?
  2. PBR549


    I don't want anyone to take my earlier comment as a personal criticism of Jeune. I can appreciate him getting the award and I'm definitely not saying he doesn't deserve it. My comment was not about effort but about scheme in general. I would never belittle a player's efforts who is out there...
  3. PBR549


    The whole idea is to be able to defeat one on one coverage. If that happens enough the D has to commit another defender in the form of a flat defender or a safety over the top to stop that receiver. When that happens we have to make fewer blocks in the running game and also in pass protection...
  4. PBR549

    Looking for Answers in 2015

    You can't fix not having a deep threat without having wide outs with speed. I hope between the RS freshmen, incoming freshmen and the three we had this year we will be able to make some headway next season. We knew it would be an issue coming in to the year but there is no quick fix. Someone...
  5. PBR549

    Looking for Answers in 2015

    I don't see anything wrong with our technique or scheme or really OL personnel. The problem is when a defense can man cover our wide outs and completely shut down our passing game. It makes everything, protection and the running game almost impossible. I hope we can make advances on that issue...
  6. PBR549

    Looking for Answers in 2015

    So the same people who wanted Gailey fired want Johnson fired. It is what it is. We lost this year for two reasons. The injuries were unbelievable and we lacked a deep threat on offense. The staff has recruited well the last two years and hopefully it will show up in the depth and speed area...
  7. PBR549

    Ted Roof

    We need to stay the course. In my experience changes compound the situation at Tech. As I've said many times we're not a factory. We are a special situation that takes special people as coaches and players. Ted is one of those people. A true Tech man. At this point we need to stay true to our...
  8. PBR549

    Gotsis targeting

    This is happening all over college football. They will have to change the rule in some way to allow for a tackle like Gotsis put on him at some point. Nothing wrong with that hit.
  9. PBR549

    They Have Figured Out Paul Johnson's Offense

    With that many in the box it's difficult to know who is fitting where and who to block. That's why CPJ keeps saying not to think so much just play. Still it's difficult to make that many blocks on every play. It did happen last year there was just more room to run in the box. We have to be able...
  10. PBR549

    They Have Figured Out Paul Johnson's Offense

    Coach Welsh is exactly right. Here's the deal, the good coaches know what every other coach knows. Rarely does a coordinator not understand the scheme he's playing against. However coaches must coach the players so that they can stop the scheme. Player's must make the plays. Our scheme of...
  11. PBR549

    They Have Figured Out Paul Johnson's Offense

    You are absolutely right about having a better passing attack but we have gotten behind the eight ball a little bit. Teams are giving us one on one coverage which is exactly what you want but so far ND and Duke have been able to shut us down. Loosing Summers and Searcy is a huge factor in that...
  12. PBR549

    Film Study Film Study - Offense vs Duke

    It has everything to do with it. We had receivers last year that other teams feared deep in one on one coverage. We are loosing the numbers game at the los. Yes we are missing blocks and we missed blocks last year. The difference is we had that third down bail out receiver. Defenses had to have...