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  1. PBR549

    REDDIT: Comprehensive Breakdown of CPJ's Offense

    It's where the TE and tackle block down and the guard pulls and either kicks out the DE or wraps depending on If the DE squeezes or not. Tech uses a tackle over instead of a TE. Against MSU in the orange Bowl alot of times our guards were wrapping and we were blowing them off the ball. When they...
  2. PBR549

    REDDIT: Comprehensive Breakdown of CPJ's Offense

    I would say this is an outside veer. It may be a predetermined give due to alignment but it is definitely outside veer blocking. On the belly dive the QB reverse pivots and it is zone blocked or a G scheme. In this game we wore them out in the second half with the G scheme belly dive.
  3. PBR549

    REDDIT: Comprehensive Breakdown of CPJ's Offense

    Yep that's the outside veer.
  4. PBR549

    #74 Georgia Tech 2016 Preview via Orlando Sentinel

    There's a revelation.
  5. PBR549

    Bobinski's New Strategic Plan

    I don't have a lot of faith in these types of endeavors. They, in my experience, rarely have any real impact. They may impact the minor sports in a positive way but no real impact on Football. It looks good on a resume. I hope I'm wrong.
  6. PBR549

    SB Nation: Comprehensive GT Preview and 2015 Review

    So that's what you took out of that article? Did Roof steal your girlfriend?
  7. PBR549

    Brandon Gaudin is leaving

    Sorry to hear that. Good luck Brandon.
  8. PBR549

    Pelton hopeful for Francis Kallon to ‘put it all together’

    Guys click at different times. Some never click. It still remains to be seen.
  9. PBR549

    Tech assistant coach Mike Pelton’s recruiting strategy

    Lord have mercy we agree. It has to start at the top though. As far as being MIT during the week and Alabama on Saturday that's our whole problem. We love it when we win 11 but win 3 and it's fire the coaches. We either have to learn to embrace the situation or we have to change to a more...
  10. PBR549

    Tech assistant coach Mike Pelton’s recruiting strategy

    It is what it is and our staff is doing as well as anybody could with the limitations. That's why I say consistency of staff and a scheme that allows us to take lesser athletes are the most important factors for us. We have some great recruiters in Roof and McCollum who completely understand the...
  11. PBR549

    The dynamics of recruiting, a historical perspective

    I don't believe how CPJ handles the media has anything to do with our difficulty recruiting. Like I said the powers that be are not interested in being a factory and from what I read neither or most Tech fans, good or bad. Therefore it is what it is.
  12. PBR549

    The dynamics of recruiting, a historical perspective

    Bottom line, the direction has to come from the top and the powers that be do not think winning football games is that important.
  13. PBR549

    Kelly Quinlan on Chuck Oliver Show

    One coach was fired and the other left for an easier place to recruit. Nobody has been consistent and it's become more difficult.
  14. PBR549

    Kelly Quinlan on Chuck Oliver Show

    Then why did we fire the other guy who could recruit. I'll tell you why, because guys like you think they know more than the coaches. You have it all figured out although you've never been in a position where your plan was what counted sink or swim. You haven't had the responsibility that goes...
  15. PBR549

    Will BC be ready for Tech ?

    They did have an extra guy because we had no receiver who could remotely challenge them deep. I'm looking for that to change this year with more experience hopefully.
  16. PBR549

    Kelly Quinlan on Chuck Oliver Show

    Yet WE won 11 games a couple of years ago?
  17. PBR549

    It's our turn Georgia

    It's a shame the USA is scraping the bottom of the barrel in both parties but both parties have put us here. I blame NAFTA as the main reason for the decline in this country and it came out of the greed of both parties. If Trump who is essentially a third party candidate can bring back industry...
  18. PBR549

    It's our turn Georgia

    * Second in the Republican party
  19. PBR549

    Spring game 2016

    33 has an agenda. He doesn't like our coaches and would prefer to change them. That is the absolute worst thing we could do. Consistency of staff and a scheme that allows us to compete with less talent gives us a chance. I'm not sure why he is so adamant especially about Ted Roof and Sewak but...
  20. PBR549

    Offensive Guards

    The coaching is good, the scheme is fine. The question is can we get/stay healthy and do we have enough experienced good linemen to get the job done. Also can we improve at receiver.